I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 845: Enter Tiandao College

This mysterious power exploded from Mo Tianming's body in an instant.

The kung fu immediately disappeared.

Gives an unreal illusion.

But the figure of Xingyuan Emperor really flew out.

You should know that the ghost image left by the Xingyuan Emperor here is only unprecedented, but he was invincible in the Tiandao Academy at that time.

How easy would it be to lose.

"You," Emperor Xingyuan gave Mo Tianming a surprised look, then pondered a little.

"I won," Mo Tianming asked.

"Good, good," Emperor Xingyuan chuckled lightly.

"I'm waiting for you in the sky."

Emperor Xingyuan could say this sentence, enough to see how much he liked Mo Tianming.

"Would you like to take a break and fight with me again," Xu Zimo stepped forward and asked calmly.

"No, I didn't consume much," Emperor Xingyuan waved his hand.

The starlight riot in his right hand looked at Xu Zimo without any contempt.

Being able to come to this tenth floor is enough to show his strength.

The starlight surged in the fist, a punch, the world changed color, the stars surging, and the void collapsed.

Xu Zimo grinned slightly.

If the opponent is the phantom of the Emperor Cheng, he can beat him. This phantom of the god's veins, he firmly believes that he is invincible.


The oncoming star fist was caught in his hand directly by him.

The right palm of Xu Zimo's fist was pulled directly back, and the figure of Xingyuan Emperor also turned forward.

Immediately after the "bang", Xu Zimo kicked the opponent directly and flew out.

Although Xingyuan Emperor blocked his arms with his arms folded, he still kicked him out.

"How? Do you want to fight again?" Xu Zimo chuckled.

The spirit of the whole body rolled down and turned into a majestic river, suppressing the entire starry sky.

Two people have already known each other's reality.

"Another trick, if you win, you will pass," Emperor Xingyuan said solemnly.

The next Mo Tianming was watching carefully.

Emperor Xingyuan appeared behind his back, and the stars were dazzling in the sky, turning into endless starlight behind him and condensing into a personal virtual image.

"This is a constellation?" Mo Tianming said in surprise.

There are a total of 28 stars in each of these constellations, each of which is strangely shaped, and the power of different constellations is condensing.

"Astral Blade," only heard the Emperor Xingyuan softly.

The power of those stars condenses into a curved curved blade, tearing layers of void, and killing Xu Zimo directly.

Xu Zimo raised his head, and the rich demon qi condensed in his palm.

He reached out directly towards the star blade.

With a "boom", the surrounding void layers exploded, under the shocking gaze of Xingyuan Emperor.

A pair of big hands shuttled from the void to grab the star blade directly.

Divided into two, the stars in the sky are directly destroyed in the palm.

The figure of Xingyuan Emperor fell back.

After several steps backwards, he stopped his figure.

Mo Tianming next to him was stunned and took a deep breath.

"Did it pass?" Xu Zimo asked.

"It's really all about looking forward to it, counting the flamboyant characters, and looking at the present!" Emperor Xingyuan laughed.

"If you are in an era with you, it will be very exciting."


Outside the Heavenly Tower, along with the tenth floor, a purple light flashed.

"Boom" two bells came from the direction of the top of the tower.

The crowd in a moment of discussion exploded in an instant.

Because everyone in Heaven City knows what it means to ring the bell twice.

Two people passed the tenth floor of Tiandao Tower.

When Xu Zimo and Mo Tianming walked down, everyone's eyes looked over.

Three people greeted us directly.

In the middle is a gray-haired old man wearing a white robe.

On the left is a slightly burly man.

On the right, a woman with long hair fluttering about to hang a long sword.

"Introduce yourself, I am Li Changhe, deputy dean of Tiandao College," the old man said with a smile.

"Vice dean," Xu Zimo also nodded in greeting.

"You two passed the tenth floor of Tiandao Tower. According to the rules, you can skip the second round of assessment.

Those who entered Tiandao College directly," Li Changhe laughed.

Xu Zimo looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Vice dean, do you mean that our assessment is over?" Mo Tianming asked.

"Yes, so, you follow me. After everyone's assessment is over today, I will arrange the two of you separately," Li Changhe nodded.

Xu Zimo looked up at the sky, and the dusk on the horizon almost rendered half of the sky.

The sunset is about to fall.

Today's assessment of Taoist College is estimated to be over soon.

Xu Zimo and Li Changhe followed behind, ignoring the opinions and comments of those around them.

The people of Tiandao College moved to the seat and let Xu Zimo sit next to Li Changhe.

The assessment of the Tiandao Tower continues.

Li Changhe looked at them and asked with a smile: "Where did you both come from?"

"Anonymous repair one," Mo Tianming replied with a smile.

"I am from Zhenwu Shengzong," Xu Zimo said.

He did not hide it, because according to the influence of Tiandao College, if he wanted to check, his identity could not be concealed at all.

"Zhenwu Shengzong," the white-haired old man frowned slightly, but nodded.

Until the evening, the enrollment of the Taoist College was finally over.

With the gradually spreading crowd, the only person who can really pass the tenth floor on this day is Xu Zimo and Mo Tianming.

"Menghe," Li Changhe shouted to the side.

I saw a woman wearing a green lotus skirt swaying her posture and slowly walked over.

The woman looks pure, with long, dark hair.

Bright eyes and fair skin.

"Teacher," Li Menghe, the green skirt girl, stepped forward and greeted her.

"You take them to Loulan Bieyuan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Li Changhe pointed at Xu Zimo and ordered them.

"Yes," Li Menghe nodded.

Immediately, the white-haired old man Li Changhe turned around and looked at Xu Zimo and smiled.

"You have a rest in Loulan College tonight, I will discuss with several other teachers.

Tomorrow you will be assigned the right teacher. "

Xu Zimo nodded, but did not object.

He came here to get the Nine Songs of Divine Fire, but he didn't care about other things.

Everyone's head was broken, and the Tiandao Academy who wanted to come in was not too important to him.

"The two of you come with me," Li Menghe said to Xu Zimo.

Then he took the lead to walk into the Tiandao College.

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