Roland and Anna slept until noon before waking up. They loosened their muscles and felt that they hadn't slept so well in a long time.

As soon as I woke up, I heard such news.

Piccolo knew it early in the morning. When the two left, he quietly suppressed his breath and flew over to take a look.

"They got permission from Mr. Zhou to travel alone." Piccolo's tone was a little envious.

Roland still didn't like humanoids, even Piccolo, who didn't look like a human. He snorted and didn't speak, but Anna fell down and said softly, "We haven't thanked them properly yet!"

Everyone sighed for a while, then packed up and left the village together.

Roland and Anna watched the village for a long time. They knew that they would never come back, and followed Zhou Qi to the nearest town.

And this town is exactly where Wu Tian and Piccolo came last night.

"Teacher, Mr. Zhou." Bick said, "Yesterday Brother Wutian killed the mayor and let the servants go. They have already recorded my appearance. It is inconvenient to stay here, so I should not go in!"

After Carl discussed with Zhou Qi, Bick said, "Then you can stay here and wait for us. Let's go to the town to buy some supplies, inquire about the news and leave here."

So Piccolo found a place to hide, Zhou Qi and Carl took their siblings and went directly into the town.

The movement of last night made the whole town not stop.

The streets were full of police searching. Simple portraits of Wu Tian and Piccolo were posted on the walls. Ordinary people pointed and discussed endlessly. Most of them were about the murder of the mayor.

The mayor still has a good reputation in the town, and the residents of the town are also angry and regretful.

Zhou Qi bought clean clothes for his sister and brother, and then went to a pub in the town for lunch and bought some daily necessities.

Finally, when it was time to talk to the siblings, Carl left here consciously.

The siblings were wearing clean clothes, and they felt uneasy.

Zhou Qixian put out a few pieces of pure gold on the table. This era was still in the period of warlords' melee. Each site has its own unique coins. There is no unified currency yet. Gold is the best pass.

He said, "Do you have any relatives alive?"

The two shook their heads carefully.

Zhou Qi frowned and said, "Then do you have any ideas for the future?"

Brother and sister looked at each other, and sister Anna said weakly, "You, are you trying to drive us away?"

Zhou Qi laughed and laughed: "We have nothing to do with it, it was my apprentice who saved you, and it was my apprentice who helped you, all this has nothing to do with me, but let me first, I'm not a kind person, now The idea is to send you guys out without disturbing my next trip."

These remarks are truly heart-wrenching.

The sister and brother panicked all of a sudden.

Anna slowly knelt down and said, "Mr. Zhou, please don't drive us away, okay? I will do laundry, cook, serve tea and water, and I can be your maid."

Roland even knelt on the ground and said loudly, "Master, I want to be your apprentice and serve you!"

Zhou Qi raised his brows and chuckled, "You don't want to hear the conditions?"

"If you are willing to stay in the town, I will find a wealthy family for you and let them adopt you. You will live a prosperous life. There is an unexplored gold mine on the grassland, and only the two of you know about it."

"When you grow up, you can dig out gold mines. It's not a dream to be rich enough to be an enemy!"

Roland suddenly hesitated.

Zhou Qi looked at the little boy again and said, "As for you want to learn kung fu, I can teach you a trick or two. It's not a problem to deal with three or five people. Actually, it's not necessary. Wealth is already the strongest weapon."

Roland hesitated, his eyes full of confusion.

Just as he was about to break his leg by the sugar-coated cannonball, his sister Anna kowtowed on the floor and said, "Master, since I was rescued by you, I have no other request, I just want to stay by your side and serve you. !"

"Please let my brother stay in town and let me stay with you!"

As she said that, she gently pulled her brother's arm and said softly, "Roland, just stay, my sister hopes you can have a good life!"

Roland looked at his sister's firm and gentle expression, and the circles of his eyes slowly turned red.

He violently slapped himself twice and kowtowed to Zhou Qi.

"Master, please accept me as your apprentice, I want to learn kung fu from you!"


Zhou Qi looked at the pair of siblings, and he felt that Anna really wanted to stay by his side, full of gratitude.

As for Roland, the purpose of his apprenticeship is not pure.

At first, he was attracted by the conditions I put forward, which means that his willpower is not enough.

Any kind of **** can be my experiment.... Wait, if it's an experiment, you don't need to be demanding!

"Why do you want to be a teacher?"

Zhou Qi asked suddenly.

Roland was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to flatter him, he felt that Zhou Qishuangtong possessed a seductive magic power, and he couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

"I, I want to learn kung fu and kill all humanoids!"

"Adi!" When Anna heard her brother's words, she was shocked and yelled loudly, and looked at Zhou Qi pleadingly, hoping that he would not be angry because of his brother's stupid remarks.

Zhou Qi smiled instead.

"Do you know how many humanoids there are?" Zhou Qi held the teacup and took a slow sip of his tea.

Roland can't answer, how does he know the population index as a child?

Zhou Qidao: "The population of the earth is now about 3.4 billion, and the number of humanoids is more than 300 million. If you want to kill them all, it will take more than five hundred years to kill one of them every minute. This is not counting the speed of their reproduction. If you want to kill them all by force, it may not be as fast as their reproduction!"

Zhou Qi deliberately concealed the upper limit of martial arts in this world.

Otherwise, let Roland know that as long as his combat power soars to more than 200, he can bomb the earth once in a year, and that's fine.

Sure enough, when Roland heard this precise value, he was extremely disappointed.

Killing all humanoids has become a demon in his heart!

"Roland, give up your hatred." Anna grabbed his palm and sighed, "We also have sins."

"Why!" Roland growled.

He jumped up from the ground and said with a hoarse voice: "Humanoids should die. They compete with human beings for resources, which is a wrong thing. We have done nothing wrong. I don't recognize the peace treaty between the two races. Only all humanoids are dead. Father, The people in the village will rest in peace!"

Looking at her crazy brother, Anna was so anxious that she was about to cry, but she didn't know what to say.

When he turned his head, he saw Zhou Qi smiling with satisfaction.

That's right, that's the way to think!

Zhou Qi has already seen that Roland has a doctrine of human supremacy and blood supremacy similar to the Nazis. It is only with such an idea that he has the qualification to be an experimental product.

For this reason, Zhou Qi was unwilling to hide under the supervision of Carl's mental power.

A pointer pointed at Roland's eyebrows.

Roland was shocked suddenly, quieted down, and then knelt on the ground holding his head.

He only felt that there was a lot of messy knowledge in his brain. These unfamiliar words and unfamiliar knowledge were quickly transformed and absorbed by him, causing his head to throb.

"Roland, Roland!"

Anna nervously looked at her brother who was twitching.

Roland fell on the ground face up, trembling all over, repeating some messy and fragmented words in his mouth. Anna tried her best to listen, but only heard the words on protracted war,, etc. She looked anxiously. To Zhou Qi, he begged: "Young master, you, don't punish him."

Zhou Qi lowered his eyes, put down the teacup, and said indifferently, "If he wants to become my disciple, he can't even bear this kind of pain. It's better to be a rich family as soon as possible, at least to live a life without any worries."

PS: Thanks for the blade of Baili Tusu 9


Chapter 265 Chapter 22

Zhou Qi Anran sat in the chair and watched Roland calm down from pain.

He did not provide Roland with the ideology of the proletariat, but transmitted tactics such as blitzkrieg, protracted warfare, and rural encirclement of cities to the other side.

He didn't need the opponent to become a proletarian fighter.

But that was enough.

According to Zhou Qi's understanding, there is basically no tactical methodology for war in this world. Whoever has more powerful weapons and who has more soldiers is stronger, and Roland, who has absorbed the essence of war on earth, is tactically enough to make this world Feel crushed.

"Sister, I'm fine."

Roland slowly got up from the floor. He had digested a part of the knowledge in his brain, and his gaze towards Zhou Qi became more and more awe-inspiring.

This knowledge taught him how to pull up a batch of armed forces from scratch, taught him how to conduct economic warfare, espionage warfare, blitzkrieg warfare, and taught him how to manipulate people's hearts. For an ignorant boy, all this seemed too terrifying!

But he also knows the importance of these strategic knowledge!

Compared to force, this is what he needs most, yes! After all, personal force is limited. As long as he masters power and force, he can realize his ideal and make human beings the only civilized race on earth!

Thinking of this, Roland became excited.

"Master..." He opened his mouth gratefully, but before he could say the next words, Zhou Qi raised his hand to interrupt him and said calmly, "I'm not your teacher, at least not yet!"

"To be my disciple, you must first hand in an apprenticeship ceremony."

Zhou Qi got up, passed the dumbfounded Roland, and before pushing the door out, he paused for a moment, and said, "If you have this knowledge, and you still can't hand over a ceremony for apprenticeship, you don't need to be my disciple."

After saying that, he pushed the door and walked out.

Roland stood in the tea room thoughtfully. Anna, who was beside him, was uneasy. After comforting his brother, he chased Zhou Qi out the door.

Zhou Qi walked out of the tavern and saw Carl coming over pretending to be okay.

"Is the matter resolved?" The **** Karl pretended to be curious and looked into the tavern.

Zhou Qi said in his heart that the solution has not been resolved, you know better than me, my dear, since I entered, your mental power has not stopped monitoring.

Thinking like this, he said, "It's almost there, we have to stay here for a while longer, Mr. Carr, won't it cause you any trouble?"

Looking at the boy's apologetic look, Carl can only say that he doesn't mind this kind of nonsense.

He is not a real university professor, and he doesn't want to go to the west, just to find out more about this mysterious young man.

To be honest, he was full of doubts.

Spiritual power monitors the tea room, but what happened inside really puzzled this **** who has lived for hundreds of years!

In the end what happened?

He just saw Zhou Qi nod at Roland, and he was confused about what happened next.

Carl was interested in inquiring, but Zhou Qi was still tactful and changed the subject in just a few sentences, leaving him full of depression and nowhere to vent!


Anna trotted to Zhou Qi's side, looking like a quiet and pure maid.

Zhou Qi let out a long sigh, forgetting that this matter has not been dealt with!

"Let's find a hotel to stay in first!" Zhou Qi said helplessly, "Is it alright for Piccolo to be alone in the wild? I'll probably stay here for three or four days!"

Carl wanted to know what happened, but it was hard to ask. This time he found an opportunity and immediately said, "It's okay, Piccolo only needs to drink water to live, and he doesn't have any requirements on the living environment."

Speaking of this, he kindly added: "But Mr. Zhou, what are you waiting for here, maybe we can help you!"

Zhou Qi pointed to the brown-haired boy who walked out of the tavern silently, and said, "If he wants to be my student, I will give him an introductory homework. If he can finish the homework in the past few days in town, I will give him an introductory homework. I'll take him as a student."

"If it can't be done, let's continue the journey!"

"But...." Zhou Qi turned around and said to Roland: "You don't have a second choice, even if you can't finish your homework, I won't be meddling, and the life of a rich family will be farther away from you. Go, think about it!"

Roland clenched his fists tightly, bowed his head in silence for a long time, then nodded vigorously and turned to leave.

Carl frowned.

He noticed the difference from the boy's eyes. The suffering boy's eyes were full of firmness and conviction.

It's like being reborn from ashes, with a completely different temperament.

Full of doubts, Carl followed Zhou Qi to find a hotel to live in.


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