I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 114 - Red Rashes-I

Seoyeon saw Jung Hwa turned to look at the human man and she did the same. Her eyes curiously watch what Min Beomgyu was trying to do and saw the man offering the human man a seat in front of his desk. His smile was polite and kind, helping to ease the rioting nerves of the human man. Perhaps because he felt worried, the human man looked again at Seoyeon but then his eyes met Jung Hwa's red gaze which had a flare for the man to flip his face away out of fear.

"Please take a seat, is your name, Mr. Junhee, sir?" asked Min Beomgyu as he took a seat on the opposite of the man.

"Y-yes that is my name." The human man replied, his eyes shifted up and down with his feet beneath the chair tapping in anxiety. Unable to handle the pressure, the man asked, "What will happen to me?"

Min Beomgyu blinked at the question before he set a slow smile on his mouth, "Nothing. Nothing would happen to you, sir. I've only asked you to come for further investigation we need to avoid the same thing which happened to you to be repeated to an innocent person." Seoyeon could head how the man was great at politely creating excuse that didn't seem like a lie. But not the truth either. "Do you want a drink, sir? We have tea." smiled Min Beomgyu, knowing that the human man must be thirsty after the sweats he produced and when the man replied please, Min Beomgyu went to pour a tea.

When Min Beomgyu placed the tea in front of the woman, Seoyeon shifted her eyes to Jung Hwa. She questioned herself why they were sitting here silently while watching another person being interrogated, the man seemed normal and she thought they had come to find for a secret regarding something. Seeing how everything went smoothly, she felt relief out of the man's sake which reminded Seoyeon of herself a few minutes ago.

When the questioning had ended, "Thank you for your cooperation, please go home safely and leave what you don't need." said Min Beomgyu and Seoyeon who drew her brows at his strange parting words.

The man who was sitting suddenly slumped to the chair. Out of surprise, Seoyeon stood up when the man had stood back up. Min Beomgyu then spoke at the man, "Mr. Junhee, do you know who I am and why were you here?" He asked regardless the fact he had talked before with the man for half an hour.

The human man turned his head at Min Beomgyu, his eyes squint as if trying to force his memory before he shook his head, "Why am I here?" He questioned then his eyes brightened, "That's right, I have to go home." The words were spoken to himself and just like a mindless person, Seoyeon watched how the man walked out of the building to possibly go back home.

"What happened?" Seoyeon asked, surprised written on her face. The man earlier spoke fine when suddenly it seem that he had forgotten everything.

Min Beomgyu took the tea cup the man drank from earlier and placed it to the desk far from him. Lee Young who was sitting at the couch then raised his right arm, "That was a simple trick. Humans that witness vampires would often promise to stay quiet but promise is made to be broken in human term. This is a precaution we took for the secret to stay with us."

"By erasing memory." Jung Hwa completed the word and Seoyeon saw Lee Young gave a nod and her eyes widened.

"Erasing memories?" She didn't see anything in particular that could make Min Beomgyu to erase the man's memory. She heard there was a few way for people to erase memories and the only one method she believed was hypnotic. But that either seemed not possible to her eyes.

Min Beomgyu smiled and walked toward the seat where they were. Taking a seat her the confirmed her doubt, "Yes, that was what I did in a simpler term. By how, I used the drink from earlier, placing a little substance that could help to alter other's memories. It works differently to each people and to the man earlier, it was less potent as I used less substance." He then pulled a small flask and placed the flask to the table, "The substance that I mentioned is this."

Jung Hwa's eyes moved at the flask and so did Seoyeon. The liquid inside the flask was blue in color, as she couldn't see more from the distance, she asked, "Can I hold it?" Min Beomgyu gave her a nod and she brought the flask closer to examine the liquid inside the small glass bottle. At first it looked no different than a blue colored liquid placed in a flask. Tilting her hand to the side, she felt that the liquid was thicker and heavier in the the flask. Holding it, she felt as if she knew what the liquid was.

At the same time as if Seoyeon was having the same thought, she heard Jung hwa spoke, "Just like a witch's potion." and when Seoyeon held it, she remembered the time where she had poured a liquid to a witch that led the witch to her death. The liquid felt similar to it.

Min Beomgyu pulled a smile, his body leaned forward, "You are right this is a witch's potion. To be exact a potion made by a witch."

At that moment, Seoyeon whose eyes were on Min Beomgyu saw how Jung Hwa's black eyes shifted to red. His eyes flickered as a cold glint passed through his eyes and she heard the cracking sound that came from his jaw tightening.

"You are a witch." concluded Jung Hwa, his eyes had become red which signaled Seoyeon there was a sharp emotion change inside the man. If it wasn't due to blood, his eyes turned to red out of anger. What was he angry from? Seoyeon's eyes fell on the flask and the witch to slowly understand it was the witch that had Jung Hwa to be angered.

"I am.." Min Beomgyu confirmed.

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