I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 136 - Identity Change-II

A few minutes before Seoyeon arrived back at Wan Seulgi's room, she found herself lost in the hospital. She ran through the corridor, finding no one there that felt strange to her. As she arrived to the reception, she once again found no one. Having no choice in what to do, Seoyeon quickly searched for a towel and ran back to Seulgi's room when from inside the door was pulled open by Jung Hwa.

Startled by the sudden jump to his chest, at first her ears caught the silent and slow heartbeat. Then her eyes moved up to meet the red eyes. Before Seoyeon thought Jung Hwa's red eyes symbolizes his emotions, mostly anger and when seeing blood but lately she realize it wasn't so. His eye color often change to his liking according to the swing of his emotion that it made it hard for her to guess the reason for his eye color to change.

But for him to have his red eyes on Wan Seulgi's room startled her. Seoyeon had said she would trust him, to believe that he wouldn't do anything that could hurt her friend.

"Your eyes, they are red." Seoyeon said, her eyes on him to feel his large hand rounding on her waist, pulling her close and push the door behind her.

"Is it?" He asked her back and placed her beside him. Jung Hwa reached out his hand as if to tell her to see Wan Seulgi and she did, finding Wan Seulgi in a face of shock and disbelief. "I have a news to tell you Seoyeon, your dear friend have been turn to a half vampire."

The words had Seoyeon's eyes to widened and look at him, "What?" She gasped in disbelief, her eyes shifting from Jung Hwa to Wan Seulgi to see her friend also had the same surprise, seeming to have also learned the fact.

"There is no way. What are you saying by vampire?" asked Wan Seulgi when she had regain her composure, her eyes on Jung Hwa was with disbelief. She then shifted her eyes at Seoyeon, "What is he?" she asked. Was this man a person suffering from a terrible hallucinations illness?

"Seulgi-" Seoyeon started for Jung Hwa to place his hand on her shoulder to have her stop her words and her eyes looked at him.

"You don't believe me well it's fine. I don't really want to pull this whole saga about vampires. It would be faster if you see it for yourself." Jung Hwa said and he brought his hand forward for Wan Seulgi to frown and look at his hand.

"What are you going to do?" asked Seoyeon to Jung Hwa. She noticed the grin he had and not all his grin was a sign of a good start.

Jung Hwa brought his chin down, eyes on her, "It's a painless method." he replied but that wasn't what she asked about.

Seoyeon casted away her eyes from him to see that Jung Hwa was holding a bag of blood transfusion on his hand that possibly was taken from the same hospital they were in now. Pulling the bag open, Jung Hwa took a step forward, enough for Wan Seulgi to wince at the intoxicating sweet fragrance of blood.

The thirst Wan Seulgi had tried to curb by drinking gallons of water for the past few days when she stayed in the hospital began to worsen and resurface again to make her feel the thirst even more than before. Seulgi's throat felt burn inside and her hand went to the skin trying to soothe the burning feeling with her hand but the iron like fire she felt was from inside and whatever she did, nothing could help her soothe the feeling.

Seulgi stared at the blood Jung Hwa hold on his hand as he took his slow steps toward her. Seeing the person getting closer than before, Seulgi took her step continuously until her back reached the wall and she yelled, "Stop! Stop it!"

Seoyeon felt panicked, hearing Seulgi's yell made her heart softened to side on her friend, and she made her way toward them in hope Jung Hwa would stop but then he gave her a look before saying, "Don't move," and she stopped. She want to trust him, to have faith at the person who didn't push her to the Associates after knowing she was a witch.

"Why do I have to stop? You are thirsty aren't you." Seulgi's eyes snapped and glared at him fiercely when he spoke. "For a newly convert human into a vampire, they had to drink quite a lot amount of blood but you abstained yourself from drinking it for more than three days. It wouldn't be weird if you attack any human you found by now to quench the thirst you are feeling."

Fortunately, he had decided to come here today. Jung Hwa could tell that in a count of tomorrow of tonight if Seoyeon had come, the first person Seulgi would attack would be her and he couldn't accept there. If Seulgi attack Seoyeon, he had no choice but to kill the person.

"I'm alright!" Seulgi growled at Jung Hwa, when her eyes snapped at Seoyeon to see how Seoyeon's eyes had grown wide by seeing her. When Seulgi turned her face to the mirror beside her, she watch her own reflection had a red colored eyes, the same color of the man in front of her now.

In her surprise seeing her own reflection, watching how her black eyes had turned into an inhumane color, she heard Jung Hwa spoke, "Do you still want to believe on what you are not, Miss Wan?"

Wan Seulgi whipped her head at Jung Hwa, her eyes focusing on the red color that as time grew, looked like delicacy to her, as if it was something she needed the most now.. On her spot, Wan Seulgi began to walk and her feet sped up as she ran toward Jung Hwa and Seoyeon.

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