I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 128 - Dried Situation-II

Jung Hwa saw how her eyes went from her hand to him, when his steps stopped and moved one step closer, her heartbeat raised; and with another steps, Seoyeon had the expression of wanting to run away. "Why do you have to run away?" He asked her, enjoyment hinted beneath his words.

Seoyeon looked up at him, watching how he ran his tongue on his lips to moisten it and her eyes quickly run away in hope Jung Hwa wouldn't know what she had been staring but the pureblood never miss anything when it comes to her expression. "You are going to bite me." and her words received a chuckle.

Jung Hwa pressed her wrist, now he didn't only hear her heartbeats but could also feel how her heart regulating the blood. And at the thought of the blood, a sweet temptation made his throat goes dry. His hand pressed on the wound on her palm. It was small but deep and when he pressed there wasn't any pain but a slight itch Seoyeon felt.

"I wonder what I did to make you think that." He trailed and Seoyeon sent a glare at him who had pulled the clueless card to her. Upon her glare he laughed, "I promise I wouldn't bite you without your permission. You are not a food after all, right?" asked Jung Hwa with one of his brows raised and his chin tilted.

"Is that even a question?" she retorted. At the beginning she planned to not to reply to his words but there was something she couldn't help to comment when facing him.

"Yes, you aren't which is why if you keep on asking me whether I'm going to bite and drink your blood, you should rethought your words. Or else, I will think you've plan to become a feast for me. Like now, I completely took your words as a plead to be bitten."

Seoyeon opened her lips, words staying on the top of her tongue which she held after seeing the smile on his lips slowly set to a thin line. When his was smiling, the smile on his lips always came taunting, like someone who would smile while threatening other while partaking to have the glee in other's plight. And now when his lips had fallen low, it didn't make much different with the intense gaze he had on her.

"Look, you are quivering and your heartbeat is expecting for something. You should hear it too, Seoyeon." There were many things she wish she could retort but her lips were not able to move with his presence that daunted her now. She felt like a prey she was, slowly pushed and clawed by the hungry lion in front of her and although the lion seem to have enough patience, Seoyeon wasn't sure if the lion who kept his stomach empty for a long time would continue to do so. "Should I bite you?" he asked as if offering himself when in truth she was in the position to offer him!

"No." She squeezed the words.

Jung Hwa who had stared at her expression and the pink lips slight quivering with her breaths that had become roughed had his smile widened in wickedness, "No as in, no need to ask and please bite?" It was his best skill to turn words into weapon to kill, thought Seoyeon.

"No as in no bite." she replied, pressing her words so he wouldn't push her again.

"No bite." he tched, pulling a sad expression, "Pity." Jung Hwa said but he hadn't released her hand instead, he brought her hand up to her lips and she watched how his tongue slowly sneaked out from his white teeth. Alarmed, Seoyeon pulled her hand back, but was trapped with his strong hold. "Don't worry, this isn't a bite but a lick."

"You didn't ask me!" Seoyeon argued, her eyes flared up at him who was enjoying every bit of her denials. Once was enough to make Seoyeon embarrassed by him licking he hand. Last time, he had stroked her skin by his tongue but it was in the room and now they were in an open space where anyone could walk over.

Jung Hwa who was looking at the wound on her hand then shifted his eyes at her, "A lick is different from a bite. I found no need to ask for your permission to lick." and without delay for Seoyeon to object his words again, he brought her hand and ran his tongue on it, slowly taking time.

When the wound on her hand came in contact with his tongue, she winced, feeling her wound itched. But Jung Hwa didn't stop his action there, he ran down his tongue to her wrist and the eyes he closed peeked to watch her breaths quivered like a cat who had just brought out from water, shivering from cold.

Seoyeon pulled her other hand and settled it in front of her chest, trying to stop herself from bursting aloud or having a heart failure. She watched how he played with his tongue on her skin, slowly as if he was tasting the blood that had dried and her head felt dizzy at the position he was. When Jung Hwa's eyes opened to meet hers, it had turned red.

Staring at her he stopped his tongue and grinned at her to rub his tongue again but this time his movement was with intimacy. Jung Hwa rubbed and tasted her palm like a delicious delicacy she was, running his sharp fang on her skin and brought it up even to the place where her hand wasn't wounded at. Seoyeon felt goosebumps raising on the surface of her skin, her breaths getting heavier and harder to take.

By the time he released his hand, Seoyeon looked at him in daze and saw how his tongue that had licked her hand deliberately moved over is lips, taking time joy to forget how she taste. When her feet took two steps back, she felt the silence increase in the place where she was but her heartbeat rushed louder than ever.

Jung Hwa had only licked the surface of her palm but it felt to Seoyeon that he had licked to a very sensitive place he should never touched.

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