I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 121 - Stars Or Wolves-III

Seoyeon felt Jung Hwa's words of the wolves went back to her ears. Her feet stealthily moved one step back as she watched the four-legged creature coming out from the shadows. The growl was high at first, like a growl of a dog who was hungry but instead, the creature in front of her was larger than a normal dog. When the light fell at the wolf, she felt her body shuddered in fear and her eyes studied the animal who had bared his teeth in front of her.

The fur was deep black unlike what Seoyeon thought would be gray in color. The size of the carnivorous beast was three time larger than a dog would ever be. But what caught Seoyeon to be alarmed was the wolf's sharp canines. They were large and sharp, white in color and glimmering as if it was a sharp weapon. Seoyeon was sure with one large bite, the wolf could tear any flesh he had taken a bite on. The thought make her gulp.

It continued to growl at her, as if making her know that she had been targeted. Seoyeon didn't particularly fear wolf but she feared what would happen to her if the wolf chased and eat her alive in pieces. Her heart raced, dropping the blood rush to her head. When she took one step back, she noticed the wolf crouched one of its legs down as if bracing to pounce at her and when his growl grew lower to drop and stopped, Seoyeon bolted to the first person she believe would save her.

She clutched to Jung Hwa's back, hiding behind with her eyes shut closed tight out of her fear. Every fiber of her body was startled to see the wolf she never thought she would see in her lifetime. After all, she live in the city where there would be rare chance to ever meet a wolf but even if she did have the chance, she wouldn't dare herself to meet a wolf without something in between their distance to protect herself.

Her hands clutched tighter by time, crumbling the back of Jung Hwa shirt, covering her from seeing Jung Hwa who had pulled a hand on his lips to cover his laughter. "What's wrong?" He asked her, the gentle word made her hands shake more.

"There is a wolf there! Save me!" She pleaded. Only god could answer her why her luck was bad that only misfortune visit her the entire time. Now that she thinks about it, at most of her time, she would suffer the moment she wished it would happen. Just like the moment she heard Jung Hwa about the wild wolf, she prayed the wolf would never come here yet now it growled at her with the intent to eat her.

Feeling that Jung Hwa moved slightly she said in alarmed, "Don't move! Let's play dead." Her words fell low in whisper and she hope Jung Hwa would be sane to hear her.

"Where?" Jung Hwa asked her but with her eyes continuously closed she didn't know where the wolf would be and her finger point at one single place in fear. "I don't see it."

"It's there!" She said in the end of her rope. For sure today she would be bitten by a wolf.

Jung Hwa found it delightful to see how his sweet girl was worrying about him who was a vampire meeting a wolf. It was clear that in her mind now, Seoyeon was worried that either she of him would meet the wolf's claw, but she forget that a wolf wouldn't be able to injure him with the strength he had on him. The fear had taken over her right mind.

Pulling Seoyeon from his back, which in surprise had Seoyeon to snap her eyes wide open at him, she saw him sweetly smile at him but now her heartbeat was too busy with the wolf that she could feel the pound after seeing his gentle smile.

"A-Are you going to push me to it?" she stammered with her hands clutching to his front shirt now. Her adorable action of clutching and flying at him as if he was her rope of life, amused him to the point where he think it would be good to delay the news that the wolf was now sitting like an obedient boy it was while wagging it tails.

"What do you mean?" He asked her back.

In her nervousness, she frowned and glared at him, "You're going to make him eat me, won't you?" She asked because he had brought her who had been hiding behind him now to the front.

Jung Hwa sighed, "I thought I've declared to you I wouldn't let an unknown wolf chasing and eat what is mine? I'm not kind to share what I covet."

"Then tell it to go! It's hungry and it is going to eat us." She whispered back when realizing that the growl came again to her ears.

Seeing Seoyeon's face buried to his chest now a turn of expression came to his face. His smile faltered and a sense of evilness possessed his black eyes to flickered to red. "Let's do it together." He suggested her. "Two is always better than one." He said wisely.

"What-" But Jung Hwa turned her body with his hands on her shoulder, turning her face to meet the wolf and Seoyeon shut her eyes again. "W-What are we going to do?" she asked him with her shoulders shaking on his hand.

Jung Hwa didn't reply at first. He was entranced at touching her shoulder which was smaller than he thought it would. His finger ran across, framing the frame of her shoulders when he squeezed his finger at the skin and came a gasp from Seoyeon which was another melody that stirred the evilness in him.

Wincing in pain, Seoyeon's face snapped at the man behind her whobhad squeezed her shoulders, "Are you going to break my shoulders?" A certain weakness had made her voice turn meek in a hushed tone. He didn't hurt her but the squeeze felt as if he was trying to feel the texture before breaking her shoulders.

"You're small." and delicate He whispered, his eyes still staring at her shoulders before tracing the the pale white neck. From the frame shoulders, his fingers caressed her the plane of her neck. His fingertips ran across her collarbone before it stopped at her neck.

How could this delicate human girl be a witch? Asked Jung Hwa to himself. Rationally he would have ripped Seoyeon's heart from her body for being a witch, a creature he despise. Yet when now his hand on her neck, he didn't find any emotions from himself that want to kill her. Even though her body was very close to the point where he could kill her easily, he couldn't bring himself to kill her.

Was it a spell of some sort that Seoyeon had used on him? Being a witch, it was possible. But if she did, the spell had worked very well. Although Jung Hwa wouldn't hide how when seeing her he was helpless when it come to control himself from pushing her buttons, he couldn't do anything to harm her. He wasn't capable to do anything to her that was weird but felt natural to him.

Jung Hwa imagined if it was someone else in front of him now who turned out to a witch. Like his aunt for example or his cousin. Then he found himself instead delighted to have the chance to kill them.

"Hwa." She called his name and his eyes blinked, noticing he had leaned his face close to her neck. Just a little more and he would have taken a bite at her neck, sinking her fangs on her delicious neck. He ran his tongue, feeling his own sharp fang and his black pupils completely turned to red.

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