I'm really not an expert in Douluo

Chapter 6 Is that called escape? Is that called tactical retreat

Tang Hao????

Li Ruofan was very surprised.

Although this is the Holy Soul Village, it is normal to encounter Tang Hao.

But how could Tang Hao stand in front of him so respectfully?

How is this going?

Did you see the fake Douluo Continent before, and the people in Douluo Continent are so friendly and talkative?

"You are Haotian Douluo?" Li Ruofan asked, looking at Tang Hao in surprise.

Regarding Tang Hao, Li Ruofan didn't dare to make any trouble.

Because he knew Tang Hao was not easy to provoke.

One of the most powerful people on Douluo Continent angered him, afraid that he would be destroyed directly?

With his own strength, it is best not to provoke him.

Tang Hao looked at Li Ruofan, somewhat puzzled.

Is the expert in front of you so low-key?

He was so low-key that he couldn't say much, and then nodded and said, "Yes, I am Tang Hao."

"I don't know what's the matter with the expert coming to my Holy Soul Village?"

Now that Tang Hao had asked, Li Ruofan had no choice but to state his purpose.

"Actually, I am not from the Martial Soul Palace, I just passed by the Holy Soul Village. I think Tang San has a relationship with me, so I want to accept Tang San as a disciple!"

Li Ruofan understood that Tang Hao and Wuhundian had an enemy.

If he was really from the Spirit Hall, I'm afraid Tang Hao would kill himself directly.

"Actually, I can see it too. If a master from the Spirit Hall comes, he must have come to take Tang's life. Does the husband say he wants to accept my son as a disciple?" Tang Hao asked respectfully.

Li Ruofan always felt that something was wrong, why did Tang Hao treat him so respectfully?

Li Ruofan nodded.

At this time, Tang Hao looked at Li Ruofan, thinking in his heart.

Li Ruofan is so powerful, much stronger than himself, such a person actually wants to accept my son as his apprentice.

Now I have a lot of things to do. Xiao San is not very good at following me, and I can’t teach Tang San in my own state. If Tang San is entrusted to the expert in front of me, I can concentrate on my own things. Up.

Moreover, the expert in front of him is stronger than himself, so he can definitely teach Tang San better.

"Then thank you senior, it must be Sansheng's blessing for the child to be taught by senior!" Tang Hao said quickly.

"So I can accept Tang San as a disciple?" Li Ruofan couldn't believe it and asked when he looked at Tang Hao.

He thought this matter would take a lot of twists and turns, but he didn't expect it to be solved so easily. Besides, he hasn't done anything yet!

"Yes, but you have to promise me one thing." Tang Hao said seriously, looking at Li Ruofan.

"What's the matter?" Li Ruofan asked.

"Since you want to accept Xiaosan as an apprentice, you must protect Xiaosan's safety and not put him in danger," Tang Hao said.

"Of course, don't worry, as long as I am not in danger, Xiao San will definitely be fine." Li Ruofan replied.

Tang Hao didn't speak, and walked ahead alone.

"Aren't you going to accept the junior as a disciple? Don't go back with me?" Tang Hao said suddenly.

Tang Hao promised himself so simply, would there be fraud?

Anyway, be careful!

Suddenly, Li Ruofan hurriedly ran his own techniques to maximize his speed and defense. The hidden weapons in his sleeves were all ready, and they could be triggered at any time. Several magic circles had already been laid on the ground.

Although Li Ruofan knew that this was nothing to Title Douluo, but it was better than nothing.

Tang Hao looked back at him, "What's the matter? Don't you leave?"

"Nothing. Come right away!" Li Ruofan followed Tang Hao, staying vigilant at all times.

Dealing with Title Douluo is trouble.

Finally, Li Ruofan came to Tang San's house with a high degree of vigilance. At this time, Xiao San walked out.

"Dad, are you back?"

After speaking, he saw Li Ruofan behind.

"Master Li Ruofan, you are here too, please come inside!" Tang San quickly asked.

"Little San, don't you want to become a soul master? I agree that you study with Mr. Li Ruofan." Tang Hao said directly.

"Really!" Tang San was obviously very happy.

"But you want to worship Mr. Li Ruofan as a teacher, are you willing?" Tang Hao asked.

"Adhere to Mr. Li Ruofan as a teacher?" Tang San was a little confused. Didn't Mr. Li Ruofan come to pick him up to study at Wuhun Hall Junior Soul Master Academy?Why do you want to worship Mr. Li Ruofan as a teacher now?

Of course Tang Hao could not tell Tang San that he was forced to let Tang San worship Li Ruofan as his teacher because he lost a bet. He looked at Tang San seriously and said, "Little San, Mr. Li Ruofan is not easy. In fact, he is a soul emperor, and The means are clever, think about it, can you tell at a glance that you are a twin martial soul is a simple person?"

Tang San looked at Li Ruofan. Indeed, his father was right. From the first time he saw Li Ruofan, he felt that he was not simple. He did not expect that he had hidden his identity. Tang San had traveled here, so his mind was more mature, so He could see that Li Ruofan was very strong.

And his father believed him so much, indicating that he did have the ability.

"Tang San, would you like to worship me as a teacher?" Li Ruofan asked while looking at Tang San.

"I am willing!" Tang San said in a hurried salute.

Li Ruofan quickly pulled him up.

The next day.

Li Ruofan got up early, and then took Tang San on the road.

Looking at the back of Li Ruofan and Tang San going away, Tang Hao said lightly: "Little San, you will definitely learn a lot with Mr. Li, because I feel that he is better than me. Now, I have to go get my own things. ."

Li Ruofan took Tang San back to the hill he had occupied, which was what he called Xiaoyaomen.

In fact, he has been in this world for a long time. For this task, he has made a lot of preparations. He also dared to come to the Holy Soul Village after he made sufficient preparations. Otherwise, he would really not know what to do when facing Title Douluo. How to do.

"Little San, do you know what is the most important thing to survive in this world?" Li Ruofan suddenly turned back and asked as he walked on the road.

Tang San was a little dazed, but according to his previous life's understanding, he quickly said: "Strength, no matter which world you are in, the most important thing is strength."

"Little San, you are wrong!" Li Ruofan said suddenly.

"In this world, if you want to survive, there are three most important things." Li Ruofan continued.

"Master, what three o'clock?" Tang San asked, tilting his head.

"The first is that you can't be nosy and get angry." Li Ruofan said.

"Well, Master, I know about this." Tang San quickly replied. In his previous life, he was in the Tang Sect and recorded in the Tang Sect Xuantianbao record. If you don't concern yourself, you must not be nosy, so as not to get angry.

"What about the second point?" Tang San asked again.

"The second is to have enough hole cards!" Li Ruofan continued: "The hole card is your hidden strength. At any time, you can only expose three-point strength and hide seven-point strength. Because, because of this, no one can find your weakness."

"Moreover, you have to hide your tricks, and release them at the critical moment of the battle. There will be unexpected results."

Tang San nodded quickly, feeling that what the master said was very reasonable.

"Master, what about the third point?"

Li Ruofan's eyes showed a gleam, "The third point is the most important, that is, when you are in danger, you should evacuate quickly, stay away from the danger, and then look for opportunities to solve it."

"Isn't that running away?"

"How can the soul master's matter be regarded as an escape? That's called a tactical retreat!" Li Ruofan quickly explained.

Tang San felt that what Master said was all reasonable, but he always felt weird and something was wrong.

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