I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 853: Qinglong Prince Ao Nan

"Who do you like?" Just as Xu Zimo watched the two fighting with interest, a soft voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Xu Zimo froze for a moment and quickly turned to look.

I saw a woman Shi Shiran sitting next to him.

The woman was spotless in a white long dress.

The temperament of the whole person is like a fairy, pure and holy.

There is no beauty in the past, and the beautiful eyes are beautiful.

Gu Zizi's face and tall nose bridge are similar to those of the women in the Western Regions, with thin lips painted in light red.

It's just that those eyes are flat like water, making people see nothing.

There was a faint ring in the white skirt woman.

Similar to plum blossom, Gufang appreciates himself.

The long skirt fell on the ground, spreading out like a lotus.

Her skin was fair, and at first glance it was of the kind that could blow off.

"Why don't you speak?" The woman asked Xu Zimo with a smile.

"We know?" Xu Zimo asked doubtfully.

"I know you, you may not know me," the woman shook her head and said.

"Crossing the tenth floor of the Heavenly Tower, I think many people in the college should want to know you."

"Not interested," Xu Zimo waved his hand and said calmly.

"You haven't answered my question yet," the woman tilted her head and sat next to Xu Zimo.

Put your arms on your legs, prop your head up, and respond dissatisfiedly.

"I'm optimistic about Ren Pingsheng," Xu Zimo calmly replied.

"Why?" The woman in a white dress continued to ask.

"What Ren Pingsheng practiced was the inheritance method of the Emperor Swallow, which was very strong.

That Wang Lang should not be a disciple of Emperor Xianmen, so it is worse to practice. "

Xu Zimo said: "And the two people have different backgrounds, Ren Pingsheng obviously needs to be a little deeper."

"I heard that you belonged to Zhenwu Shengzong," the white skirt woman said.

"You have too many questions," Xu Zimo said lightly.

The two never knew each other, and he really didn't want to talk too much.

"I'm just curious," the white dress woman looked very wronged.

His eyes turned a little hazy.

Poorly looked at Xu Zimo, "Don't you like me?"

"Seduced?" Xu Zimo frowned at each other.

This woman's performance made him very strange. He felt that this woman should be very cold.

Not only looks, this temperament on the body should be close to strangers.

"Just tell me, answer me a few questions," the woman took Xu Zimo's arm and shook it gently.

Like being coquettish.

"Crazy," Xu Zimo mumbled, and got up and left.

Looking at the back of Xu Zimo leaving, the woman in white skirt was half shocked.

Only then did he chuck himself.

"It's difficult to understand the customs."


On the competition platform, Ren Pingsheng held a swallowing axe, as if the real emperor had come.

The power of engulfing surrounds the whole body.

A stronger force than one is killed.

That Wang Lang could only defend passively, his whole body was already bloody.

The real ghost shark behind him is also struggling angrily.

"Booming" explosion sounded on the competition platform.

Biwutai is made of the crystal of Heavenly Dao, even the attack of the strong immortals can withstand.

As the emperor's real weapon, Diwei was still echoing among the swallowing axe.

And it has experienced the tempering of destiny, and it has advantages over many weapons.

There was another explosion, and Wang Lang couldn't dodge. The huge axe that swallowed the sun axe fell several tens of centimeters away from his head.

He could even feel the pressure from the giant axe and the suffocation of death.

Wang Lang, who was still struggling, finally couldn't help but shouted directly to the audience: "Prince, save me."

People all know that he is asking Qinglong Prince for help, and they are curious about how Qinglong Prince will react.


"Ao Nan, try not to worry about this matter," someone reminded.

The battle of life and death, signing the state of life and death, this matter is difficult and troublesome.

It is different from the ordinary competition.

Prince Qinglong's real name is Ao Nan.

His face was ugly, his eyes pondering gains and losses.

If it does, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

But if it doesn't matter, everyone else knows that this Wang Lang is selling his own life.

If you abandon it rashly, what do you think others will think about it? Who dares to sell his life for himself.

"Enough is enough," watching the swallowing axe had forced Wang Lang to the corner, retreating inexorably, and a sudden burst of sound rang from the side.

In this rumbling, there was a faint voice from Long Yin.

This also made Ren Pingsheng's head tremble for a moment, and the movement in his hand slowed down, Wang Lang risked to escape the disaster.

"Prince Qinglong shot," someone said with interest.

"There is a good show now."

Ren Pingsheng and Wang Lang both belonged to the unnamed generation in the college, and their fight was actually meaningless.

But if the son of the imperial ruler Xianmen was pulled down into the muddy water, this is what many people would like to see.

This is interesting.

"So far," Prince Ao Nan of Qinglong looked at Ren Pingsheng and said lightly.

"You broke the competition rules," Ren Pingsheng raised his head, staring at Ao Nan without any fear, and said lightly.

The life-and-death fight of the two people is not allowed to intervene without the consent of the two.

This is the rule of the college.

Violation will be punished according to the consequences.

In Tiandao College, everything is equal, even the emperor Xianmen's son cannot escape punishment.

Of course, this so-called equality is only as equal as possible.

Just like no matter how it changes, people have three, six, nine, etc., true equality does not exist.

It does not exist in reality nor in theory.

"I said that, so far," Ao Nan did not answer the question directly, but continued with a fierce glance.

Ren Pingsheng frowned slightly.

This matter Ao Nan did violate the rules, but the punishment of the college would not be too heavy.

Because he was not injured, the punishment is based on the conclusion of the matter.

"Why? You are not convinced?" Ao Nan said lightly.

"Either I compare with you, you have the ability to fight me.

Life and death fight, endlessly. "

When it comes to the four words of never ending, his tone is full of murderousness.

In the murderous intention, anyone reading UUan www.uukanshu.com can feel it.

"For life, don't agree to his challenge," at this moment, only listening to a female voice from a distance.

A woman with a bright face in a purple jacket ran over anxiously.

The woman's face was pale and she seemed to be recovering from a serious illness.

With long hair, tied behind a purple ribbon, is a braided ponytail.

Her eyes were full of worries.

Seeing the woman appearing, everyone watching the battle was also full of excitement.

"It's her."

"Yes, Prince Qinglong and Ren Pingsheng are arguing with her."

"This is interesting, but the woman also looks very ordinary."

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