Not long after, the **** Karl also pretended to be sleepy and walked out.

"Mr. Zhou, you haven't slept yet!"

The **** Karl walked to Zhou Qi's side and said with emotion, "Yes, in such an environment, I can't fall asleep."

Zhou Qi watched him act and didn't break it.

The two moved their chairs and sat at the door to chat.

During this period, Celestial Karl took the opportunity to test Zhou Qi's identity, but he was naturally blocked back. As for this delicate young man, Celestial Cal once questioned his age.

This kind of boy who looks about eighteen years old should not know so much knowledge.

I asked this question not long ago, and the answer I got was that genius is different.

Carl had a slot in his throat, and the most important thing was that Wu Tian and Tsurumi agreed very much!

"I wonder how Bick and the others are doing?"

Carl brought the topic back to the homework of Tu Village, and then said with emotion: "You don't have to ask Tsurumi little brother to find a werewolf. Tsurumi is very skilled and hostile to humanoids, and it's another massacre."

"It's not bad to leave this matter to Wu Tian to solve it. Wu Tian's heart is simple and kind, and the most important thing is to have a sense of righteousness."

As he spoke, Carl also discussed Wu Tian and Tsurumi's evaluation.

He was very fond of Wu Tian, ​​but Tsurumi had an impure mind, and even had a kind of ill will, which made him very unhappy.

And there's no need to treat this as homework, and it should be done in two directions?

Slaughtered the village, isn't this a humanoid mistake?

As a god, he is his subjects whether he is human or human, but if he does something wrong, he should be beaten. This is also common sense!

"We have to look at things from two sides. Why would a werewolf make a mistake like massacre the village when the two races are peaceful?"

Zhou Qi smiled meaningfully and turned his head to look into the darkness.

"Miss Anna, are you right?"

The sound of rapid breathing came from the darkness, and the girl with a blushing face and bowed her head came out.

"What's going on?" Carl also became curious and asked with a frown.

Anna suddenly knelt in front of Zhou Qi and begged, "It's not that we deliberately concealed it, it's just... just..."

Zhou Qi said indifferently: "It's just that your brother told you that if you want us to avenge the village, we need to conceal this matter."

"Concealing... is the premise of your perfidy to the werewolf clan first?"

What? !

Carl was startled.

Under the premise of peace between the two races, although there is still hatred between human beings and humanoids, the killing of each other has also decreased a lot.

It is not stupid that the two species can start a history of fighting on the earth.

Especially the humanoids, who are about to be exterminated by humans.

No matter how stupid they are, they won't do things like massacre humans.

The signing of the peace treaty between the two tribes stopped the disputes between the indigenous werewolf and the human village on this grassland. After that, the werewolf leader and the village chief launched business cooperation for the development of the two tribes.

Werewolves use minerals on the grasslands or precious beasts on the grasslands in exchange for food in human villages.

They no longer feed on human beings, but through their own labor, in exchange for the foundation of survival.

This is a good thing, and it can even serve as a model for the two races to live in harmony.


"We dug a gold mine."

The werewolf commander said calmly: "Not far away, there is a natural gold mine, occupied by wild beasts. Our prairie werewolf clan took great pains and killed more than 20 brothers before beheading the wild beast."

"We don't have much demand for gold, but we know the role of gold in the human world."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Roland and smiled inexplicably.

"I will take the gold mine to cooperate with your village. We are willing to develop the gold mine together with human beings. We just want the werewolves to break away from the life of blood and blood and gain civilization."

"Compared to humans, we werewolves are closer to animals..." The werewolf leader trembled: "It's even more unexpected that benefits can make you humans incarnate into monsters that are more cruel than us!"

Anna whispered: "My brother and I hid in the village chief's house at that time and listened to the village chief's discussion. They said that the werewolves killed a lot of people in order to kill the wild beasts. Now is a good opportunity. As long as this race is wiped out, You can take the gold mine in your own hands, free the village from poverty, and live a good life!"

The **** Karl took a deep breath, anger surging in his chest.

"Why do you do such a thing, it's clear that the two clans already live in peace."

The atmosphere made the repressed power leak out, and Zhou Qi felt the qi in his body, faintly leaking out.

Anna was even more frightened, and said: "Uncle, uncle said that as long as the werewolves were killed, no one would know about it... Moreover, human beings and humanoids hated each other, all the resources on this earth. They should all be human, and humanoids are not qualified to move..."

Chapter 264 Chapter 21 Experiment No. 2 - Roland (two in one)

Tsurumi took Roland back to the village.

His expression darkened and he was thoughtful, but Roland beside him was very dissatisfied with Tsurumi's behavior of letting go of the werewolf child. As soon as he returned to the village, he jumped off his back without even saying thank you, stinking. A face strode away.

Impolite brat!

Tsurumi cursed in a low voice, and then returned to Zhou Qi.

It was already early morning when they returned to the village. They thought that the master had already fallen asleep, but they did not expect that the house was brightly lit. Zhou Qi and Karl were sitting at the door chatting.

Wu Tian and Piccolo also stood silently by the door.

"Junior brother." Wu Tian greeted Tsurumi and fell silent again.

Tsurumi felt wrong.

Have you ever seen this silly senior brother look like this?

Tsurumi was not in the mood to ask questions, he greeted Zhou Qi respectfully, and said in a low voice that he had not completed the assigned homework.

This time, he lost to Senior Brother again!

On the contrary, there is no unwillingness in the past. Tsurumi's head is full of thoughts about the words of the werewolf commander. The hatred for humanoids in the past has changed under this fierce conflict.

He was thinking, who was at fault?

"Both of them handed in a blank paper." Zhou Qi tapped his fingers on his knees, but he was not angry. His eyes crossed the faces of the angry Roland and the thinking Bick, and asked, "Why can't you finish this assignment?"

Only then did Tsurumi know that senior brother also handed in a blank paper.

Wu Tian walked out silently. As a senior brother, he made a homework report first.

"I, I don't know what justice is." Wu Tian said in confusion: "The mayor wants to hide this matter, it should be evil, but he wants to expose this matter and cause more **** war between the two races. Am I righteous again?"

"I can't hand in my homework, master."

Wu Tian knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered his head, and his voice became more of a cry.

"I don't know what to do. I killed the mayor and engulfed it all with flames!"

When Wu Tian said these words, the surroundings fell into dullness.

Even Carl fell into deep thought.

This was a difficult choice, but Wu Tian chose nothing. He not only killed the mayor and the director, butchered the corrupt bureaucrats, but also set fire to everything and concealed it.

Even if Karl were to choose, he couldn't do better.

Tsurumi took a deep breath and knelt down on one knee.

The war and conflict between the two races, and the deep understanding of human nature, also made him feel confused.

Zhou Qidao: "You don't have to hand in this assignment for the time being."

The two looked up in surprise.

Zhou Qi leaned back on the chair and laughed: "I'll do it as your apprenticeship assessment after you have figured out the answer yourself, and then make up for this assignment later."

This confusion of thinking seems to have stopped just like that.

However, both Zhou Qi and Carl felt the changes in Wu Tian and Tsurumi.

Zhou enabled the massacre of the village, allowing both of them to think and act from different perspectives, so as to gradually integrate the knowledge they had learned in the past.

This has enlightened the two of them. Carl can even see that Wu Tian is no longer pedantic justice, and Tsurumi is no longer a single hatred for humanoids.

This night, everyone has different ideas and thoughts.

The next morning.

After Zhou Qi washed up, he walked out of the room and saw Wu Tian and Tsurumi kneeling at the door, with luggage and packages on the ground.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Zhou Qi was not surprised and asked casually.

Wu Tian and Tsurumi panicked and put their heads on the ground. Unexpectedly, the master had already seen their thoughts.

The two talked for a night, and finally understood the intention of Zhou Qi's words last night. Letting them deal with this matter is a process of combining knowledge and action.

They want to grow up and see everything on their own!

Zhou Qi sighed: "Forget it, how can the young eagle grow without going through a lot of hard work, let's go!"

Wu Tian and Tsurumi burst into tears, and respectfully kowtowed three times to Zhou Qigong, picked up their backpacks, and turned their heads three times and left the village.

When they reached the gate of the village, the two looked at each other.

They had already agreed that this time they left the master to find their own way.

Wu Tian's way is different from Tsurumi's way, and their personalities are also different!

The two are also destined to part ways!

At the gate of the village, the brothers slammed their fists together, Tsuruji's nose was flushed, and he held back his tears: "I will never lose to you this time, I will find my way one step earlier than you, and return to the master! "

Wu Tian also had red eyes, not to be outdone.

Two brothers and sisters who are close as siblings, each chooses the north and the south, and parted without looking back.

in the village.

Zhou Qi suddenly sighed, there was no one around to serve, he was really not used to it!

Inside the house, Carl walked out with a complicated expression and said, "Mr. Zhou, are you just letting them leave like this?"

Zhou Qidao: "People need the ability to think independently and live independently. They have learned knowledge from me. Only by traveling thousands of miles can they integrate knowledge!"

Carl thought about it.

He recalled the process of cultivating Piccolo. Does he want Piccolo to live alone for a while before inheriting the throne of the gods?

"Then, do you want to go to the west?" Carl asked.

Zhou Qi nodded and said, "Of course, I also want to see how prosperous the capital of science and technology is."

The western city already has the style of the future western capital. It is the center of science and technology, politics and culture. If you stay there, you can collect more materials and use it to refine the Xinghai Ark.

Speaking of Xinghai Ark, Zhou Qi was a little depressed.

This Lord Tianshen has never relaxed his surveillance, and Zhou Qi has no chance to practice the art of refining.

Fortunately, he has a long time, and this **** might die someday, so he is not in a hurry.

Carl didn't know Zhou Qi's thoughts. During this period of time, the test of Zhou Qi's identity had no results. He had long been anxious. It happened that the two apprentices had also left, and there would be many more opportunities to test his identity on the journey.

Thinking of this, Karl suddenly asked, "What about Roland and Anna, what are they going to do?"

Zhou Qi glanced at the room, his spiritual sense sensed that the sister and brother were still sleeping, they were too tired.

His original intention was to give this pair of siblings... well, only my elder sister, Zhou Qi had no affection for the dead child Roland at all, but he wanted to give Anna a rich life, so that she could live a prosperous life.

Money is impossible to lack, and an alchemist cannot lack money if he lacks anything.

"Go to the nearest town first, and then think about this question."


"Big Brother Wu Tian and Big Brother Tsurumi have left?"

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