I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 120 - Stars Or Wolves-II

The wind brush Seoyeon's hair, letting it blown by the course of the wind and she felt shiver if it wasn't for the coat Jung Hwa had given her. The continue to walk deeper to the forest. She didn't know where they were going to but Jung Hwa seemed to be used to the path which means he often came to the place. Jung Hwa told her it was the best place he found decades ago that remind her of his age.

When her eyes looked down she heard the man holding her hand in front of her spoke, "We are here."

Seoyeon quickly lift up her chin, forgetting her heels that was caught in dry twigs and her eyes finding where they were to see the large full moon on the end of the path. She noticed that they were standing near the end of a tall hill, the forest was bustling around her and at the end of the path, there was a wooden fence kept on the edge so no accident should occur.

Somewhere seeing the moon made her forget of how unsettled and scared she was to find that she was a witch. "Why are we here?" She asked and slowly her eyes moved to feel Jung Hwa letting go of her hand and walked aimlessly while crouching down to collect dry twigs.

"It's a good spot isn't it?" He asked her back, his hand throwing the dry twigs which seemed as if he was choosing the best twig to Seoyeon's eyes. "The moon is high, the stars will appear in a few minutes and there." said Jung Hwa with his finger pointing afar when he stood up from his crouching position.

Seoyeon followed his finger to see what he was pointing at, turns out it was the view bellow the hill which was the glittering building signs lights. Watching the view, Seoyeon couldn't help but stare at the beautiful view for long. It was beautiful, she thought.

"Beautiful," he whispered surprising her as he suddenly arrived on her left side, before her legs could take steps backward, he pulled her waist, "Isn't it?" he finished the question with a wicked grin. "Some times it took people darkness to realize that there are stars bellow on the ground. To humans and vampires alike, there are many things they overlook to be beautiful." He spoke and Seoyeon quietly hear his words to agree, "How do you feel?"

"It's relaxing." she replied and Jung Hwa turned his face to give her a look that had her raise her brows, "What's wrong?" she asked and received his chuckle.

"I thought you are afraid of the darkness." He replied, the grin her had now was stretched further. "But it sounds like you are more afraid of wild wolves than darkness."

Was his intention to bring her here to frighten her? Seoyeon asked herself.

"I didn't come to scare you, sweetheart." and he saw her giving a blank expression, "Maybe I did but not yet." His reply made Seoyeon's widened eyes stared at him while her words stuck on the tip of her tongue. "This is the best place I found and I thought it is right for me to show you what I find to be appealing. Isn't it just right for a couple to share what they like to each other?" He asked her.

"We are not a couple." she replied, her eyes continue to watch how his hair was now blown by the wind and Jung Hwa let his hair to run loose with the flow.

"Yet, darling." He corrected her calmly and went down to take the twigs again.

"What are you doing?" she asked him, finding how he took the twigs somewhat strange. "Is that fun?"

"Not much," He stood up when he found the correct dried twigs from her eyes. "Come here." he instructed her. By now she should be suspicious, but without question, Seoyeon came by his side which made him smile widely and evenly over her assent.

"What do you think about the dark? I mean now. Are you having a better lights toward the dark?" He asked her, and his body turned to watch the moon.

"It's good." she replied him, her face feeling the wind brushing on her face which felt good. She thought she would be on the edge now in fear and anxiousness after finding herself to be something she never know she was. "It's far calming than I thought, I can understand your words now." She replied, bringing the conversation they had before with the darkness she hated. "I would have been scared if it was a narrow place but this is wider than I thought. Do you often come here?"

"Just at the times when I feel like I want to come. This is the best place for anyone to forget about everything." which was correct again thought Seoyeon as it was what she felt now. "Don't you feel like you are at the top of the world?" He asked to see her nod.

Jung Hwa began to walk from the place to the corner, seeing him go, her eyes shifted from the moon to his back. "How did you find this place?" she asked curiously.

"If find it by chance. There was a particular problem running to this place and when I came here, it just took my by my first sight." He turned his head and smiled at her, whispering the word softly, "Like how I find you in the first sight."

Seoyeon stared at him with her widened eyes. Her pink lips parted and closed under Jung Hwa gaze and without her words, Jung Hwa knew how his words had taken an effect on her.

At the same time, not too far from the place where they stood, Seoyeon heard the sound of rustling and her eyes snapped at the sound. She was sure this time it wasn't the wind but a creature.. When the large shadow formed before the bushes, confirming Seoyeon's idea, she heard a low growl from the spot she stared at.

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