I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 854: What dignity does the weak want

"You don't get it. I like this kind of thing, sometimes it's not just looking at things.

I have a deep experience," someone beside him laughed.

Everyone watched the woman talking.

"Life, you come down, let's go," the woman shouted.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you here," Ren Pingsheng's face changed slightly.

Quickly said: "Why don't you run out when you are not resting in the room?

Your body... "

"I won't come out again, when will you guys make trouble again," Shang Xiaoxiao replied.

"You follow me."

"I don't want to be patient anymore," Ren Pingsheng was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Ao Nan.

He said faintly: "I will fight you, but now, I fight him."

Holding a swallowing axe, he walked towards Wang Lang step by step.

"Prince Qinglong, save me, save me," Wang Lang stepped back step by step, yelling quickly.

Now he has no war intentions, just want to be able to leave here alive.

I also felt guilty for my own risk.

Prince Qinglong frowned slightly.

This battle of life and death cannot be stopped unless so many people stop.

Of course, I did not want to really stop it.

He just showed an attitude to those present, he tried his best.

But there are things that can't be done.

Wang Lang is still asking for help.

But Ren Pingsheng's whole body was astonishing, and the swallowing axe in his hand was constantly releasing the power of swallowing to suppress it.

"Let him go, we fight," Prince Qinglong said lightly.

"You didn't want me to disturb Shang Xiaoxiao.

It doesn't work if you kill him, I am the root cause. "

Hearing Prince Qinglong's words, Ren Pingsheng frowned slightly.

This sentence is true, it is useless to kill Wang Lang.

Because he is just a dog leg, the owner will never die, and there will never be less dog legs.

"If you're afraid, I advise you to quit early," Prince Qinglong continued.

"The person who is suitable for Xiaoxiao is me, lest you end up in a ruin."

"Ao Nan, what do you say, I'm not interested in you," Shang Xiaoxiao looked at Ao Nan coldly and said.

"I can cultivate feelings, I have time," Ao Nan laughed.

"My ancient dragon dynasty is an immortal gate of the emperor, two emperors.

What is your identity as Ren Renping, don't you know?

Why do you want to fight with me, even without the courage to fight me head-on? "

Hearing Prince Qinglong's words, some of the people watching the battle below did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, so they murmured.

The sound is not big or small, just enough for Ren Pingsheng to hear.

"Hiding behind a woman, I think it might be better to quit."

"That is, relying on a woman to protect, why fight against Prince Qinglong."

"Since the ending is destined to fail, it is better to give up earlier and to delay others less."

Ren Ping's angry face was pale, and the swallowing axe in his hand fell heavily.

A scream in the throat sounded, directly splitting the opponent in half with an axe.

He turned his head to look at Prince Qinglong.

Said faintly: "Get up."

"Are you going to fight me with life and death?" Prince Qinglong asked for a moment.

"Yes," Ren Ping replied indifferently.

"Life, what are you doing, you are not his opponent," Shang Xiaoxiao from the audience shouted anxiously.

"Xiaoxiao, this is my dignity," Ren Pingsheng turned around and said.

"I want to take back my dignity, even if I give my life for it."

"Ren Pingsheng, you bastard," Shang Xiaoxiao yelled in awkwardness.

"If you die, I will definitely not live alone."


Upon hearing the words of the two, Crown Prince Qinglong seemed a bit tasted.

Threw the life and death in the hand directly.

Said: "If you dare, sign it.

Otherwise, if you see me later, you will detour. "

Just as Ren Pingsheng was about to sign, a chuckle suddenly came from afar.

"I haven't seen you for a long time."

Hearing a familiar voice, Ren Pingsheng froze for a moment.

His pupil shrank suddenly, raising his head in disbelief.

In memory, the man's silhouette appeared in front of him again.

"You," Ren Pingsheng stared blankly at Xu Zimo.

I never thought that the two would meet in this way.

"Long time no see," Xu Zimo nodded with a smile.

"Son," Ren Pingsheng whispered.

He used to call Xu Zimo like this.

At first, he was determined to follow Xu Zimo, and he was inherited by his ancestors who swallowed Japan.

But later, the chances of the two meeting were less and less.

Xu Zimo grew so fast that he couldn't melt into the other's world.

In the end, he left the East Continent with the inheritance of his ancestor.

"Come down and talk," Xu Zimo waved.

Ren Pingsheng hesitated and glanced at Prince Qinglong.

"Son, please allow me to finish the battle with him. If I can survive, I will follow you."

"Compete for knowing that there is no way to win, forcing to compare, can only be stupid," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"This is my dignity," Ren Pingsheng quickly defended.

"What dignity does the weak need, and what qualifications are there to talk about dignity?"

Xu Zimo said: "Begging others, and Qiang Yan laughed, thank you.

What are you doing?

Live only for yourself? "

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Ren Pingsheng looked up at Shang Xiaoxiao.

At the moment, Shang Xiaoxiao stood on the spot, the tears in his eyes could not stop rolling down.

At this moment, he felt a tingling in his heart.

"Boy, you'd better not worry about anything, this is my grievance with him," Ao Nan looked at Xu Zimo, with a warning tone.

"If you don't sign, there should be an end, otherwise I will not let Xiao Xiao pass."

"You don't want to fight life and death, let me sign with you," Xu Zimo smiled.

Reaching for the life and death battle in Ren Pingsheng's hands.

"Boy, I am not interested in you," Ao Nan said lightly.

"Why, are you afraid?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"I'm afraid you don't know how you die," Ao Nan replied somberly.

Xu Zimo smiled and signed his name on it.

"Young Master," Ren Pingsheng looked at Xu Zimo with some hesitation and gratitude.

"Anyway, UU reading www.uukanshu.com you follow me," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

"I don't bother to listen to unnecessary words."

Looking at the figure of Xu Zimo walking up to the stage of the contest, the former woman in a white dress went back.

Sitting with interest watching the steps.

Everyone on stage also talked about it.

"Don't you think it's familiar, this guy seems to be one of the two who had previously climbed to the tenth floor of the Heavenly Tower."

Someone observed for a while, and said with some uncertainty.

"Yes, it looks like that, it shouldn't be wrong."

As more and more people recognized Xu Zimo, more people gathered in Wanwutai.

After all, the entire Tiandao College is very interested in the so-called two Tianjiao this year.

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