I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 873: Profit dictates

Latest website: The shadow of the knife turns into countless afterimages, which are almost hard to see with the naked eye.

The entire void was like tofu, cracking open in front of everyone.

The surrounding area of ​​Yu Chengkong was enveloped by the shadow of the sword.

But Yu Chengkong didn't look nervous, but stood proudly in place.

I saw the black wings behind him flicked slightly.

The entire void was easily frozen.

All the sword shadows, including Wang Yang, were all imprisoned in place.

"Compared with our Yu clan?" Yu Chengkong said with a light smile.

His voice fell, and everyone did not even see his movements.

Wang Yang's screams rang.

His body fell from the air, and a big hole of blood opened in his chest.

"Brother Wang," Shi Yuyan exclaimed.

"Save his life first," Lu Ze took out a pill from Na Jie and put it into Wang Yang's mouth.

At the entrance of this medicine pill, a cold air floated away instantly.

I saw Wang Yang's entire body was confined by the ice.

"Brother Wang Yang is okay," Shi Yuyan asked worriedly.

"I temporarily sealed him with Ice Heart Pill, and he won't die in a short time," Lu Ze shook his head and replied.

"I will save him later, it should be fine."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he stepped forward and looked up at Yu Chengkong.

"The reason why you killed the Feather tribe just now was because your tribe stopped us up the mountain.

It was they who made the mistake first," Lu Ze said lightly.

"I don't bother to care about this with you. If your Excellency is so proud, then I'll ask for some advice."

"I am willing to accompany you," Yu Chengkong smiled indifferently.

A strong aura erupted from Lu Ze's body.

This aura directly crushed the surrounding void.

Lu Ze was enveloped by immortal energy, and blood flowed all over his body, as if a real immortal had come to the world.

The figure is stalwart, not to look up.

Seeing this scene, Yu Chengkong's originally contemptuous eyes turned slightly.

He originally thought that these people were just some disciples of Xian Fanzong who wanted to show off.

Unexpectedly, there is still a powerful presence.


"You don't plan to go," Monk Dazhi looked at Xu Zimo and said with a smile.

"If someone wants to show off, we can't stop it," Xu Zimo shook his head slightly.

Lu Ze should take care of this kind of thing, because he can't fight for others Xian Fanzong.

The wind of "swish swish" followed in my ears.

I saw Lu Ze running wildly towards Yu Chengkong.

He was dressed in a purple robe, his sleeves were wide as if he could hold everything, and his right palm turned into a knife directly.

The space in front of him was completely annihilated under his palm.

With a "click", the void shattered, but Yu Chengkong turned into an afterimage and went around the blow directly.

The wings behind him were flapping, and the void was restrained again.

This is the advantage of their feather clan. After the wings reach a certain level, they can not only fly, but also have some other uses.

Imprisonment Void is one of them.

When Lu Ze's figure was imprisoned, Yu Chengkong stretched out his wings and bloomed completely.

All the feathers on his wings fell off, floating in the void, turning into a powerful arrow, and killing him directly towards Lu Ze.

"You Brother Lu Ze can do it," Shi Jian asked questioningly.

"You don't have to worry about it. Brother Lu, among the younger generation of our Xian Fanzong, can be ranked in the top three," Shi Yuyan said.

"Such a strong Tianjiao, will others help you for no reason?

Your identities are different," Shi Jian asked.

Hearing Shi Jian's words, Tan Qingqing next to him stepped forward and explained with a smile: "Junior Sister Yu Yan is a blessing.

Senior Brother Lu was obsessed with her, and everyone in Xian Fanzong didn't know, but Junior Sister Yu Yan still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and did not give any reply. "

Tan Qingqing's words are a little bit pungent, after all, a arrogant person like Lu Ze is also their favorite object.

It is natural to be uncomfortable.

"Sister Tan, don't talk nonsense. Brother Lu and I are just an ordinary brother-sister relationship," Shi Yuyan's expression was a little embarrassed, but she still replied directly.

"Ordinary brother-sister relationship, do you think Senior Brother Lu will get into the quagmire of your stone clan?" Tan Qingqing asked back.

Shi Yuyan was speechless for a while and did not answer.

Although they are indeed an ordinary relationship, they all know in their hearts that Lu Ze likes her.

"We Shizu thank you all for your generosity, but if some of you have other thoughts.

I don't think it is necessary anymore," Shi Jian said suddenly from the side.

"The saint of my race will never sacrifice herself for the sake of small profits. If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it."

Shi Jian’s meaning is actually very simple,

If others are really capable of saving their stone clan, then they are naturally willing to pay the price.

As long as the price is within the bottom line, it is acceptable.

But if you can't save the stone clan, you just come to fish in the muddy waters and pretend to be grateful.

In Shi Jian's view, unless Xian Fanzong came forward, they would still be saved.

However, if Lu Ze and others cannot represent Xian Fanzong, but only represent individuals, they will not be of any help to the current situation of the Shi Clan.

If this is still a plot against the saint of one's own race, then there is really no need.

"You don't need to worry about my business," Shi Yuyan retorted somewhat stubbornly when she heard Shi Jian's words.

"I'm afraid you will go to the doctor in a hurry," Shi Jian replied lightly.

"Why do you talk like that," Tan Qingqing next to him said with a cold snort.

"We are kind to help you, is it wrong? I think you shouldn't be here."

"If you are sincere to help us, we Shi Clan will naturally be regarded as guests, and you will be my benefactor to Shi Jian for a lifetime."

Shi Jian said seriously: "But if you are plotting against my saint, please forgive me for not welcome."

Hearing Shi Jian's words, Shi Yuyan on the side turned a little blush for some reason.

Xu Zimo couldn't help being a little funny seeing this scene.

The two of Shi Jian and Shi Yuyan choked at each other a moment ago, and they disliked each other.

But the next moment, he secretly cared about each other.

To say that there is no tricky, he himself does not believe it.

The Xianfanzong people on the side turned blue with anger. UU read www.uukanshu.com but could not refute them.

Brother Lu Ze came here for Shi Yuyan, hoping to embrace the beauty.

And they, naturally, came together to climb Lu Ze.

As for the life and death of the Stone Clan, what does it have to do with them?

This is also what Shi Jian dislikes. If you have the ability to save the Shi clan, you can still say what you are trying to do.

After all, interests are first in this world.

It's a bit too much if you don't have the ability, and you're still plotting wrong.

"Hey, do you like that Shi Yuyan?" Xu Zimo patted Shi Jian on the shoulder and laughed in a low voice.

Shi Jian's body froze immediately, and he hurriedly said in a panic: "What are you talking about, she, she is my lifetime competitor.

How can I like her. "

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