As for other courses, he was still required to appear in person.

It is a little too early for Snape to teach biology and chemistry at present, and it will blow up the students' three views.

Snape made a good point about this.

"You can invite students as teaching assistants."

"Assistant teacher?" Zhou Qiwei frowned, his eyes lit up.

Hogwarts professors allow students to serve as teaching assistants - former Tom Riddle was Horace Slughorn (the former Slytherin dean).

Teaching assistants are a great honor for students.

Not only can you increase credits, but also represent students who are teaching assistants entering the professor's inner circle.

A student assistant at Hogwarts is equivalent to the relationship between a graduate student and a professor in a major university, and is also a mentor and an elder.

Selecting an outstanding student in the Arcane Class—and only Hermione Granger—as a teaching assistant, let her teach freshmen. For Hermione, Zhou Qi is still very relieved. This little girl is extremely excellent and intelligent. Dominant character.

It's okay to let her teach new students, but it will be very tiring.

"I'll go ask the students what they think." Zhou Qi nodded with satisfaction and took out Dumbledore's request. This time, Snape's face was a little ugly, and his voice was slightly low.

"The Werewolf Reversal Potion, it's Lupin... Oh, what a nosy!"

Zhou Qi knew that Snape hated Lupin and James' team.

He said, "Professor Snape, this is my homework for you."

Professor Snape frowned.

"You already understand the essence of arcane magic. It is not simply doing problems and learning, but a scientific way of thinking. You can combine the biological knowledge you have learned with potions to invent reversal potions."

"But I have a request—" Zhou Qiwen said: "You can't use the way I invented the holy water potion, you have to find another way to relieve the werewolf."

Snape frowned, thinking about Zhou Qi's intentions.

After a while, he realized that the musician wanted him to start with practice, combine Muggle knowledge with magical knowledge, and blaze a new path, and he couldn't refuse this idea.

No learning, no progress.

It's impossible to resurrect Lily.

Although he has to help one of the people he hates the most, for Lily, for redemption.

Snape could only grit his teeth and agree.


In the next few days, Zhou Qiti took Hermione as a teaching assistant, which was indeed the envy of many people.

After a brief ecstasy, Hermione realized that teaching assistants were not for humans.

Not only does she have to participate in the compilation of exam papers, she also has to teach new students, grade them, and give lectures—this teaching assistant is exactly what Professor Ivan did last year.

"Why should I agree to this? I'm just a child!"

Hermione complained to her friend.

Her two useless men clapped their hands to celebrate, and said happily, "Who was as happy as a fool when he was just promoted to teaching assistant!"

"Damn it!" Hermione chased after the two of them and sighed breathlessly, "If I could apply for a time converter, I wouldn't have to worry so much."

"Time changer?" Harry and Ron became curious.

Hermione: "It's a magic tool that can travel through time. It's just that when the French dark wizard sneaked into the Ministry of Magic last year, he stole a time converter, and the Ministry of Magic recycled and destroyed all the time converters. Any wizard playing with time in any name."

"It's impossible!" Harry exclaimed: "You should know how much energy it takes to travel through time, and we have only learned the basic concepts of relativity."

Hermione rolled her eyes at them.

"Of course I know, but that's magic - Professor Ivan has said many times that magic is not scientific!"

Hermione's complaint was just an episode, and it was impossible for Zhou Qi to really let her take charge of another class.

But soon, another episode came.

Sybill Trelawney is a divination professor, and she's not very popular at Hogwarts, either for her rambling style or her boring divination teaching.

I don't know how many students are complaining behind their backs - Professor Trelawney's class is really hypnotic.

If it weren't for the fact that the third grade had to take two courses, Trelawney's divination class would not have many students.

And Trelawney faced this dilemma.

Holding the crystal ball, she came to the classroom as usual, but found that there were only a handful of students in the huge divination classroom.

Trelawney walked out the door and took another look. Yes, it was her classroom.

"Why are there only a few of you?" Trelawney asked the students who were fighting in the classroom and didn't pay attention to her at all.

These students are all Slytherins.

It was Draco Malfoy at the head.

Draco didn't want to come to the Divination class either, but for the five electives, he directly ignored the Muggle-related Arcane and Muggle Studies classes, and the only option left was Trelawney's Divination class.

"Of course the others were taken away!"

Malfoy rolled his eyes and had a bad idea, and he raised his tone a bit: "Those traitors who betrayed wizards have all gone to arcane classes, only our ancient families are willing to learn ancient and elegant divination with you! "

Trelawney didn't listen to the second half of the tout at all. When she heard that the students who should have stayed with her all went to the arcane class, her hair swelled with anger.

Under the bewitchment and leadership of Malfoy.

The angry Professor Trelawney brought Slytherin, who was watching the fun and eating melons behind him, to the Arcane Classroom.

Coincidentally, the arcane class and the divination class are courses in the same period.

Zhou Qizheng introduced arcane arts to the freshmen and taught basic mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Trelawney walked by the door, still hesitant. Malfoy, who was beside her, struck while the iron was hot, pushed open the classroom door, and rushed in with her.

The other students turned their heads in confusion.

"Professor Trelawney, what can you do after class?" Zhou Qi stopped writing on the blackboard and said to the flustered divination professor.

"Professor!" Draco whispered in Trelawney's ear, maliciously: "Are you willing to have so many students in a Muggle classroom? They are not learning your ancient divination magic, but are learning Muggle knowledge, isn't it ridiculous?"

Draco's voice was like the language of a demon.

Trelawney looked at the almost full arcane classroom and recalled her deserted divination classroom.

"Professor Ivan!" She was furious: "You are going too far!"

Zhou Qi laughed.

With his ears and eyesight, and his five senses improved, he could read what Draco said by reading his lips, and he naturally understood why Trelawney came.

This is a good opportunity.

Not only can I explain arcane magic to a group of new books, but I can also convince Trelawney. If this divination professor can also be put into the arms of arcane magic - it will be a big profit!

"Professor Trelawney, please tell me what I did wrong?"

He put down the chalk, spread his hands, and looked innocent.

Trelawney was speechless.

Yes, Professor Ivan did nothing wrong, and he did not force others to sign up for arcane classes.

The momentum is all in one go, and two or three are exhausted.

Trelawney was already flinching, especially under the gaze of so many students, but Draco Malfoy behind her didn't allow the momentum she finally created, so it was gone, and she stepped forward immediately.

"Professor Trelawney has taught at Hogwarts for thirteen years, and she comes from a family of prophecies. She is willing to teach us divination and how to predict the future - but you, Professor Ivan!"

Draco originally wanted to call out the word Muggle professor, but when he remembered Zhou Qi's record of crushing Snape, he resolutely persuaded him.

"You use Muggle magic as a gimmick to attract students, and you don't take Professor Trelawney or divination in your eyes at all!"

His remarks cheered Trelawney up.

Trelawney was proud of prophecy and never allowed others to insult divination. She immediately gathered up her courage and glared at Zhou Qi.

"Professor..." Teaching assistant Hermione planned to ease the situation, but was stopped by Zhou Qi.

The students widened their eyes and were excited.

I had melons to eat just after class. I was so happy.

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Qi said, "Malfoy is right at all, I really didn't take divination in my eyes!"

Did he admit it?

Not only Hermione and the Arcane students, but even Malfoy's eyes widened in disbelief, and then a schadenfreude appeared. He slowly stepped back, and the woman beside him was about to make a big move in anger.

"Professor Ivan..." Trelawney raised her neck angrily like a rooster: "Please apologize immediately!"

Zhou Qidao: "I'm telling the truth, there's no need to apologize!"

Trelawney trembled with anger: "Is divination an ancient magic that has been passed down for thousands of years, a distant past, or is it that we avoid risks for you Muggles and predict the future! I don't allow you to insult prophetic magic, Professor Ivan!"

Zhou Qi laughed.

"Professor, I can understand your mood. It is true that prophecy magic was a very good magic in the ancient past, but you are too obsessed with the glory of the past. Please allow me to ask a few questions."

"Do you have a high probability of success in your prediction?"

"Can you accurately predict what will happen at a certain time in the future?"

"Can you accurately see every point in time in the future?"

Trelawney's eyes widened, anger hardened on her face.

PS: Thanks to Shuke 17289930420 for the blade, and the salted fish thorn for the moon

If you don't post, I can only count the recommendation tickets in the backstage to make sure that this book is being read. It's too difficult for me

py A good book: "Fear Interpretation"

This is a novel about the Cthulhu running group. The author's writing is excellent, and the shaping of the atmosphere is an example for me to learn from.

The style, writing, and type are similar to the evil spirit possessed by a mother, and it is a masterpiece worth watching.


Chapter 424 Chapter 65 Divination is a tool of destiny

The incident of Trelawney breaking into the Arcane classroom with Slytherin was seen by students and professors in the classrooms along the way.

Soon, Dumbledore received the news.

He had a big headache.

On the way to the Arcane classroom in a hurry, Dumbledore saw Professor McGonagall, who was equally anxious, dragging a green robe. The other students probed curiously from the classroom, but were reprimanded and ordered not to go out.

"Principal, we have to stop Professor Trelawney as soon as possible!"

Minerva McGonagall said in awe: "The conflict between the two professors, if this farce is not stopped, Hogwarts will lose all face!"

Dumbledore nodded.

The two walked quickly to the arcane classroom.

There were many students standing at the door of the classroom, and they looked around curiously.

Dumbledore saw the situation in the Arcane Professor through the window at a glance. The Slytherin students were malicious, Trelawney's expression was stiff, and Professor Ivan was confident and calm.

just got close.

Then I heard Trelawney let out a questioning shriek.

She said, "No one can do these things!"

Zhou Qi: "If prophecy can't achieve these three points, how can we predict the future and avoid danger?"

Professor McGonagall frowned, and immediately wanted to disperse the students who were watching the excitement to prevent the conflict between the two professors; Dumbledore stopped, grabbed Minerva-McGon, and whispered: "Let's listen, It’s really uncontrollable to come out again.”

Saying that, he took the initiative to stop behind the students and stared at the classroom.

Arcane Classroom.

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