Even the village of Hodemog was deserted.

Some wizards left, and some wizards stayed, but there was no peace in the past.

No matter whether the war is won or lost, the pain is always on ordinary people.

The first-year students routinely rowed to the castle, while the other students took the Thestral carriage and arrived at Hogwarts first.

This year's entrance ceremony was very simple.

In addition to introducing Lupin as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Ivan's arcane class will continue to be an elective course, and there is an emphasis on the dangers of the Forbidden Forest. This school year's magical animal protection class will be taught by Hagrid. And the whole process is in the classroom to recognize pictures and learn.

For this deserted opening ceremony.

The students who were laughing and making troubles gradually became silent. They understood how much influence this war that was far from them actually had.

The castle is transparent.

Sirius turned into a **** dog, standing on the other side of the black lake, looking at the castle under the starlight, his eyes showed nostalgia and pain, he used to spend his childhood and youth here.

Hogwarts is the second home.

Now, he can't enter this 'home' normally, and he can't even break through the protection magic.

Sirius turned his head and ran towards the screaming hut in Hodemogg Village. Fortunately, he knew all the secret passages of the castle.


After the dinner was over, Zhou Qi returned to the dormitory not long after.

The white wizard has arrived.

His purpose was not simple. He wanted Zhou Qi to develop a potion for reversing werewolves.

"Professor Ivan, what are you doing?"

Dumbledore was surprised.

He saw Zhou activate the Floating Charm, took out a blank picture from the seamless extension box, and hung it on the wall.

The picture is so large that it covers the entire wall.

Zhou Qi took out the paint and brushes, sorted them, and replied casually, "I plan to learn how to make magic paintings, and I want to make a magic portrait. Professor Dumbledore, what are you looking for from me?"

Dumbledore was amazed and amused.

"Professor Ivan, the drawing of a magic painting is not that simple. It requires a very high level of magical attainment. Even if you want to draw a magic painting, you can start small. Such a big magic painting is very difficult!"

Zhou Qi smiled noncommittally.

Dumbledore turned back to the topic: "Professor Lupin from Defense Against the Dark Arts, I believe you already know him?"

"Professor Lupin and I came here by car." Zhou Qi smiled and said, "He is a very funny gentleman. I believe we will get along very well."

Dumbledore was relieved when he saw that the two had a good relationship.

He explained that Lupin was a werewolf, and asked Zhou Qi to make a potion that could reverse the werewolf.

"I will find a way." Zhou Qiwen said, "But to invent such a potion, I still need the help of Professor Snape. I will take the initiative to ask Teacher Snape to discuss this matter."

Dumbledore smiled.

"Severus, I will communicate with him personally, as long as Professor Ivan is willing to agree - of course, please don't tell others about Professor Lupin, he doesn't want to be known about the werewolf."

Zhou Qi is as good as a stream.

Before leaving, Dumbledore glanced at the huge white screen on the wall again and shook his head.

"Professor Ivan, what kind of magic painting do you want to draw, you can tell me that I know several excellent magic painting painters, and I believe they can draw it for you."

Zhou Qi turned his head to look at the picture on the wall, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"No need, principal." He said, "I want to learn this skill myself and construct my own world."

Magic painting is a special magic ritual.

The principle of moving photos is actually similar. After the shooting and drawing are completed, magic spells and potions are used to make the still portrait photos move.

The stronger the magic of the wizard and the more time invested, the closer the portrait can be to reality.

The magical world likes to draw celebrities in portraits in this way. They have the memories and thinking methods of celebrities, but they are only a portrait after all, and can only move in the portrait world.

No wonder Dumbledore would advise Zhou Qi.

To make a magic painting the size of a wall, it takes a lot of energy and great magic power. Few wizards draw magic paintings by themselves, and they all entrust professional magic painters.

However, seeing Professor Ivan's enthusiasm, Dumbledore didn't persuade him much. This is also Professor Ivan's interest. To draw magic paintings from scratch, musicians and artists have similar properties.

Focus and earnestness.

After the dinner goes away, it's a curfew.

The lights of the castle were getting dark bit by bit. Filch, the administrator, was walking in the lonely castle with a lantern. At his feet, the long-haired cat lady had regained her courage and walked in front of her with arrogance.

Sirius, who was hiding under the beating willow, quietly jumped out of the beating willow. In the night, its ink-like hair provided the best protection.

Sirius looked at the lights flowing in the castle, and grinned with nostalgia.

in the long past.

They just became Animagus, and they battled wits with the manager who still had hair.

Sirius shook his hair and walked silently on the campus, recalling the past when he was young. He walked in a blind spot with familiarity and jumped into Lupin's office.

In the office, the orange light is bright.

Lupin was sitting at the table, preparing a lesson plan, Sirius shuddered and turned back into a human form.

"The defense at Hogwarts is stricter than when we were studying!"

Lupin raised his head with a worried look on his face: "This is a special period. It was invaded by the French dark wizards last year, and the current war appeared."

After that, he asked again, "You haven't been discovered by anyone, have you?"

Sirius raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Of course, no one is more familiar with Hogwarts than us!"

The smug smile on his face suddenly faded away.

There are several people who are also familiar with Hogwarts, but they are all dead.

"James was killed by Voldemort, and Peter died in the explosion thirteen years ago." Lupin sighed in pain: "We are the only ones left alive."

"Don't mention that name to me!"

Sirius' eyes were red and his nose was breathing rough. His face was hideous and sad.

"I'm really blind to believe him!" Sirius said exactly what happened thirteen years ago. Voldemort hunted down the Potter family according to the prophecy. At that time, in order to protect the Potter family, they used it in Godric's Hollow. The Bold Loyalty Mantra.

It's a kind of secrecy magic.

Choose a person as the secrecy person. Only before this person tells the secret, even if Voldemort appears in front of the Potter family, he will not be able to see them.

Originally, Sirius was chosen as the keeper.

However, Sirius noticed that there was an inner ghost among the four. He suspected Lupin at that time and chose Peter Pettigrew as his secrecy.

The result is predictable.

Peter Pettigrew turned his head and told Voldemort the secret.

Harry Potter's parents died as a result.

Sirius chased and killed Peter Pettigrew furiously, and pushed him to the end. Peter Pettigrew blew himself up in despair, and also killed a group of Muggles. Before his death, he put all the responsibility on Blake.

Black, who killed Pettigrew, was in pain because of his own fault, so he took the initiative to stay in Azkaban.

In the current thinking of Sirius and Lupin, Peter Pettigrew is dead.

The only motivation for Blake to survive is Harry Potter.

The castle is dark and quiet.

A gray mouse, quietly hiding in the darkness outside Lupin's office, suppressed his breathing and heartbeat, his eyes showed a humanized mockery.

"The master guessed right, Black really returned to Hogwarts."

The mouse turned around and disappeared into the darkness without a sound.

PS: There is another chapter in the evening

By the way, has no one watched?


Chapter 423 Chapter 64: Three Questions about Prophecy

On the second day of the entrance ceremony, Hogwarts went into normal learning mode.

Zhou Qi now has two elective courses - Arcane and Music. This year, there are many students who have chosen Arcane, ranging from first-year freshmen to seventh-graders, there are nearly 50 people, and there are more than ten students who choose music courses. .

When students reach the third grade, they must take at least two subjects in addition to the compulsory courses to supplement the credits.

Of course, before the third grade, you can take electives according to your interests and preferences.

The two elective courses in Zhou Qi's hands almost packed all the third grades except Slytherin, and they were also divided into different classes according to the students' conditions. After weighing them, he cut down the music class.

The music class only has one class a week, and the rest of the free time is reserved for the arcane class.

Arcane classes are divided into two large classes, with at least six lessons per week.

Because the elective courses have to be taken at least three times a week, the music class has been withdrawn from the list of elective courses and only exists as an interest course, so there are fewer students who sign up to earn credits.

Not only does it relieve Zhou Qi's pressure.

Also let other elective professors lessen their hostility towards him.

"But two large classes are really troublesome to manage." Zhou Qi looked at the names on the parchment. These were students who signed up for the arcane class.

Two classes, together with a hundred students.

But he is the only teacher.

"I don't know how Snape has learned. Can you help me share the pressure?" Zhou Qi also thought of the fact that Dumbledore asked him to make a werewolf-reversing potion, so he just had to go to Snape.

Snape hadn't contacted him all summer.

He is not a person who gives up when he encounters difficulties.

Is it possible that Lamborghini was built behind closed doors?

Zhou Qi carried the non-marking extension box and walked towards Snape's office. The box contained the chemistry and biology textbooks he had organized during the summer vacation. Biochemistry was not separated, and it was time for Snape to be involved in the field of chemistry.

"Your office is as dark as ever."

Zhou Qi reached out and knocked on the table. In the dark potion office, a pure and not dazzling white light appeared.

Snape twitched his cheeks and pulled out a stack of written and self-marked test papers from the drawer, with a black notebook on it.

"This is the problem I accumulated during the summer vacation." Snape's voice was flat: "I can't understand the knowledge of biological cells and genetic factors, please advise."

Zhou Qi picked up the notebook, flipped through it, and felt a little emotional.

Snape is worthy of being Snape. He worked behind closed doors for a summer vacation. Although he couldn't let go of his self-esteem and took the initiative to ask questions, he managed to solve a lot of problems by himself.

Although his way of solving problems and thinking is completely different from the standard answer, this is the basic quality of a scientific researcher.

Those who completely follow the standard answers and do not think for themselves will not be able to embark on the road of scientific research.

Zhou Qi looked at the tired but expressionless ex-Death Eater with dark circles under his eyes, and lamented that the professor lost a lot of hair in the process of studying biology.

He became stronger, on the level of knowledge.

"I'll explain this to you in the next few days." He put away the notebook, took out some chemistry books from the non-marking extension box, and took out a high-precision microscope.

"If you have questions about biological cells, you can use this." Zhou Qi explained how to use the microscope and said with a smile, "It can open your door to the microscopic world."

Snape was moved.

The existing magic has no content about the microscopic world at all. He still learned the word from Muggle knowledge.

Zhou Qi still felt a headache after handing over the books and microscope to Snape. Although Snape had made great progress, he only involved the knowledge of biology and chemistry, and could only serve as a teacher to popularize biology and chemistry.

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