I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 108 - Witchess Test-I

Seoyeon breathed in and suck her the air that had ran away after Jung Hwa's flirtatious words. She felt her ears went red and pinch her earlobes, "Could you please stop saying that?" Her eyes looked at his hand on her waist, "and release me please, everyone is watching."

Jung Hwa smirked and turned his face to look behind, finding there was indeed some eyes that found their way to watch them even when they were hidden behind a pillar. Not that he cared about the gaze, he could have done this in the middle of the room. The matter was Han Seoyeon was a shy girl, she wouldn't like anyone watching her in the position and he thoughtfully brought her to place with lesser people.

"Should we show them more?" He whispered and his face leaned forward, Seoyeon's hands which was trapped tried to went away but the strength she had lost compared with him. When her eyes stared at his lips that have always whispered the alluring words to entice her moving closed, her eyes shut and a sigh escape from her lips.

Jung Hwa burst to a quiet laugh and in a swift movement he removed his hands from her waist, an action Seoyeon didn't expect him to do. Seeing her surprise, he lifted his brows a teasing smile went to stay at his lips, "Don't give me that look."

Seoyeon brought her brows, "What look?" she asked.

"That look of yours that ask me to kiss you." Her face flushed face turned pink with his words. She heard him spoke, "Don't worry, I'll never do anything without your consent."

Not wanting to pull herself into series of his witty replies, Seoyeon nodded and say, "I didn't know you had aunt. I thought you were an only child."

"Don't everyone have aunt? Like you?" he asked her back and somewhere Seoyeon frowned not toward Jung Hwa but at the remembrance of her greedy uncle and aunt. There was still suspicion on Seoyeon at how her aunt and uncle asked Seojun to eat with them when they had never done it before.

"I do." Seoyeon exhaled her breaths.

"And I do have a sibling, Seoyeon." Jung Hwa revealed to her and Seoyeon's brows immediately raised,

"You do?" she asked him, finding it somewhat unbelievable and felt sorry for being rude and conclude to herself that he was an only child. But Jung Hwa had the image of an only child. Like how the way he done things in a slightly possessive way.

Jung Hwa replied her question with a nod of his head and this had Seoyeon to be curious. With Jung Hwa's set of personality, she wondered how his sibling would look like?

"He died though, years ago." sighed Jung Hwa and his eyes looked away from her. There was a sullen expression faded to his eyes that had her felt sorry for him. For the first time, Seoyeon find the vulnerable side of him and she didn't want to treat him bad.

"Can I ask what happened to him?" she asked carefully. Wounds are painful no matter how much time passes and she didn't want to push his wounds carelessly.

Jung Hwa parted his lips, his eyes looking far away went back at her and Seoyeon felt herself seeing him a little lonely, "He-" a word then his lips were closed, he looked at her before pulling his smile, "Let's keep this question for another time."

Seoyeon have her interest piqued at his confession and the pause he had when he spoke. She couldn't help but question what could Jung Hwa hides in his past. Like how she had her past, she believe he also have one and perhaps it was painful. Frankly, Seoyeon wanted to know about his story. The days they've past together was still countable and Seoyeon learned that there was too little that she knows from Jung Hwa.

The pureblood vampire, on the other hand, noticed the gaze his girl was giving and a smile pressed his lips which Seoyeon missed from seeing.

In the silence after Jung Hwa's words, Seoyeon didn't get to ask anything more because suddenly the room felt silent when a man with long black hair entered the room and another older man and a few other people with them came to sit at the table that was in front for everyone to see.

"Let's go." Jung Hwa told her with a smile. Seoyeon finding the smile to be relief, when she saw no smile from Jung Hwa's face, she felt somewhat anxious and worried, the pureblood vampire just knows how to raise her curiosity but at the same time her hesitation.

When the people was seated, one of the men standing beside the people who was sitting on the desk said, "We will now begin the court. Attention at place and keep silence throughout the meeting."

The reality sank down to Seoyeon, she felt her feet wanting to run with the red eyes that the judges used before her. "Ms. Han Seoyeon, the witnesses please enter." added the man and very slowly Seoyeon walk to realize how Jung Hwa didn't walk.

Reaching out his hand, Jung Hwa touched her head and smoothened the back of her hair with his smile falling quiet at his lips, "I will watch you from here."

"Why?" asked Seoyeon wondering why he wouldn't come with her. Frankly, Seoyeon had stayed too long with Jung Hwa and she had became more aware of his presence. There was a gut feeling that stayed on her heart which had strong faith to Jung Hwa that she wouldn't be harm even in the room where it was filled with vampires.

Without asked, Seoyeon could tell that the reason why Jung Hwa stayed with her the entire time was to guard her from vampires and help her to avoid being in too much contact with other vampires to protect her. While Seoyeon was correct, the girl didn't know she was only half correct.

There was one more reason why Jung Hwa didn't want to bring her and it was to avoid people touching what he had captured and to tell to the entire society who Han Seoyeon belong to.. Jung Hwa crosses his arm, he stayed not to far from her and his eyes only watch his sweet human girl.

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