I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Fight the 7 core elders

"The seven of us are fighting together, more than enough for him."

"Find him first, don't let that kid run away."

"Don't worry, I told Lu Ze to stop long ago and can't run away."

The seven people talked a lot, and then walked into the air.

They went to Shixin Pavilion from the beginning, and didn't make many detours.

"Lu Xiaozi," the third elder hurriedly yelled when he saw Lu Ze waiting at the door of Shixin Pavilion.

"Seven elders," Lu Ze greeted quickly.

"People are inside, and they have never left."

"That's good, this time I will trouble you," the elder said calmly.

"We owe you a favor for this matter, and we shall pay it back later."

Lu Ze nodded with a smile.

One can imagine the difficulty of making the seven core elders of the Yu clan owe him favor.

You must know that six of the seven elders are the pinnacles of the divine veins, and the great elders have already entered the immortal.

"If you really want them to pay back your favor, it's okay for you to go to **** and pay it back when they go to hell."

At this moment, a light laugh sounded from the side.

"Who, come out," the great elder said lightly, looking at the stone heart pavilion behind a rockery.

I saw Xu Zimo slowly walk out of it.

"Spiritual sense is not bad."

"It seems that someone is ready to die," the elder said lightly.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, you are much slower than I thought," Xu Zimo smiled.

The elder's eyes condensed, his eyes flickered, and he looked around.

I want to see if there are other ambushes.

Feeling his eyes falling on him, Lu Ze waved his hand and said: "Seven elders, I didn't say anything.

At this time, I said, isn't it an enemy of the Yu clan, you think I am so stupid. "

"That's right," the elder nodded slightly.

Looking at Xu Zimo, he scolded, "Pretending to be a pretense."

Xu Zimo shook his head slightly, and the next moment, the figure had disappeared in place and appeared in front of the great elder.

The palm of the wind came and patted it with the aura of endless stirring.

The two palms faced each other, and as a strong wind spread out in the center, the two figures actually retreated at the same time.

"Entering a fairy? It's interesting," Xu Zimo smiled.

"You Yu Clan are really willing."

"Everyone, be careful," the great elder reminded with solemn eyes.

Come to an end," the second elder said from the side.

I saw a quick seal in the hands of the seven, and a series of seals emerged from their hands.

Melted into the void.

Xu Zimo wanted to interrupt, but these people were very fast. They only knew to dodge and did not fight Xu Zimo head-on.

Finally, when all the formations have been gathered together.

Just listen to the great elder's soft drink, "Get up."

Immediately, the mighty Xianwei erupted from his body, and the entire sky was suppressed.

The seven elders stood in seven different positions, and everyone was surrounded by mighty power.

Not forever.

The coverage area of ​​this formation is very wide, enclosing the entire Stone Heart Pavilion.

Xu Zimo looked at this formation carefully.

It was found that this was just an amplification array, without any attribute bonuses.

The so-called booster array is the increase in attack, speed, and defense for all aspects of the caster.

"Kill," the seven elders whispered simultaneously.

The weapons in his hands were different, and they all went to Xu Zimo.

Except for the great elder who was so immortal, Xu Zimo didn't care about everyone else.

He is holding a Ba Ying, and responds very casually and indifferently.

Tyrant Ying cut through the silent void, fast, and after a few rounds, he pierced the seventh elder's chest with a single knife.

"Old Seven," the other elders shouted.

Just listen to the elder said: "This kid is a bit evil, don't have any reservations, just go all out."

The seven elders were pierced by a group and wanted to break free.

But Xu Zimo strangled his throat with one hand and killed him with one blow, **** up his head.

The other six elders are dead.

These have different lives, including tree monsters, flame lions, blue dragons, swords, swords...

In short, all kinds of weapons and monsters are their true fate.

Suddenly, the entire sky's spiritual energy changed, and the power became violent.

The endless power rolls down with the mighty torrent.

Xu Zimo was surrounded at the center point for a while.

"Boy, die," the third elder shouted sharply, the sharp sword in his hand running through the void.

The speed was blurred, leaving countless afterimages behind him.

Xu Zimo chuckled in his hands.

Li Xuan in his body was spinning frantically, and the figure of the sky-shaking giant gradually solidified behind him.

I saw the sky shaking giant slapped it with his right palm and directly shot the three elders flying out.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Is his fate? It doesn't look like it."

Before everyone could discuss it, the three elders were pinched by the sky-shaking giant.

Just like an ant, it was directly pinched and exploded, and the blood mist dispersed.

"Quickly, you are not the opponent of this guy," the elder yelled anxiously from the side.

He stood in the forefront, and he could still make a move or two with Xu Zimo, trying to cover the retreat of others.

However, the attack of the Sky Shaking Giant is fierce.

With one foot, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the sky can be broken with one punch.

With a few simple tricks, the elder shook his attack for covering others.

He was directly hit by vomiting blood and was seriously injured.

"Go and report to the patriarch, this person is not our enemy," the elder yelled.

But as soon as his words fell, his right leg was grabbed by the Sky Shaking Giant.

He fell wildly on the ground.

"Bang Bang Bang" explosion sounded.

Seeing that the other elders were about to flee, the sky-shaking giant threw the body of the elder directly away.

The corpse was like a missile, knocking all the other elders into flight.

"You, who are you?" the fourth elders got up from the ground with difficulty and asked.

"You can go to **** and ask, there are many people I killed, maybe they can answer your question," Xu Zimo smiled.

He raised the knife in his hand and was about to chop off the heads of these people one by one.

But when he just raised the Ba Ying, a stream of light suddenly struck from a distance.

Xu Zimo hurriedly turned sideways to resist ~www.ltnovel.com~ This streamer was so powerful that it struck Ba Ying, Xu Zimo's hands trembled slightly.

Backward three or four steps in a row.

He looked up and saw two people stepping into the air, coming like clouds and fog.

This is a man and an old man.

The old man is immortal, with white beard and white hair, and a white robe draped behind him.

There is also a pair of wings that are holy like angels.

The man is wearing a tight-fitting white robe, his eyes faintly domineering.

He carried two long swords behind his back.

Can't see his wings.

"It's so cruel and cruel at a young age," a magnificent voice fell.

"It seems that there are many murderers."

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