I'm really not an expert in Douluo

Chapter 7 My Master Is Too Cautious

Early the next morning.

The real Su Yuntao came to the holy soul village, he was a little domineering and approached the village.

"Where is your village chief? Let him come out quickly, I'm in a hurry." Su Yuntao said coldly, looking at a passerby.

Passers-by saw that Su Yuntao was not easy to provoke, so he hurriedly informed old Jack.

Old Jack hurried over to greet him: "My lord, may I ask you who are you?"

"Didn't the Wuhundian notify you? My name is Su Yuntao, and it was sent by the Wuhundian to help your village awaken the Wuhun." Su Yuntao said impatiently.

"Hurry up and call all your children over, I'm in a hurry!"

"Su Yuntao?" Old Jack was a little confused.

"What's wrong, is there anything wrong?" Su Yuntao asked.

"Sir, did you make a mistake? The Wuhun Temple has sent Mr. Li Ruofan to our village to help the children in our village awaken Wuhun and take Tang San away!" Old Jack said quickly .

"What?" Su Yuntao was shocked, "You mean someone pretending to be from our Spirit Hall to take away the children in your village?"

At this time, Old Jack was definitely something wrong, and he quickly said, "Mr. Su Yuntao, can you prove yourself?"

"This is the proof issued by the Spirit Hall, this is the Spirit Master Certificate of the Spirit Hall!" Su Yuntao took out a certificate from his arms and handed it to Old Jack.

Old Jack was shocked, "Then who came yesterday...?"

He suddenly felt that the situation was terrible.

"How do I know?" Su Yuntao said coldly.

Old Jack was shocked: "It's over, then the master of Wuhun Temple yesterday must be a fake! I want to inform Tang Hao as soon as possible!"

Old Jack and Su Yuntao hurriedly ran to Tang Hao's home. At this time, Tang Hao's home was empty.

Only one note left:

Jack, I have been taken care of for many years, and I have been taken away as the junior, so I have to leave too, don’t read it!

Old Jack sat down on the ground: "It's not good, someone pretended to be a soul master and kidnapped someone!"

Su Yuntao was also shocked: "Who is pretending to be me, I have to make you look good when I caught you!"



At this time, Li Ruofan sneezed.

"Master, do you have a cold?" Tang San asked afterward.

"No, I always feel that someone is scolding me behind!" Li Ruofan said, and then silently said with a faintly resentful face: "Dare to scold me, I curse you for giving birth to a daughter two meters eight!"

"Master, how long will it take us to arrive?" Tang San asked again.

At this time, Li Ruofan stopped and pointed to the top of the mountain in front of him and said, "Look, there is it!"

Looking from a distance, Tang San saw a large stone stele on the top of the mountain with the three words "Xiaoyaomen" written slantingly on it.

Is this the Xiaoyaomen?At first Tang San thought it was a magnificent big sect.

The Xiaoyao Sect also existed in their world like before, but the Xiaoyao Sect was a legendary fairy mountain, even their Tang Sect could not compare it, but the Xiaoyao Sect in Douluo Continent was a poor mountain.

Tang San shook his head, he will be at ease if he comes, as long as the master has the ability, he can cultivate to become a talent no matter where he is.

At this time, Tang San was about to step out!

"Wait a minute!" Li Ruofan quickly grabbed Tang San.

"What's wrong? Master?" Tang San asked, raising his head.

I saw Li Ruofan looking at Tang Sandao: "Nine, nine, eighty-one arrays have been laid by me here, of which seven, seven forty-nine are killing arrays. If you stray into it, you will definitely die. So I want you to remember the correct route. In order to avoid being killed by the formation."

Tang San was shocked: "No, Master, do you want to be so stable?"

"Little San, what do you know? Douluo Continent is an extremely dangerous world. Think about it, there are not only powerful soul masters, but also extremely dangerous soul beasts. If you are not careful, you will lose your life. You don't want to Suddenly be swallowed by the soul beast when you fall asleep!" Li Ruofan explained."So Master tells you, if you want to survive in Douluo Continent, you must be cautious, cautious, and then cautious!"

"Yes, Master!" Tang San replied politely.

"Okay, this is the map where I set up the magic circle, memorize it." Li Ruofan threw the map to Tang San.

Tang San began to look at the map, only to see that there were ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one magic circles on the map, and each one was marked, and it was clear where was the trapped formation and where was the killing formation.

Seeing this, Tang San was secretly surprised.

This master is indeed extraordinary.

Li Ruofan led Tang San into the hill where he lived. The top of the hill was very simple, with only one wooden house. It was built by Li Ruofan for several months, and Li Ruofan usually cultivates here.

However, what Li Ruofan cultivates is not the spirit power of the Douluo Continent, but the exercises and martial skills. He does not have a spirit ring or a martial spirit. He said that his spirit power is of the spirit emperor level and he disguised it with disguise. No one knows how much.

However, he still knows the spiritual master cultivation in this world very well. In order to become Tang San’s teacher, he not only read the original works, but also supplemented the knowledge of spiritual master cultivation. It can be said that he is now the second in Douluo Continent. Yu Xiaogang is here.

When he arrived at the Xiaoyao Gate, Li Ruofan said, "Little San, you must obey the rules of the teacher's gate when you enter my gate.

Tang San hurriedly saluted: "The disciple, please follow the master's teaching!"

"Remember, I have three rules for Xiaoyaomen!"

"First, you can't go down the mountain without Master's permission!"

"Second, you cannot go down the mountain without Master's permission!"

"Third, you cannot go down the mountain without Master's permission!"

"Master, aren't these three things just one?" Tang San vomited.

Li Ruofan said: "What do you know, this is an important thing to say three times, do things more steadily, I'm afraid you won't remember to say it once!"

"Oh!" Tang San said quickly.

"Remember?" Li Ruofan asked.

"Remember, Master!" Tang San said hastily.

So, three months passed.

For these three months, Tang San had been practicing in the mountains with Li Ruofan. Although Li Ruofan was a little too careful about the facts, there was no problem with his teaching at all. In just three months, Tang San’s spirit power had changed from The tenth level became the fifteenth level, and during that time, Li Ruofan also taught Tang San's formation.

Li Ruofan knew Tang San’s secret, he knew that he had been cultivating Xuantian Gong, and the power he cultivated through Xuantian Gong could be transformed into soul power, so it shows that power and soul power are interoperable. This is also why Li Ruofan can disguise himself as soul power. The real reason.

However, Tang San was only in the martial arts stage in his previous life, and he did not enter the realm of cultivating immortals, so his Xuantian skill was a bit crude. Li Ruofan helped Tang San improve the Xuantian skill, so Tang San practiced more smoothly, so Upgraded to five levels in three months.

This kind of cultivation speed, I'm afraid basically no one on Douluo Continent can do it.

Tang San came to Li Ruofan and said, "Master, my spirit power has reached the fifteenth level. Should I go down the mountain to attach a spirit ring?"

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