I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 129 - Dying Thirst-I

Once the pureblood had fun by hearing Seoyeon whose heart was getting haywire, he slowly entered his hand to the gaps of her fingers. Taking it, he pulled her hand and her body at the same time. "I'm sure it will taste good." Jung Hwa commented with his still red eyes staring at her hand. She blinked at him, feeling how at the pull her heart almost jump out of her throat. This man wasn't safe!

She knew that Jung Hwa had his way. Pulling her closer, pressing his body to him, and taking her into an intimate position to ruffle her heartbeat and have all her consciousness at him which he did perfectly.

"All blood taste the same." Seoyeon rebutted, feeling goosebumps when she saw how his eyes trailed to a spot on her neck.

Jung Hwa smiled at her replied, "Do all water taste the same to you?" He questioned her. Seoyeon opened her lips to close it, "Go on, you should speak. I love hearing your voice." He pulled his tone, pressing the word he needed her to take well and enjoyed how her lips clamped up and her eyes looking so against him. Some times seeing her rejection had him happy. It made him feel that no second was wasted on her but then even if she wasn't angry like last night where she seemed to be slowly understanding him, he couldn't find any time when he felt bored with her.

Seoyeon gave him an apprehensive look, "So you could use my words against me?" she asked him, trying to pull her hand to no avail and stopped struggling as his gold didn't hurt her either.

"When did I ever do that?" asked Jung Hwa with his head tilted, his expression was the most innocent but Seoyeon wouldn't be fooled by it. She had seen the true him and although their time of knowing each other was short, she could see through him well at this situation.

"Just now." she replied.

"Just now? That's barely it. You've mistaken if you think that is how one should use another's words against them." He raised his other hand from her waist and brushed her cheeks with the back of his palm, "This is what they call by seducing, in case you haven't noticed it yet. You are slow and it worries me if you don't understand the meaning beneath all I've done."

Seoyeon smiled at him, "By telling the girl you like to pat a wolf when they are scared?" she asked. Seoyeon still remember her upsetting emotion when in the end she realized he had just played a trick at him.

"That wolf is harmless and I would never tell you to do anything if you could be harmed. Compared to me he is safer, don't you think?" His eyes looking at her had calmed to black but the wide smirked plastered on his face instead worsen to Seoyeon's eyes.

"You are right." She replied to hear him chuckling in glee. At his laugh, Seoyeon began to raise her brows. She had just badmouthed the pureblood vampire yet here, Jung Hwa just had his mirth. Seoyeon concluded that nothing could go through the man's head and she would not try to think what's on his mind as she was sure there would be less good than bad happening inside his head.

With her eyes looking at the hand he had been holding, Seoyeon asked, "Could you let my hands go now?" There was no way she could win with his raw power despite having herself trained in martial arts.

"Will you be free this evening?" asked Jung Hwa, as if he had not heard her request.

"My hands?" asked Seoyeon, with her brows furrowed.

Jung Hwa's brows moved slightly at her stubbornness, "One of this days, I should tell you how thirsty I am when seeing how delicious you are. I can't wait to hear how your lips would quiet down once my fangs sink to your skin." and as he spoke, his eyes trained on her neck. Seoyeon watched how his tongue ran on his fangs as if to test and show her how sharp his fangs were to sink at her skin.

Seoyeon wondered if he was threatening her and if he would do what he said without her permission. But then again, at her deepest heart she knew Jung Hwa wouldn't be someone who would go against his words.

With a sigh leaving her pink lips under his keen gaze, she replied, "I will be visiting my friend. In the hospital." after her words, she heard him hummed slowly from his lips that were barely opened.

"Is it the same woman who had been kidnapped?" asked Jung Hwa and he saw how her small head nod up and down in an adorable manner. "I see that you are close with her."

"She is my friend for once. We've known each other since high school. Out of all, she had stayed me for a very long time," replied Seoyeon and a few memory she had with Wan Seulgi came to her mind.

"Yes, which is why you came to the blind date by disguising yourself as her." A bland tone laced his words that had Seoyeon in front of him to have her smile go stale.

"Yes." came her brief reply and she wondered what was she expecting for him to say. Often time, Seoyeon found him to be a person who knows his way with his words. Like how last night he could tell her the words she wanted to hear; the words that made her feel peaceful after discovering her identity. But now there was his words that went bland as if he couldn't understand her and perhaps she was correct. Jung Hwa didn't seem like someone who would have friend.

"Do you have a friend?" she asked instead, and Jung Hwa smiled at her who began to take an initiative to learn more about him. As Seoyeon had took a small step toward him, it would be rude to refuse her first baby steps.

Jung Hwa replied, "I do, or did I look like one who wouldn't have friend?" Yes, thought Seoyeon but keeping the word alone in her mind. "From the expression you are thinking of yes." He sighed and shook his head, "How rude."

"How close you are to your friend?" asked Seoyeon, shifting the topic.

"If now, I think we are very far apart from him." Jung Hwa replied before his eyes looking behind her and she followed to the large window behind them. Her lips the clamped up. From his words, she took that his friend had died and her mind began to scold herself again for bringing up deaths around him. Her pity was short lived when Jung Hwa continued, "His company is far from mine. It should take six kilometers."

On his words, Seoyeon grimaced, holding herself from wanting to kill the pureblood vampire! "I didn't mean the distance but... forget it." Seeing how Jung Hwa didn't want too cooperate with her, she decide to stop discussing the same talk.

Seoyeon had learned from her experience on her words turned and played by him. She had thought of how she should never repeat the same mistake but the trap he set on her to lure her words had always win, resulting her to do what he wanted him to do.

This time she should be quiet, thought Seoyeon to herself.

She then heard him chuckling and looking up she sent him an outright glare. Jung Hwa cupped her cheeks with his palm, "You're very cute when you're angry. Go on, complete what you say."

"No. It's fine I'm not curious anymore." She replied and her hand tugged to release it from his hand. On her third try which didn't work, she lifted her chin, "What else?"

"We are close but not too much. He is a half vampire. You will meet him soon." stated Jung Hwa and Seoyeon for a good two seconds wondered what he meant until she realized he had replied to the question she asked earlier. She was sure he wasn't going to reply her question. Who knows that her silence would make him speak...

Seoyeon wasn't sure what to reply as she was in a slight shock. For Jung Hwa, it was clear that he enjoyed teasing her, his violence was unbend to others, and anger was what riled him to move forward. His anger always came for a reason not like an insane person who would get angry at a snap of second which make her felt safer with him. Seoyeon could tell his personality was what stemmed from the past and she could see that his childhood wasn't an easy one. There was nothing that should be able to change his mind. But perhaps there was.

Slowly, Seoyeon bring her head to a nod when she heard him speak, "At what time would you be visiting your friend? I will come with you." There was an offering tone at his words.

"At seven. You don't have to come." she added and her eyes turned quizzical, wondering why would he offer to visit Wan Seulgi when they had only met once?

"I insist. Your friend had just been kidnapped from the witchess and it would be safe to put a check on her. To avoid for the worse." He replied and at the end of his words his hand slipped from her wrist, letting her to go.

The worse? Seoyeon questioned in her mind. What was the worse when Wan Seulgi have been saved from the witches?

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