I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 109 - Witchess Test-II

When Seoyeon was finally alone, threading her steps to the seat placed in front of the judges table, she could be more aware of how the glare at her had once again increased. The two pureblood vampiress, Che Hara and Barbara felt displeasure to see how the little human seductress was gaining all the limelight. Ironically, Seoyeon wish and prayed someone could steal away all the limelight from her.

When she finally took a seat, the judges looked at her and she noticed out of all the four judges, there was a single man who had a deep bloody eye color who looked very much younger than the rest, almost falling in the age of Jung Hwa with only three to four years age different. When she hadn't notice how she has looked at the man for too long, the man lifted his face and when their eyes met, out of surprise, Seoyeon couldn't muster her smile.

The man instead smiled at her and the smile was gentle to Seoyeon's eyes. Yet even though it was gentle, she still couldn't feel relaxed. Her face turned to the left and her eyes sought to find Jung Hwa still standing at the same spot he had left her side from. He crossed his hands against his chest and came a smile on her lips as if encouraging her.

"Ms. Seoyeon, is that your name?" the question began, the first to ask was the person on the far led who looked old with them back hunched.

"Yes, sir, my name is Han Seoyeon." she replied, scared that if she fumbled from her words, she would be peg as a witch and killed. For sure after seeing how Jing Hwa could heartlessly kill the witchess in the fashion, she could tell that the vampires detest witches to their core. Jung Hwa frowned, he could tell how Seoyeon's heartbeat was too loud but he was in a distance unable to fix her nervousness.

As if having the same thought, the same man who looked the youngest to Seoyeon's eyes spoke, "You don't have to be nervous Ms. Han. There are a little too many guests here but we have asked you to come only for questioning regarding to the death of Ms. Gwon Sheiin. I presumed you have met her in the same party?" He asked, testing the report that came with the witness.

Seoyeon clenched her hands she placed on top of her laps, "Yes, it was my first time to see Ms. Gwon."

"Which time?" asked the person with a long white beard.

Seoyeon gulped, "I can't remember, but it was around when the party had just started." then she saw the man nod and began to talk to each other, except for the long haired man who was the youngest one.

"What did you find when you meet Ms. Gwon? Is there anything that changes when you first meet her and the time when she had been corrupted?" the same man asked again.

Seoyeon took a moment to think and her brows were furrowed, "The first time I met Ms. Gwon, she seemed like any other person but the second time, she behaved odd."

"How odd?" asked the third man.

"She stood in the middle of a corridor with her head hunch then I noticed there was blood on her hands." she replied and the white bearded man frowned at her words.

"She didn't attack you soon afterwards?" asked the white bearded man. "Most hollowed vampires attack without hesitation miss, they noticed humans or vampires alike by their smells." The rest of the vampires were watching her without a word but whispers erupted in the silence room where people exchange their thoughts about the court and Seoyeon at each other.

"No, Ms. Gwon didn't notice me when I moved at first but she reacted sensibly when there are sounds." There were many people who didn't believed at her words and people began to say of how she had lied.

"That's no way it could be true, Hollowed vampires, they are-"

"Her heartbeat isn't lying and there had been no words when she had lied." said Jung Hwa who had stayed quiet. His words were heavy to people and just after his words, no one spoke. Silence came as if Jung Hwa had cut the air itself. He took a step forward and the shadow from his body disappeared, "She's a human, don't press her to much or else the girl will be in pain." and his smiled disappeared when he had said the words.

The rest of the judges frowned and looked at him who had interjected the court with anger.

"She is not lying, it all fits to the description with her confession. The girl know what will happen if she lied." said the youngest man his long black hair, fell behind his neck. "Is there anything else you've noticed to be odd, Ms. Han?"

Seoyeon didn't immediately reply with a no and her reaction had people to be curious after her words. She replied, "There were people out there too who had died and other people in the party hall. But when the victims died, no one heard anything even when there supposed to be a scream." she replied, this had stayed in her mind for a long time.

The man who asked her pulled a grin, his eyes were filled with amusement. "Thank you for replying to all our question honestly, Ms. Han, we will only have one last case we hope you could lend us a help with. It wouldn't take time. Do you mind?" he asked.

Seoyeon didn't know what they were going to do but rejecting would also put her in a bad position as she came in the position of a witness and at a snap of a finger, she could turn to suspect. "I would be glad to help." After her words, she saw one of the man who had called her name to come earlier had left from the room. It wasn't until one minute passed did he came back with a round case. Then he walked toward the judges and placed the rounded case on the desk. Seeing the case, Seoyeon raised her brows.

What was that case?

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