I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 130 - Dying Thirst-II

In the world of vampires, Jung Hwa knows more than her and her hand was brought up and down, "Okay," she replied that had him smile.

Jung Hwa raises his hand, placing it on her head, he slowly rubbed and smoothen her hair on the round part of her head. Seoyeon felt that she could raise and push his hand on ease for him to let her head go but she didn't. She just couldn't bring herself to when he was being fed gentle to her. The gentleness that one would never expect it from him.

Somewhat Seoyeon had become slowly accustomed to the small touch he did and when Seoyeon had yet to realized it, but Jung Hwa was aware well of her change. It was because he had slowly cut the distance between them, having her used with his presence and not question any of his move.

While keeping a close ear to Seoyeon's heartbeat, his eyes went to her chest where her heart was and noticed how it weaves gently, "I'll wait until you are done." he said before his hand went from her head.

Seoyeon watched how the pureblood walked away and her hand went to settle above her chest. She wondered what was inside Jung Hwa's mind. At one day he would be as evil as a devil but then come the day when he was gentle. Seoyeon then remembered their talk about his family. Jung Hwa told her he had a brother and she questioned where his brother was now?

Slowly Seoyeon could tell how she question everything surrounding Jung Hwa as if she wants to know more about him and what make him to be the person he was now.

Walking from her steps, Seoyeon told herself not to think of him too much but somewhere it felt hard for her not to think about him when the pureblood wasn't anywhere near her now.

When the time came when the darkness fall faster in winter, Seoyeon who had finished her work stood in front of the company's entrance and waited for Jung Hwa's car to come. Seoyeon first opened the door of the back car, thinking she should sit there to give herself a time to breathe and not to sit beside him where her lungs would tense up to catch breaths.

Her hand pulled the knob twice but the door didn't budge. Walking to the man who drove the car, the window whirled open for her, "What's wrong?" Jung Hwa asked cluelessly, eyes on her as if he was the most innocent being in the world but Seoyeon would never fall for it.

Seeing that her forceful words would only lessen the chance for her to sit separately from him, she asked with enough softness, "Could I sit behind?" Seoyeon watched how Jung Hwa's eyes turned back and forth.

"Of course." He offered her a smile and Seoyeon returned the smile in relief. For sure today the pureblood seem kinder to her eyes and he did receive her acknowledgment. At once, Jung Hwa heard Seoyeon's steps went quick like how a cat would after seeing their plate filled with treats and his smile widened.

Seoyeon pulled the knob once again only for it not to open and out of stubbornness, she pulled the knob for several times to fail. She bite her lips, her happiness and her acknowledgment of the pureblood vampire turn to vapors and her feet went to where Jung Hwa sat.

A sigh first greeted Jung Hwa and Seoyeon who saw his smile thought she should pour another glass of water to the pureblood who if not a masochist would be a sadist.

As if he didn't know what happen for her to come back again, Jung Hwa pulled one of his brows deliberately, "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"The door."

"Oh!" Jung Hwa pulled his hand from the steer and clapped his hand together while Seoyeon watch his exaggerated move with a stale gaze. "That's reminds me, the door in my car is broken the back one of course and also the chair is broken and to sit behind would not be a pretty sight to be look at." He met her eyes that gave him no reaction but he enjoyed seeing her anger, "Thank you for reminding me. I almost forgot. It's rare for people to take seat in my car, do you understand what I mean?"

Seoyeon didn't reply. Feeling upset would only make her as childish to play with the pureblood who she was sure now didn't had enough toys to play with. Opening the door beside him which opened fast, she entered to seat and set herself a seatbelt when she turned her face to her right and meet Jung Hwa's gaze.

"Hm?" Jung Hwa continued to poke her until he felt satisfied. "What do you say, my deary black cat Seoyeon?"

"I'm not a cat." She replied, reminding him so he wouldn't forget she was a human. Her head then turned back to the chair behind her that was spotless and looked well. "That looks very broken." She remarked with sarcasm.

Jung Hwa smiled, "Right?" and his answer only receive his glare.

Seoyeon heaved her breaths she felt was lost due to his extensive playful replies, "I am being sarcastic in case you haven't noticed it yet."

She heard Jung Hwa laughed, 'Was I a fool you think?" Deep down Seoyeon thought he wasn't a fool but she was for falling to his trap. "What is your reply?" He asked, bringing the question again stubbornly.

"You are petty." She commented and she had to tear her eyes away from his face to the road, hoping he would go now.

"Petty is if I ask you for a reward for what I did." This had the work for Seoyeon's eyes to go to him, "Such as the time when I saved your friend, I didn't ask for your reward which proof how generous I was. There are many other times but we shouldn't bring it up, because I am not a petty person."

"But you are asking for a reward." Seoyeon argued her point and saw how Jung Hwa liked to see her arguing with him.

"What is it?"

"To have my favor." and saying the word, Jung Hwa could tell Seoyeon's heart rate jumped high and her cheeks blushed red.

"Good that you know." His eyes went to the car after shifting from her and faintly he spoke, "Great."

As the car left, a person stood near the place, watching what happened in the silence.

In the hospital at the same time, Wan Seulgi in her hospital room stood up from her bed. With each day passing, she should have been released from the hospital but her low heartbeat and temperature made the doctors to think she should have her good rest in the hospital room. But rest wasn't what Wan Seulgi needed now.

Her throat felt burn and she felt hungry as if she hadn't eat for a week when she had did nothing but eating. She felt her body wasn't her own at night, she would often find herself standing in the hallway when she had been sleeping. Wan Seulgi knew where things had gone wrong for her. It began when she had been forced to drink the liquid by the young girl. Remembering the event send chill to her spine.

Getting back to her bed, she began to think what she should do. The best choice was to tell Seoyeon but would her friend understand what she felt? The thirst continue to worsen each day, having her feel like she would die out of hunger.

With her mind filled with confusion, the door of her room suddenly knocked from outside. "Yes?" Wan Seulgi asked for the door to slide open and the foot of the person entered first.

It was the same doctor who Wan Seulgi was in love of. The man who had taken care of her gently and she had seen how the man cared for others that only had her love the doctor more.

Doctor Lee smiled at her when she entered, and at the smile, Wan Seulgi had herself smitten and widened her smile. Seeing Doctor Lee's face made all worries to go away from her mind but her thirst instead felt worse. Wan Seulgi quickly grabbed a drink, to calm down her thirst that didn't went away.

To have her mind stop focusing on the thirst she felt, her eyes went to Doctor Lee. "Uh, Doctor Lee what happened?" It was normal for the doctor to be in her room but not at late evening thought Wan Seulgi to herself. Was the doctor in need of anything? Or did he came just to meet her?

Wan Seulgi hoped it was the latter one and the thought had her cheeks to blush in pink color.

Doctor Lee's gaze were on the girl as he smiled, "I had to come to check on you. Are you feeling any better?" asked the man and he went to take a seat near her bed to have a more comfortable talk in a closer distance.


A/N: I'm very sorry if I can't write any more than one chapter.. I really wish I could write two chapters but my wrist had been aching and had to do some extra works that only worsen the pain. I'll do my best to write two chapters tomorrow ^^

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