I’m Really a Villain

Vol 2 Chapter 886: The Book of Life and Death Revealed

Xu Zimo looked at the two and chuckled lightly.

"You use the wheel of fortune to involve him, I will kill him," Cheng Feng ancestor said lightly.

He held swords in both hands, without the slightest neglect.

The blue and purple gas behind him poured into the swords.

An astonishing sword intent burst out in an instant.

"The sword of sentiment stretches like the sea," Chengfeng ancestor said softly.

The green sword in his right hand swept across the silent sky and fell in front of Xu Zimo.

Ba Ying's move to reverse reincarnation instantly resisted.

Samsara is reversing, heaven and earth are divided into two colors, black and white yin and yang remain unchanged.

The swords collided, and the whole world around them collapsed centered on the two.

This ancestor of the trend has become too strong after integrating his true fate.

Even faintly suppressed Xu Zimo.

"The ruthless sword, the green silk is like hair," Cheng Feng ancestor said softly.

The void in front of him exploded again.

I saw the other purple sword also slowly turning, attacking and killing it.

Feeling reflects ruthlessness, and two different sword intents produce repulsion in the void.

But they are closely related to each other, blended and intertwined, exploding with amazing power.

A bit of cold light exploded in front of my eyes.

The huge palm of the sky-shaking giant quickly blocked it.

The brilliance of the double sword fell on the big palm.

Just hearing a "boom", the entire void shattered and shattered.

The big palm of the sky-shaking giant was completely blown through.

However, his other big palm also fell down immediately, slapped the ancestor of Chengfeng away.

"Piji, what are you doing?" Cheng Feng ancestor turned to look at the ancestor, and shouted.

"You will be involved in his fate."

"I know," the ancestor of picking machine replied in a deep voice.

At this moment, he frowned slightly, because his wheel of fate did not feel any breath of fate from Xu Zimo's body.

This is not right.

It was also the first time he encountered such a thing in his life.

It shouldn't be logically speaking, the wheel of fortune is the ultimate treasure, and he engraved it as his own life.

In this way, we can cross the long river of time and find the fate of everyone.

All sentient beings will have their destiny reflected in the long river of time.

In fact, a long time ago, Xu Zimo used Chaos Bead to cut off the river of fate.

Transferred his own destiny to the long river of fate of the Chinese mainland.

This long river of fate of Yuanyang Continent naturally couldn't find out himself.


The old ancestor of picking machine frowned slightly, but he still got the seal, and crossed his hands.

Endless power condenses from both hands.

I saw a vast "seal" mark emerging from his hands.

Behind him, the huge wheel of fortune was slowly spinning.

The sound of "creaking" gradually poured into my ears.

Fate is like a torrent, sweeping everything.

With prehistoric dust and ancient sighs, crushed.

"Quick," Cheng Feng ancestor stopped Xu Zimo in front, shouting.

On the wheel of fortune, a beam of light shone on Xu Zimo's body.

However, no vision occurred.

"I don't know why, the wheel of destiny is useless to him," said the ancestor of picking machine solemnly.

"It's useless?" Chengfeng ancestor frowned.

"how can that be."

However, Xu Zimo did not give him too much time to think.

The speed of the Ba Ying in his hand is getting faster and faster, and his power is getting bigger and bigger.

The ancestor of Chengfeng also felt a lot of pressure.

He has been completely suppressed.

The sky-shaking giant was bathed in the light of Tongtian Sanshengmen, and his palms fell again.

Covered a few miles of land.

On this stone sacred mountain, there was a small peak that was even directly obliterated under the palm.

The figure of the ancestor Chengfeng was also shot out.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the machine next to him couldn't care about using the wheel of fortune.

Hurriedly stepped forward to fight with Xu Zimo.

It's a pity that although he is an existence of Xianzhiji, his true fate is completely unusable.

In terms of combat effectiveness, there is not even a strong ancestor who is a fairy king.

"What should I do next?" Cheng Feng ancestor asked quickly.

"How could this stone sacred mountain exist like this?" The ancestor of picking machine was puzzled.

If there are such characters, how can they be afraid of them.

The two looked at each other and nodded at each other.

I saw the ancestor Chengfeng raised his arms high, his two swords pointed at the sky at the same time, combining the two into one.

Under the cold moonlight, the two long swords slowly blended into one.

Passionate and ruthless, two sword intents are also condensed in the entanglement.

"Kill," I saw the grand ancestor Cheng Feng's face, and he killed this sword very hard.

The ancestor of the machine slowly fluctuated his right palm, pinched the flower with a finger, and a seal was condensed in the palm of his hand.

His seal soared into the sky, covering the entire stone holy mountain underneath.

As the mark instantly magnified hundreds of times, it slowly rotated.

In this mark, billowing thunders began to fall, and all of them poured out towards Xu Zimo.

When all the attacks were at this moment, when the attack came, Xu Zimo smiled.

The gate of immortality in the three life gates of the sky opened wide, and it was immune to all damage in an instant.

Besides, apart from the old ancestors of the wind and the ancestor of picking machines, Xu Zimo discovered that there was a figure hidden in the void.

This figure took advantage of the two ancestors' attack demonstration, and even attacked him.

This is a dark yellow dragon.

The giant dragon soared into the sky, carrying a majestic dragon, and the dragon prison was like a sea, destroying all the void.

Xu Zimo only smiled slightly, watching the attacks of these people.

All the attacks exploded on his body.

But because of the gate of eternal life, he did not suffer any harm.

The space was shattered, and a strong wind spread.

When the dust settled, everyone looked up.

The attack is too strong, and they can't help but not pay attention.

Under the dust, Xu Zimo was intact.

He is holding a book in his hand and a brush in his other hand.

Black and white life and death are flowing in the book of life and death and the life and death pen.

"What is that?" Chengfeng Old Ancestor asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, I feel a terrifying aura." The ancestor of picking machine shook his head and replied.

The life and death pen slowly traversed the book of life and death, and Xu Zimo wrote the words Yuzu on the first page of the book.

The next moment, I saw the font burst out with endless brilliance.

The black and white are full of the font~www.ltnovel.com~ The font is out of the book of life and death, and even floats alone in the void.

The two characters began to evolve in the void.

Turned into a black hole that can swallow everything.

Suddenly, black and white chains spread out from the black hole.

This black and white chain has countless roots, and it binds all the feather clan people present.

"What is this?" A member of the Yu clan was shouting.

"My breath of life, I feel it is absorbing my breath of life."

Some tribesmen were even sucked into corpses in a blink of an eye.

"No, everyone quickly disperse," Cheng Feng ancestor saw this scene, hurriedly shouted.

At this moment, he himself was surrounded by countless chains.

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