I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 13 - It’s! It’s Him!

"Huh...?" Han Seoyeon had a bad feeling when she heard the man who sprout from praising to suddenly letting out his heart open to a burst of complains. Perhaps, just perhaps does the boss he works for is just that intolerable?

No, scratch that, his boss is soon going to be her boss too.

Perhaps making a prayer before entering didn't work. Han Seoyeon sighed. She should have visited the Church first before entering her work. Yet before she could ask more, the elevator door opened with a loud 'Ding!'

Kang Taehee turned his face and seemed to finally composed himself again. After two days straight without sleeping and only working that happened thrice for the entire week he couldn't hold it anymore and really want to vent his complain to the CEO.

He stepped out from the elevator and continued to usher Han Seoyeon to a large room with a front desk in front of the office that Han Seoyeon suspected to be the secretary's desk and they stopped in front of the door. Kang Taehee paused his hand, looking apologetic for suddenly bombarding the new secretary for the news. "I apologize for saying that suddenly before, and I hope that you don't feel to pressure, the work here is good and the boss is a good person." He uttered the last word three word a little hesitant as though he wasn't also sure of the words he spoke.

"I understand." Han Seoyeon said. 'I shouldn't think too deeply and judge the person before seeing him personally.'

Perhaps he could be a good person, a kind one, perhaps.

Kang Taehee knocked the door lightly for a deep reverberating voice to answer the knocking. "Is that you, Mr. Kang? Come in."

'Huh? This voice, I feel like I heard it before.' For some reason, Han Seoyeon felt the voice was very familiar it was as though she had heard it before.

"Good Luck, Secretary Han!" Kang Taehee cheered on her with both his palm kneaded to a fist as a gesture of supporting.

Han Seoyeon entered the office, chanting a wish to make her day in the company luckier than before.

"CEO Jung, this is the new secretary, Ms. Han Seoyeon." Kang Taehee explained.

Han Seoyeon lofted her chin, looking up to see the curious-triggering boss to have her eyes froze. She could almost felt her heart stopped for a moment there.

She prayed for only good things to happen in her new work place, didn't she?

She swear she did but God had done his mischief to tie her fate without her knowing!

Light colored eyes like the surface of the clear azure ocean, high cheek bones, fair skin as though someone painted his skin with the fairest color in their palette, thick lower lips in a color Of deep red, and black hair threading his head like a silk threads. He was taller than a normal Korean man and now he was towering her as Han Seoyeon had to strain her neck to make a complete eye contact.

It's him!!! The man that I met in Seulgi's blind date!! Jung Hwa! Han Seoyeon's mind currently met a very high hills now jump to shambles.

She quickly evaded his eyes not wanting to see his expression. Jung Hwa brushed his eyes over to Han Seoyeon and sat back to his desk after taking the document he needed. Crossing his leg, he placed his documents down. "Is that so? Mr. Kang I will leave her with you for a week, teach her what she need to know until the end of the week."

"Only a week, boss?" Kang Taehee asked for a confirmation.

"No." He said it with unchanging seriousness that it took the two people a long time to understand the he was being sarcastic for a moment. "Secretary Han, you're a capable person, aren't you? I believe you could study your job in a week, don't you?"

"Yes. Of course, I will do my best." Han Seoyeon replied quickly, there's no word of "I can't" in her dictionary before she gave her best. But, does he really don't know who she is? Well, her makeup protected her real face before but he said he fell in love for her at first sight, perhaps it was her makeup that made him fall for her? Well he didn't get into his detail for falling for her but it seems that he really doesn't know her as Wan Seulgi's blind date's stand-in right now.

"That's it, you can go now." Jung Hwa replied.

"Come with me." Kang Taehee whispered and Han Seoyeon quickly followed him. But before she raised a single step away from her spot, Jung Hwa suddenly called. "Secretary Han."

Han Seoyeon jolted when he called her name, still feeling a mixed feeling and turned her head hesitantly. "What can I help you with, CEO Jung?"

"Please refill my tea." He inclined his head and added. "It's your first job as my secretary I believe you could do it well, can't you?"

Han Seoyeon swept her eyes to the cup beside his left hand and walked forward. She bent her neck in case if he would notice her as the woman who threw him with fresh ice water and made sure he wouldn't take a clear view of her face. After retrieving the cup safely, she turned and heard him speaking again.

"Welcome to Altar Cooperation and have a good work here. I wish you the best."

Han Seoyeon though him as a childish person, a standoffish, and a jerk at some point but she had learned that judging early wasn't good. Unlike their first horrible meeting, he seemed like a good man.

"Thank you for your wish, CEO Jung, I will try to do my best."

"You should. Work as how your company had paid you." Jung Hwa replied with his usual tone before getting back to his work.

That's it? Han Seoyeon asked with doubt. Does the problem end that easily?! Thank God!

She stepped out of the place in a hurry, Jung Hwa doesn't seem to realize who she is now and she hope he wouldn't because who would fire a person who dared to throw water to his entire person in front of many people?

Thankfully he doesn't notice her! Han Seoyeon pulled a cheerful smile.

It would have seemed that her prayer was heard by Gods for perhaps a few words.

Sitting in his office, Jung Hwa placed his hand on the side of his desk, tapping in a rhythm to gaze at his door office before shifting his sight back to his computer.

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