I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 127 - Dried Situation-I

The next morning Seoyeon woke up on her bed feeling herself odd. To know that she was a witch couldn't sink well to her mind. Internally she kept on rejecting to be one but it was something she can't keep on rejecting on. Once she arrived in the company, Seoyeon kept her work productive as ever but by the time she had nothing to do, her mind would wonder off.

Such as now, her eyes stared at the glass window of the company with nothing on her mind. When she was about to turn her head, Jung Hwa had leaned forward to her face. In surprise, Seoyeon retracted her steps in speed, her heart felt pounding as his face nearly came to hers.

Jung Hwa didn't mind how Seoyeon jumped back in surprise. Seoyeon saw how his eyes studying her under his peers and he hummed, "You're out in your own world. Are you still thinking about being a witch?"

Seoyeon drew her brows, her lips quickly denied, "I am not a wi-"

"You will sound like a crying recording if you keep on repeating your words." Jung Hwa shushed her and his eyes moved from her to the view she watched earlier. "Anything still in your mind? Tell me." A cooing tone stayed on his words, poking her. Since the afternoon passed, Jung Hwa saw how his beloved human girl had her mind up on the clouds. Even when the girl was tying his necktie, her eyes and her focus were somewhere else and he wasn't someone who like to have the attention of the person he like to go away from him.

He had slowly invade to her mind, closing the distance between them by touching her every time possible so soon she would be familiar with his touches and couldn't live without it. It did work slowly. Seoyeon hasn't yet realize what he done but her body had gotten accustomed to his presence which he could see clear.

Seoyeon set a smile for him. It was not often for anyone to ask about what's on her mind and she appreciate Jung Hwa's consideration by asking what was on her mind. Pulling her breaths, she asked, "Are my parents also a witch?"

"Possibly." came his quick reply, then his hand slipped to take her wrist when his eyes narrowed down, "When did you get hurt?"

On his question, Seoyeon's eyes went to her palm, where a light scratch had come. All this morning she had too many things in her mind that she didn't feel the pain and the wound was small, making it easier to be ignored, "I think it was when I took a broken cup."

"Your eyes must be cloudy now that you can't understand what cups are used for." He smiled, sarcasm on his words that had her lips to twitch.

"I'm not a weather that could go cloudy." snipped Seoyeon.

Jung Hwa raised his brow, his grin became wider, liking how Seoyeon could chide and retort to his words which was hundred times better than her silence. "Course you are not, dear. I'm not a mutt who fell in love with a weather."

When Seoyeon heard him uttering the word love, her lips open only to close. She wondered how could he be open with his feeling? She felt somewhere he was playing with her, having fun with her emotions that constantly changes. Even when she tried to keep her emotions on check and kept a poker face, everything would shatter the moment he came to her view. Like a rabbit, she felt deeper to the hole only to repeat everything from one.

Seeing how Seoyeon once again fell to the world inside her mind, Jung Hwa tched. In a blink of an eye, he pulled her wrist, taking it to bring her back from her mind and her eyes snapped wide to see his lips had stopped on her palm.

"W-what are you doing here?!" Asked Seoyeon, seeing how his lips almost went to her palm and she recalled how he had licked her hand last time. The coarse feeling of his tongue, rubbing her bare skin and her cheeks burned red in embarrassment.

Jung Hwa could clearly hear how her heart hitch and saw how her hand had shot up as if to push him away but then there was the hesitant to push him away that gave his smile more stretch.

Her words were only said as a protection and retort but Jung Hwa delightfully turn her words to his advantage, "Here." He repeated his words. "Let's go." and his hand turned to pull her. His hand on her wrist wasn't painful but enough with power to pull her.

Seeing his steps go, her eyes widened and she asked, "Where are you bringing me?" This pureblood vampire is acting weird today, and she was sure the place where he wants to bring her to wasn't out of kindness.

"Where else?" He asked her back, eyes on her, "You said here is bad so I'm bringing you to a closed room where there are no people and we could do what we want there." He left his words ambiguous but anyone smart enough could pick what he meant to do in the closed room. The thoughts had Seoyeon cheeks and ears colored in red. "Your heartbeats is getting louder." Jung Hwa remarked as if she can't feel the pounding herself.

"Stop." was the only words she could squeeze. Why didn't he felt any shame? He should try to be on her place, thought Seoyeon. But this was Jung Hwa she was talking about; even if he was in her position there would be many way he could do to turn the situation to his advantage.

The pureblood had his fun, pushing her to the edge so he could be the one to pull her waist to him, saving her from the fall he created. This morning was filled with boredom and he had been irritated on the thought that Seoyeon had her mind on something.

It had to be him who is in her mind.

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