I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 115 - Red Rashes-II

The room was bright for Seoyeon. It wasn't too dark or too bright but the room had the right light for her. Yet when she saw how the smile that had always continuously danced on Jung Hwa's lips had disappeared, she felt as if the surrounding of the room had turned dark. She had stayed by his side for a short while but never did she saw him looked this angry. Now that she had guessed Jung Hwa's hatred to witches she didn't know whether she was correct; it made herself wonder what story Jung Hwa had that lead to him hating the witches.

Trying to be careful with the mood, Seoyeon spoke, "I thought witches are only women." she said not trying to make offense but ease the mood she noticed was crumbling down.

"Oh no, there are many and it could be both men or women. The witches' blood came from our ancestors. As my great great grandmother, the blood continue to me who is next in line of the generations." Min Beomgyu then turned at Jung Hwa who glared at him coldly and spoke, "Since my great grandmother's have sworn to work on the side of the Associates, I am also one who is not participate in the fight, Mr. Jung. I am here to help vampires and the society of humans."

Jung Hwa for a long while finally gave a smile but it was far from a kind smile, "I know or else, your head wouldn't still by your neck now. I would have rip your head the moment you reveal yourself." and he narrowed his eyes on the neck. Jung Hwa's anger came rooted from his childhood but he knows who was his enemies and Min Beomgyu was not one of them.

Min Beomgyu could clearly tell the pureblood was being sarcastic with his words but to know that the man was capable in putting to action the words he had uttered, he could g help but gulp at the thought and his smile crooked in nerves.

Jung Hwa turned his face at Lee Young, the smile he had also turn sharp at the man, "So much for no witches, when there had been one lurking around, isn't it?" Since long after his mother's death, Jung Hwa had worked his way to uncover the mystery of witches. To say that the being that had been exterminated centuries ago was hard for anyone to believe in but Jung Hwa knows what he seen that day. The witches was still alive, waiting for their time to come and his mother's killer is still outside.

Lee Young bend his neck, the expression he had softened as he said, "I'm sorry, but the matter is that Beomgyu isn't the witch you are searching for. He is different."

Min Beomgyu then took to speak, "There are two types of witches, Mr. Jung. One is like me, who have the ability to make potions which works to heal are called the white witches. Another one is the witches who used the help of black magic to perform spells using sacrifices, and they had used their spells and potions to kill vampires and human alike. The witches that was told to be exterminated in the past are the latter one; the dark witches. We are different kind of coins. While white witches hope a peaceful life, dark witches are hoping to have their own world. Where they would be the ruler of the world with their power. Now most of the white witches don't even know they are one as their ancestors had kept their identity as secrets. There are only a few including me who are white witches."

Taking the informations, Seoyeon kept in mind the differences of the witches. White witches could be said as the kind side as they mostly do healings while dark witches crave to have their own position. If it was true, then the witches last time who she and Jung Hwa had fought with were the dark witches. As she muddled in her thoughts, Seoyeon pulled the sleeve of her blouse and her fingers rubbed the skin she felt itching.

"Possibly from what I heard, the witches that had killed your late mother is them, the dark witches." Min Beomgyu asserted, the room was silent as Lee Young became the only person who seemed to have known this beforehand as surprise weren't shown on his face.

Seoyeon's inky eyes stopped at Jung Hwa who hadn't said anything with his lips set thin. Her question she asked just a few minutes ago was answered by Min Beomgyu. When there was time when his childhood was brought up in the aquarium, Seoyeon wondered what kind of childhood Jung Hwa had. Was his parents not in a good term? But now she knows it was because his mother had died. She saw how Jung Hwa's eyes that have always gleamed under the lights were now filled with shadows. His glowing eyes had turned deep like the color of blood. And her heart felt pained.

It was a while until Jung Hwa spoke, "If as you said the dark witches had been exterminated, the witches in the incident this month, what are they?"

Min Beomgyu drew his brows slowly and exhaled when his mouth was opened, "They are dark witches. I don't know how could they resurface after centuries but the fact that they had kidnapped people means they have come back to continue their purposes which failed centuries ago."

"To create a world of their own." Jung Hwa stood up from his seat and Seoyeon followed. He turned at Lee Young to say, "Can I take that Associates would have the dark witches killed as their priority?"

"The announcement would be made tomorrow. Deok Ji Hyeang and other section of the Associates would make it as their priority and the hunters requested themselves to participate." Lee Young replied for Jung Hwa to nod. It was somehow unlike Jung Hwa for him to speak little with clear words exempted from sarcasm. Perhaps this was him but as he became calmer, Seoyeon turned to worry.. She didn't know what he was feeling right now but when a loss of family is there, she could feel the pain that she knows existed in Jung Hwa's heart.

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