I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 117 - I’m Not A Witch-II

Jung Hwa looked down at Min Beomgyu and as if after some thought his brows were furrowed, "I will come again." The words spoken to Min Beomgyu didn't seem like a promise but an instruction.

He then went to Seoyeon's side. Seoyeon remembered everything he had done to kill the witchess as she was the witness to his power, she knows to what extent he could do to kill and perhaps it could be more. Although by now she should run, instead she closed her eyes, shutting it tight. In hope she prayed that Jung Hwa wouldn't kill her in pain.

After a second passed, she felt a warm touch on her cheeks, "What are you doing closing your eyes? Do you want me to kiss you?" Her eyes opened to meet his black eyes and he smiled at her. She didn't expected his smile to appear and her eyes widened. "Let's go." She heard him say and he took her hand to bring her out of the room.

As they walked out, Jung Hwa's eyes fell on her legs which red rashes had began to form and Seoyeon followed his eyes to pull her skirt down to no avail, "It's no use to cover them. We should leave this place soon before anyone sees it." After his words, he bent down, pushing one arm to the back of her knees and another to her waist, Jung Hwa brought Seoyeon up and carry her with his arm.

Before Seoyeon could express her concern being carried on his arm, Jung Hwa interjected, "I would love to hear you speak, sweetie but now it's not the time."

In the manner, Seoyeon was carried out to the car. On her way, she closed her face as by turning it to Jung Hwa's face and when she did that, she heard Jung Hwa chuckle happily. Seoyeon sent a glare which was accepted delightfully by him. It seemed that he didn't carry her on his arm only to protect her but also to tease her at the same time.

Seoyeon was at lost to keep close eye to Jung Hwa's emotions he had now. She thought he would get angry with the proof that came out with her being a witch. But now he was smiling wide, still able to tease her to his heart content while partaking to enjoy her reactions. It made her wonder if he was angry or is he was happy?

From afar, Che Hara saw how Jung Hwa boldly walked out of the main entrance, taking large strides with his long legs where his handsome face that not only the vampiress loved to ogle but also others who often affected by his charm. However now, Che Hara felt anger coursing to her veins with her red eyes stared at the woman Jung Hwa carried on his arm until he reached the car. The vampiress' knuckle cracked and she gritted her jaw. It was clear that woman Jung Hwa carried was the same secretary she confronted in the seating room! She knew something was fishy with the way Jung Hwa was protective to the human woman. But never did she expect Jung Hwa would go this far.

"Hara, what's wrong?" called the man who had walked to where Che Hara was to find how the vampiress was angry with her obvious expression.

Che Hara clicked her tongue and sharply turn her raging gaze at the vampire, "Chu Sunji." She called the vampire's name before tipping her chin toward where Jung Hwa was.

Chu Sunji was in a rather better mood today but when he shifted his eyes to Jung Hwa, his mood shattered down to the worse possible mood he could ever felt. He could still feel the finger which had turned useless after Jung Hwa had twist his finger into powder. The pain was nonexistent as much time had passed since the day he had his finger broken but the shame he felt was still boiling in his heart seeing Jung Hwa, his eyes also turned to red.

"What's wrong with him?" Chu Sunji asked her, wondering if the vampiress also hated Jung Hwa but Che Hara's problem lies elsewhere. To the human girl who was Jung Hwa's secretary.

"Jung Hwa brought a new toy." replied Che Hara. She refuse to believe Jung Hwa had been enamored by the girl who worth less than her. "The human girl he took as his secretary, he seemed to be very fond of it." Hinted Che Hara who then turned at Chu Sunji. With her eyes down at the broken finger that was wrapped with bandage Chu Sunji had she gave an apathetic smile, "Jung Hwa was too harsh on you, I hadn't heard what happened yet that he made your fingers to turn useless. Mind telling me?" Che Hara subtly pressed her tone as she spoke the word useless, triggering the anger Chu Sunji had.

He glared, seething with anger he spoke through his gritted teeth, "It is not useless." Che Hara shrugged her shoulders at his reply. She believe Chu Sunji had the brain to know that although wounds were able to be healed, when bones are broken it will take years to decades for it to heals and now his fingers was indeed unable to be moved. "I just spoke the truth I saw from the damned secretary he had and the fucking man broke my finger without alarm. If we had fought properly, I wouldn't be unscathed for sure. This only happen because of his underhanded trick."

With the secretary mentioned, Che Hara drew her brows. Her hand she crossed tightened but she didn't show her anger by her words, "Is that so." She hummed and looked down at Chu Sunji who foolishly believe he could be on par with a pureblood vampire she fancied. She didn't speak her mind out and instead she encouraged, "I'm sure you'll be able to win."

As the car moved, Che Hara saw Seoyeon sitting beside Jung Hwa and her malicious smile appeared, "If only that secretary wasn't there, I'm sure you wouldn't have your finger broken either. Jung Hwa seemed to have taken a liking to the human girl. I wonder how heartbroken he would be if his secretary is killed in an accident?" She hinted, seeing Chu Sunji's smile also reappeared, the vampiress left the place.

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