I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 885: Ride the wind

"It sounds like you are a philanthropist," Xu Zimo smiled.

Seeing the appearance of the old man and the middle-aged man, the elders of these feather tribes did not have to change dramatically.

The four elders hurriedly greeted: "The old ancestor of picking machine, old ancestor of the wind, why are you here?"

The white-robed old man is also the so-called ancestor of picking machines. He replied indifferently: "Zongmen attacked the stone clan, how could we not be there for such an important matter."

"Yes," the fourth elder nodded slightly.

"After so many years, I still haven't made any progress, you are really disappointed," said the ancestor Yu Chengfeng next to him.

"So many people hitting one, with the same realm, would be so embarrassed."

Hearing what his ancestor said, the fourth elder lowered his head slightly.

Suddenly a bit of speech was lost.

He did not dare to refute, after all, let alone escape now, even his life is a matter of life and death.

"Hey, I don't want to listen to you guys talking about family affairs here," Xu Zimo said impatiently.

"Since your Excellency is going to be an enemy of my Yu clan, then I will come to learn," said Cheng Feng ancestor next to him.

He stepped into the air, dressed in a white robe, and his demeanor, quite a bit of a muddle-headed man.

The two swords on his back also trembled slightly at this moment, and groaned softly.

It seems to want to play.

"Old ancestors be careful," several elders on the side quickly reminded.

"Take care of yourself," Chengfeng ancestor said lightly.

His whole body is majestic, and the majestic fairy qi gushes out from behind.

Like the Milky Way hanging upside down for three thousand miles, annihilating the volley of Kyushu.

The entire sky was shrouded by this mighty immortal might.

Obviously, his entering the fairyland is much better than the great elder.

At the very least, Immortal King, even Immortal Extreme is not impossible.

The two long swords behind him turned into streamers, and a cyan float floated all over the body of the ancestor.

The other purple one is in his hand.

With the two swords coming out, the boundless sword intent fell Xiao Xiao, with Ling Ran's solemn chill.

"Kill," Cheng Feng ancestor said softly.

Directly attacked Xu Zimo.

The Ba Ying in Xu Zimo's hands was not shy, and he fought with him with an astonishing sword intent.

The sword screamed, and the two collided in the sky.

Shattered a large piece of void.

"Ride the wind and break the waves," Yu Chengfeng said softly.

The two swords around his body seemed to have turned into huge waves, flooding the entire void.

Xu Zimo was also enveloped.

The turbulent waves above the head are rising from the top of the head.

When the waves were surging, I saw two sword lights split everything.

As if to cut endlessly to refine Guanghua, he directly flicked towards Xu Zimo left and right.

The speed of the two swords was as fast as the speed of light, and they shattered all the void when they came, as if they had gathered everything on one point.

"Bang Bang" two crisp sword chants collided.

I saw Xu Zimo holding one hand in one hand, and holding two swords in his palms with both hands.

Long Sword was struggling desperately, but Xu Zimo still ignored it.

He didn't let go even if the flesh of his palm was open and the blood flow continued.

Seeing Xu Zimo grabbing his two swords, the ancestor of Chengfeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Give it back to you," Xu Zimo chuckled lightly.

He picked up the double swords, made a big circle around 360 degrees, and then threw the double swords out.

The two long swords with amazing sword intent to kill the ancestor Chengfeng.

Countless streamers surging from the tip of the sword, streamers pierced everything, as if riding the wind and waves.

It is no longer possible for the ancestor of Chengfeng to dodge. He puts his palms together, and the lavender aura fills his palms.

Immediately, both palms were slowly opened, and a purple barrier appeared in front of him.

An explosion of "bang" exploded in front of him along with the two long swords that had been killed.

The purple barrier instantly shattered, and the figure of the ancestor of the wind flew out upside down.

The old ancestor of picking machine frowned slightly.

"Wind," he shouted toward the center of the explosion.

"No problem," the figure of the ancestor Chengfeng walked out of it.

He didn't seem to be seriously injured, but the white robe was a little messy.

The bun on the top of his head has also fallen, and the black hair is a little unkempt.

He looked at Xu Zimo solemnly.

Then he said: "Since ancient times, the hero has been born as a teenager. As expected, among the younger generation, you have proud capital."

"Are you okay?" The ancestor of picking machine asked from the side.

"Let's go together," Chengfeng ancestor turned his head and replied.

"What?" The ancestor of picking the machine was slightly stunned.

Their two ancestors were going to bully a junior, and it was a bit shameful to talk about it.

"He's not simple, I'm afraid I'm not an opponent," Cheng Feng's ancestor said in a few words briefly and concisely.

The old ancestor next to the machine is still a little dazed.

You have to know that Xu Zimo is no more than the Divine Vein Realm.

He is the extreme of immortality, and the ancestor of Chengfeng is the immortal king.

But Xu Zimo didn't give him much room for thinking.

Both the Tongtian Sanshengmen and the power of Shaking the sky were spinning crazily in his body.

The sky above the head was broken by three doors.

When the three doors of life, death, and eternal life were opened, endless brilliance fell from them.

The sky-shaking giant was bathed in brilliance, and roared to the sky.

Such a vision naturally shocked the stone sacred mountain, the two tribesmen of the entire war.

"What is that?" someone asked in surprise.

"I don't know, it seems to be the direction of the two ancestors."

"Everyone try to stay away, that's not something we can reach."

"Is there anyone in this stone clan who can compete with the two ancestors?" Someone asked questioningly.

There are not many real ancestors of the Stone Clan.

Although the reproduction time of their race is very long, but the life span is not long.

According to rumors, the ancestor of the stone clan was a different stone from heaven and earth.

They have no flesh and blood, and the reason why they can have consciousness and survival depends entirely on the stone essence in their bodies.

When the stone essences are exhausted, their life span will come to an end.

This different way of survival also makes the life span of the stone tribe generally short.

According to the information they received, the current stone clan had passed away a few years ago.

Now there is only one ancestor left, and when it comes to the dying years, he will not easily make a move.

It is estimated that no battle can be fought~www.ltnovel.com~ Shi Jing's time will not allow it.

This is why they dare to attack the stone clan so presumptuously.


At this moment, the sky above was completely filled with the mighty fairy energy of the two.

Both of them are really fateful.

The true fate of the ancestor of Chengfeng is one purple and one green two gases, which flow away from him.

And behind the ancestor of picking machine is a roulette.

The roulette is slowly spinning, as if it is closely related to everyone present.

It seemed as if there was an invisible thread connecting everyone present with the roulette wheel.

Invisible, intangible, but real.

Especially at the moment when this roulette appeared, everyone felt even stronger.

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