I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 137 - What To Do?

Jung Hwa stepped aside to cover Seoyeon who is the most delicious meal to all vampires who are in hunger now. When Wan Seulgi raced forward, Jung Hwa gave her the blood she needed and he felt Seoyeon behind him staring up at his face.

A few expression Jung Hwa could take from her heartbeat, the first was her nervousness and there was subtle anger he suspected to be directed at the witchess who had turned her friend into a vampire.

Seoyeon stood there and watched Wan Seulgi drinking the blood with in a way that was frightening and when her friend had done drinking, her face and clothes eerie covered with blood. The hospital's sleeping robe that was light blue in color was now red with evident of blood.

"No..." whispered Wan Seulgi when she had regain her consciousness after consuming the blood. Her hunger and thirst felt sufficed but her heart felt bleak and as if there was a chloe in her chest, she felt that this was the end of her life. A vampire, thought Wan Seulgi in midst of her chaotic swirl of emotions that currently running through her like an uninvited storm.

Selugi's eyes then went toward Seoyeon, who was too shocked to speak that her eyes were filled with tears she held back not to fall.

Jung Hwa cut in between, "I take it that you haven't accept your identity change now, Miss Wan." Except him the rest two people were in shambles and Jung Hwa spoke casually as if he hadn't notice what they were feeling now but he did.

"How could I ever?" asked Wan Seulgi back in spite, her eyes moving again to Seoyeon from Jung Hwa and a frown began to knit on her brows. "Did you know this Seoyeon?"

Seoyeon's eyes went to Seulgi, in a snap of second and she tried not to blink so tears that settled on the rim of her eyes wouldn't fall. "Let me explain, Seulgi, I-"

"So you know." Seulgi whispered and her hand she loosely clenched into a fist tightened. A look of disbelief contained with anger expressed on Seulgi's face. All this time did her friend know this all but kept quiet? That now she is a vampire, a monstrous being that suck and drink blood?

"I don't know this will happen! I don't know you would... change." Seoyeon felt her heart burn as she speak. Was this all her fault? She questioned and blamed herself for not being by Seulgi's side at that night. But no one could stop what would take place as it was inevitable.

"I'm sorry." whispered Seoyeon in distress, her neck bend for her eyes to stay on the ground and Jung Hwa who had his smile felt his lips set still and his eyes narrowed on the sad expression.

"You are blaming her but not yourself." Jung Hwa shifted his eyes at the woman. He could tell that Wan Seulgi was too shocked and disbelief but he could not accept the woman for blaming Seoyeon who had done nothing to her.

"What?" Wan Seulgi turned her face at Jung Hwa whose eyes looses its spark, looking vacant and they heard him clicking his tongue.

"Which stupid person would walk in a dark alley and witness something they shouldn't? Who was the fool who wasted themself in drinks and turn themselves into a foolish lamb ready to be butcher? And now who are you blaming for what you did?" Jung Hwa took one step forward, as he speaks, a part of him that looked down on the newly converted half vampire thought that he could snap the neck like dry twig in one try.

When his steps advances, he suddenly felt himself stopping at the pull behind him. Turning his face slightly, his disinterested eyes now fell on Seoyeon who shook her head as if telling him to stop.

As much as he now wish to kill the half vampire, Jung Hwa stopped when he notice the rom of her eyes had turned bright red. Jung Hwa turned his whole person to her. Reaching out his hand, he rubbed her eyes with his thumb, the part of the skin that turned bright red.

"You never cried before." He whispered his voice and Seoyeon could see his frown tightened, "And yet you cry easily."

Jung Hwa did thought to kill Seulgi. He can't tolerate anyone making Seoyeon sad and more so when she cry. Jung Hwa would never forgive anyone who hurt her and people who make her cry was a friend or even a family member.

"She is only in shock now and she didn't meant what she said." Seoyeon told him. When one had just passed a terrible shock often times, the person would blame others but truthfully they aren't thinking so and the words said was to vent the emotion they had.

"Most of times people say that the most truthful words are one that came subconsciously in reflex." replied Jung Hwa lightly.

"That's not it." Seoyeon could see the blank expression on her friend that brew guilt. After realizing how hurtful her own words were, Wan Seulgi stood quietly and her face held a mixture of expression that had become hard to watch.

Seoyeon took one step beside Jung Hwa, her emotions were slowly calming down when in her mind, she soothes her own feeling that work. "Can I go to her now?"

Jung Hwa hummed, "She has pass her state of hunger for now, you can go." In fact without him by her side, Seoyeon would still be safe. He had planted and order to his blood power to guard Seoyeon and stayed by her side every time. If danger come, the blood would take his place to protect her.

Seoyeon gave him a quick nod and she quickly make her way to stand by Seulgi's side. Her eyes first falls on Seulgi's hand that was soaked in red color liquid of blood. Drops of blood dripped to fall from her fingertips. Taking the wet towel she had, Seoyeon took her friend's hand and wiped the blood with the towel carefully. She also made sure to wipe the blood that smeared on Seulgi's face with her action gentle.

"We should go to clean you," said Seoyeon, mustering a smile to encourage her friend when the white towel which had turned red and soaked in blood wasn't able to be used any longer.

Seulgi gave her a brief nod and as they went away, Jung Hwa could hear how the two girl's heart had sounded calmer. As the door was closed, he still kept his ears opened at the sound as no one would be stupid enough to let their treasured person left open in place that could bring her danger.

His black shoes took steps toward the mess of blood on the floor and he raised his hand, bringing it up and moved the finger in a beckoning motion. The blood that was on the ground began to move up slowly, swirling into a large wave of red liquid and from the door he faced with his back, blood came bellow the small gap of the door to gather with the rest of the blood.

In time, the blood collected into a larger red sphere at the size of his fist. The red sphere

raised to meet his eyes and he ordered, "Monitor this room. Report when an irregularity shows up." and when he snap his finger the blood evaporated without trace.

Seoyeon inside the bathroom stayed outside the door where the shower was while her hand wash to the sink, letting the blood she caught from Seulgi to wash with water. When Seulgi had changed into a fresh clothes, her eyes looked at Seulgi with a sullen expression, "I'm sorry," she started, "I shouldn't have said those words to you. Mister Jung was correct, this was what I sowed."

Seoyeon frowned and she made her way to her friend to hold her hand, "It isn't your fault, the people who turned you they are the one at fault." Seoyeon felt Seulgi was fortunate. She recalled Jung Hwa's words about how when a human failed transformation to vampire they would turn to hollowed vampires and that was the last thing Seoyeon would want to happen to her dear friend.

"I'm glad you are here. Don't worry, I'll be by your side." promised Seoyeon for the tears on Seulgi's eyes to fall down, and as Seulgi wiped the tears with the back of her palm, Seoyeon went to pull her friend to hug her. Being Seulgi's emotional support was the only thing she could do for now.

Seoyeon didn't know if the life a human and vampire is much different and she could only nod it wouldn't be too different for Seulgi who is new in the environment.

While Seoyeon rubbed her friend's back, soothing her and Jung Hwa waiting in the room, a person walked to the corridor where Seoyeon had ran and walked down on. The person continued to make slow steps while the guests, patients, doctors, and nurses walked by the corridor in merriment, exchanging words unlike the situation Seoyeon felt when she walked on the same place.

When his eyes he settled on the floor caught something, the person bend his knees down, his hand reached out on the ground to wipe the single drop of blood to smear it over his finger. While rubbing the blood on his thumb and index finger, his eyes narrowed.

"Are you alright, sir?" asked the nurse who passed by the man.

The man raised his chin and gave the nurse slow nod before he stood up and left the corridor.

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