I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 883: Yu clan war begins

Shi Shaosu could not understand Xu Zimo's words.

But he didn't ask much, just said, "Since Young Master Xu has already got the Supreme Hammer, do you plan to leave?"

"I have my own plan," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

Shi Shaosuo nodded, but didn't ask much.


At this time, in the territory of the Yu clan,

A group of high-ranking feather tribes sat in the hall, and the atmosphere was slightly solemn.

"Let's talk about it," Yu Feihuang's voice sounded after a long time.

His voice is a bit tired and deep.

Because Yu Shaoqing is the younger generation he values ​​most, it can be said that he is almost the heir of the next clan.

Now it's so dead, no matter what, it can't be justified.

Everyone underneath was silent for a while.

In the end, only one old man stood up and said: "I don't think we should fight one by one.

Simply flatten them. "

"The tactics are okay, the key is that the guy who appeared suddenly disrupted the game," Yu Feihuang shook his head and replied.

"Then who is sent to fight now?" the old man asked.

"Shaoqing is already one of the strongest combat powers in the clan today, and no one is sure to win against Shaoqing one-on-one.

But this time it was easily killed, who can be sure? "

"I agree with the second elder, there is no need to fight again.

Let's directly attack Shisheng Mountain and kill Shi Shaosuo. "

Someone below continued.

"We have successfully instigated the rebellion to extend the old age, and he will have his prestige by then.

I believe it is not difficult to control the stone clan. "

"Well, if you don't have any opinions, then attack the Stone Sacred Mountain," Yu Feihuang asked, looking around.

Everyone nodded.

"I'm going to invite the clan elder to make a quick fight and try not to appear outside," Yu Feihuang said.

As soon as his voice fell, the void in front of him suddenly fluctuated.

A figure walked out of the void.

This figure is an old man.

Wearing a golden robe with long hair, it is also a long golden hair.

In the eyes, there are faintly twinkling dragon patterns.

His face is full of gullies left by years.

"It turns out to be Elder Gu Zhiya," Emperor Yu Fei chuckles when he sees the incoming person.

This old man is the elder of the ancient dragon dynasty and the middleman between the two forces that have been in contact.

"I wonder if Elder Gu came to our Yu clan, is there anything wrong?"

"I heard that Yu Shaoqing was killed?" Gu Zhiya asked with a smile.

"If Elder Gu has anything, just say it straight. You don't have to be circumspect," the elder of the Yu clan asked indifferently.

To mention this is undoubtedly to sprinkle salt on their wounds.

"Don't get me wrong, everyone, I don't mean anything else," Gu Zhiya smiled.

"It's just that this attack on the Stone Clan counts as our Gulong Dynasty.

There is only one request, that Xu Zimo's item should be in the head. "

"Didn't you Gulong Dynasty always refuse to show up?" Yu Feihuang frowned and asked.

Although they have an alliance with the ancient dragon dynasty, they also dealt with the stone clan together.

But the ancient dragon dynasty mostly played secret roles and never showed up.

But this time, it changed the abnormality, which is really strange.

"I don't want to hide it from you. We are here specifically for Xu Zimo when we are attacking the Shi Clan."

Gu Zhiya said.

"We got news a few days ago that the contemporary saint son of our clan was beheaded by Xu Zimo at Tiandao Academy.

I said that, you should understand. "

Emperor Yu Fei thought a little, and then smiled: "Welcome to the Ancient Dragon Dynasty to join in, beheading tonight."


The light is fleeting, and the stars are dotted like chess pieces falling on the chessboard.

Monk Dazhi looked at Xu Zimo and asked, "When will you leave?"

"Alright," Xu Zimo smiled.

He sat in the pavilion in the Stone Heart Pavilion, slightly stretched out and leaned back on the stone chair.

Motionless, quietly feeling the breeze blowing oncoming.

"Brother Xu is really leisurely," Lu Ze said from the side.

But Xu Zimo ignored it.

Lu Ze's eyes condensed slightly, and the sharp light flashed by, and soon disappeared.

Xu Zimo is waiting for the appearance of the Yu clan.

No evidence is needed, just a subconscious answer, and the Yu clan will not let it go.

In these two days, there will be a decisive battle against the stone clan.

The night gradually became thicker.

Xu Zimo still didn't plan to meet in the room, and the whole person seemed to merge with the darkness.

Silently disappeared into the night.

"Bang bang bang", several rumbling explosions suddenly sounded like thunder, sounding from the ears of all the stone clan members.

Most people wake up after being bombed.

"What happened?" someone asked in surprise.

"It seems that someone is attacking Shisheng Mountain. Everyone quickly gather."

A panicked roar followed.

Many people gathered at the gate of the stone holy mountain.

"Come on," Xu Zimo's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he chuckled.

Around Shisheng Mountain, a dense crowd of tens of thousands of people surrounded from all directions.

There are countless black spots flying by in the sky, soaring upward.

"Shi Shaosuo, come out and die," a soft drink sounded in the sky.

With the attacks coming from all directions, the barrier on the surface of the stone sacred mountain was already in danger, and it would not last long.

"Suffer! Suffer! Suffer!"

The roars of countless feather tribesmen were connected together, deafening and resounding across the sky.

"Emperor Yu Fei, what do you want to do?" Shi Shaosuo followed a group of people, fluttering in white, his eyes uncertain.

"To attack your stone clan today, if you are acquainted, behave like a face.

It can avoid the disaster of genocide," Yu Feihuang said coldly.

"If I really want to resist desperately, then I can only see one kill one."

The "boom boom boom" sound continued.

Hearing only a faint "click" sound in my ears, the surrounding barrier still failed to hold up after all, and it was completely broken.

It's like a layer of glass.

"Brother Fei Huang, we haven't played against each other for a long time," Shi Shaosuo said softly.

"Today this old bone should move too."

"Okay, then as you wish," Yu Feihuang replied faintly, facing away.

Shi Shaosuo turned around and looked at the tribe behind him~www.ltnovel.com~ with a roaring voice, "Today is the moment of life and death for the race.

Are you willing to meet the enemy with me? "

"Wish," Shi Clan's side also yelled at the same time.

The sound came one after another, spread all over the mountain.

The people of the Yu clan and the stone clan are like two different torrents, fighting together.

The Yu clan was encircling and suppressing, but the Shi clan wanted to desperately torn a hole in this encirclement.

The two torrents were mixed together, and the war was about to start.

Emperor Yu Fei also stood alone with Shi Shaosuo.

The seven core elders of the Yu clan stepped into the air at the same time, and several pairs of eyes looked at each other at the same time.

"According to the previous tactics, first use the human sea tactics to kill the kid in the morning.

His threat is the greatest. "

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