I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 116 - I’m Not A Witch-I

They stood in front of the door and Lee Young was first to leave the room. When Seoyeon thought they would leave or follow Lee Young, she felt her wrist pulled by Jung Hwa and he brought her to enter the room they had just exited a minute ago. The pull didn't hurt her but it did surprised her. He took her waist, turning her inside and Seoyeon saw him pull the sleeve of her blouse. Looking closer, Seoyeon's eyes stopped still at the red rashes which had appeared since minute after she had exited the courtroom.

When Seoyeon saw the red rashes, she felt her heart stopped. She recalled the words spoken by him before that when a witch touched the powder and red rashes appear, it prove the person as a witch; like an allergic reaction. Seeing it with her own eyes she first doubted it could be the reason but then the red rashes didn't only appeared at her right hand but also her left and her legs.

Thrown to a sudden confusion, Seoyeon didn't know how to react and her eyes first stayed at her hand before she looked at Jung Hwa. His black eyes has turned red, a big signal especially when his lips were set to a thin line. Seoyeon felt her heart sank to an ice cold water as slowly, the realization came to her mind.

She was a witch?

Jung Hwa hated witches for the reason they had killed his mother and Seoyeon had just heard the story from Min Beomgyu a minute ago. Was she going to be killed by him? His eyes were red and anger was what mostly took control to change his eyes color. Did Jung Hwa think she had deceived him all this time? Seoyeon asked herself and prickled came to thorn her heart.

Her lips parted and it took her a gulp to be able to speak, "I'm not a witch." She wasn't. This was what she knows. Her identity since she felt she was born was a human and never in her life did she knows she was a witch. Her parents wasn't and she wasn't. At least that was what Seoyeon wish to believe because she had never seen or know her birth parents. But the red rashes didn't appear out of nowhere without a reason. And the reason was the powder she had touched earlier.

Min Beomgyu stood up from his seat in a surprise. Hearing the loud burst of his door, he never expected the pureblood and the human girl who had walked out of the room to come again after a second had passed. He walked to stop a few steps when he saw Jung Hwa pinning Seoyeon to the wall.

"Is there a problem?" He questioned, eyes moving toward Seoyeon and wondered what had the human girl did for him to push her to against the wall.

Jung Hwa pulled the coat to her hand, turning his face then he spoke, "The powder created to verify a human from a witch that was used in the court, was it you who made that?"

Asked by the red-eyed vampire, Min Beomgyu took one glance at Seoyeon when Jung Hwa raised his hand to cover her face. He didn't know why the pureblood would ask him the question but as a witch who lived in the Associates, he know how his life was easy to take with the identity he had. He was a witch no matter if he was a white witch, there were vampires ready to kill him in case he tried to pull tricks which he had no plan to do. Telling the truth was the best which he had done since earlier before. "Yes, all powders and potions made in the associates are created by me. Normal humans couldn't possibly create the powder regardless of following the procedure, they wouldn't be able to mimic or produce-"

Before he was able to continue his words, Jung Hwa had took one step of his feet and his hand made its way to his neck to push the white witch against the wall. With his red eyes peering down to the man, Seoyeon saw how Min Beomgyu struggled at the tight grasp on his neck. She stepped forward but sensing Jung Hwa's eyes moving at her to indicate her to stop, her feet did stop.

"Did you put anything else in there?" asked Jung Hwa not only his eyes were reading the man's expression but also his heartbeat to tell if the man would utter a lie. "Speak." He ordered but Min Beomgyu find it hard to put his words to his voice as Jung Hwa was merciless when it comes to holding other's neck.

When the tightness loosened, he coughed and struggled to speak, "I-I d-didn't. It w-was m-made more than six m-months a-ago."

Jung Hwa narrowed his eyes, "Was there a case where a human who touched the powder had rashes appearing to their body?"

Min Beomgyu drew her brows, "N-never." He replied. If there was, it would mean he had done the wrong formula which was almost impossible.

"Could others tamper with the powder?" came Jung Hwa's speedy question and the man shook his head slightly.

Feeling the hand on his neck had loosened considerably for him to speak, Min Beomgyu quickly continued, "A-As only witches are able to affect the changes in the powder or potions, no one could have a hand to tinker with the powder. Also, the powder is a special one, if it used to humans there should be no harm and there is no way to make the powder into harm."

Jung Hwa released his hand from Min Beomgyu's neck, and the man slumped down to the ground. He didn't know why the pureblood behaved aggressively toward him but seeing that his eyes had turned black and he had released his neck, the vampire was satisfied by his reply.

"You said only witches are able to affect changed in potions." drawled Jung Hwa.

Min Beomgyu replied with a quick nod, "Other than witches, no one could activate the potions power. They turn useless in the hand of a human."

At that time, Seoyeon's finger flinched. The day when she was in the witches' lair, she had used a potion to pour it toward the witches which work. If she was a human, the potion at that time shouldn't have worked but it did.... Seoyeon's eyes froze at Jung Hwa's black eyes when her lips pursed.

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