I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 874: Immortal Fan’s Ancient Art, 0 Wing Juechen

"Then you just heard that the surname Lu is interesting to Shi Yuyan, why is so hostile to others," Xu Zimo smiled.

"What are you talking about, I'm that kind of person," Shi Jian replied.

"All of them belong to the same race. I'm afraid she will be deceived, and eventually the people and wealth will be empty. Just a kind reminder."


On the sky at this moment, the battle between Yu Chengkong and Lu Ze has entered a white-hot stage.

When the countless wings turned into sharp arrows came, Li Ze moved.

The imprisoned space was torn apart, and with a wave of his sleeves, all those sharp arrow feathers were annihilated.

A soaring gun intention descended.

Breaking through the silent void, on the mighty sky, the mighty gun intent echoed.

The spear behind him came out of its sheath.

The tip of the gun pointed directly at the feather into the air.

"Kill," a low growl yelled from his throat.

Seeing that the spear came, Yu Chengkong's wings were brought together in an instant, wrapping the whole person.

The long spear ignited endless sparks and stalemate with the wings.

"The fairy caresses me, knots hair and receives longevity."

With Lu Ze's soft drink, he saw the immortal spirit enveloping him, immortal mighty.

The endless fairy aura arrived majestic, soaring into the sky.

The immortal energy contained in the spear was also aroused in an instant, directly shattering the wings.

The tip of the gun pierced Yu Chengkong's abdomen.

Yu Chengkong retreated to the rear and looked at Lu Ze solemnly.

The blood in his abdomen was flowing, he didn't care, this little injury was nothing.

The important thing is not how heavy the injury is, but the other side hurts himself.

Feeling this majestic celestial aura, Yu Chengkong chuckled, "It seems that the technique you practice is not easy."

"What nonsense, I will kill you here today, Lu Ze shouted.

The power of the whole body has become more vigorous.

"Then it depends on whether you have this ability," Yu Chengkong snorted coldly.

When his voice fell, he saw a pair of huge wings spread out behind his body.

This is not a real wing, but his real life, a phantom.

The wings are a hundred meters long, covering the sky above the head.

The dark breath corroded in the wings, and people could see the demons and evils at a glance.

Half of the sky at the moment was enveloped by this dark air.

"Qianyi Juechen," Yu Chengkong's dark aura turned into a long river.

"Heart of Darkness."

The wings were split apart, and the sky was again covered with dense wings.

But unlike just now, these wings have undergone tremendous changes.

Not only did darkness breed, but also all aspects of attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Lu Ze condensed his eyes slightly.

The same goes for his own destiny.

"Tai Xu is from the mortal dust, the immortal came from the west to open the gate of heaven."

Lu Ze at the moment felt weird.

It seems as if the fairy and the fan are separated, half as the fairy and half as the fan.

The body is divided into two parts, and the two forces of Xianfan can be perfectly balanced.

"This is the ancient technique of Xianfanheng," Monk Dazhi said in surprise underneath.

"You know?" Shi Jian asked with a frown.

"The secret technique created by Emperor Xianfan back then, no one knows," Monk Dazhi nodded.

"He perfectly separates the power of Xianfan.

According to the rumors, the Great Emperor Xianfan felt that the human body was like a treasure.

Whether it is the internal organs or the eight channels of the odd meridian, they are arranged in accordance with the five elements of Yin and Yang.

Men’s bodies have always been yang-heavy and yin-light, while women’s bodies are yin-heavy and yang-light.

He believes that only by balancing yin and yang to an average level can the body's strongest strength be maximized. "

"This theory is interesting," Xu Zimo smiled.

"So he created the ancient technique of Xianfan Heng, and called this state Xianfan Body," Monk Dazhi replied.

Everyone looked up, and Lu Ze felt weird at this moment.

When those thousands of wings were killed with Yu Chengkong's anger.

The dark breath swept the entire sky, and people with intensive phobias would not dare to look directly at it.

However, Lu Ze's face was very plain, neither happy nor sad.

With a wave of his hands, the spear erected on the side instantly pierced the sky and flew over.

He was holding a spear, and the air of Xianfan surged in his body.

"A shot," his body moved as he sounded.

The spear tip of the long spear exploded with a strong momentum, riding the wind and waves, blocking all the wings along the way.

With these frightening wings, no one can get close to him at this moment.

The spear had been killed in front of Yu Chengkong like a white horse passing a gap.

Struggling to hit his head hard.


In the sky above, the explosion sounded with "rumbling".

A mushroom cloud dispersed.

As if the sky was thundering.

"You're crazy, really play it," Yu Chengkong looked at Lu Ze in the mist of the explosion and roared.

"There are outsiders present, so I have to do a fake show," Lu Ze replied in a low voice.

"You are really going to kill me when you step on a horse," Yu Chengkong's face changed slightly.

"How come, but this time I am afraid I will wrong you," Lu Ze replied.

"Don't worry, when I hold the beauty back, I will tell my grandfather, let you enter the two worlds of our Xianfanzong."

"Deal," Yu Chengkong gritted his teeth slightly.

The pierced spear was hit head-on.

The tip of the gun passed through his chest, and the blood was drifting and stirring.

Until he stirs up his internal organs.

"Lu Ze, wait, I won't let you go."

Accompanied by Yu Chengkong's loud shout, he grabbed the body of the spear with both hands and used it to pull it out of his chest.

Immediately after seeing Lu Ze winking to himself, Yu Chengkong stepped on Lu Ze's abdomen.

With the help of inertia, the body flew upside down.

Behind him, a pair of wings spread out, and desperately fled towards the distance.

Lu Ze suffered a kick and fell from the sky.

"Senior Brother Lu, are you all right," Shi Yuyan rushed up and helped Lu Ze up.

"It's nothing, as long as it's Junior Yu Yan's business, it's mine.

Don't worry, I will do my best to help you Shi Clan," Lu Ze grabbed Shi Yuyan by his right hand. UU看书www.uukanshu.com

Said affectionately.

Then he sighed again, "It's just a pity, almost let that guy run away."

"Thank you Brother Lu," Shi Yuyan's expression was a little unnatural.

I wanted to withdraw my hand, but thought of the other party risking his life to fight Yu Chengkong.

I can't bear it again.

"It's not a pity," Xu Zimo smiled from the side.

He raised his head and looked into the distance. The feather became empty quickly, and it had turned into a black spot in his line of sight, gradually blurring the edge of the sky.

Xu Zimo slowly stretched out his right hand, a knife intent condensed in his palm.

"Leave it to me next."

With the sound of his chuckle, it fell.

The sword intent was directly thrown out.

The moment the sword intent went out, the sky was dim, and with a "boom", the sword intent turned into a stream of light.

Like the speed of light, it shattered all the void and caught up with the fleeing Yu Chengkong in a blink of an eye.

He severely chopped down from the top of his head.

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