I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 138 - Knowing More

*Slightly long chapter on the way...

By the time Seoyeon and Wan Seulgi stepped out half an hour had passed. Wan Seulgi who have gathered herself saw Jung Hwa sitting on the chair with his legs crossed and a humming could be heard filling the top, that stopped when they stepped out of the washroom. After hearing from Seoyeon that Jung Hwa was not a normal vampire but a pureblood, she slowly realizes how the man was as mighty as he brought himself to be.

Seeing them out of the washroom after seemingly having a very tearful of conversation he couldn't understand nor guess what it was, Jung Hwa's eyes met with Seoyeon whose held the redness from crying. "We're going home." Jung Hwa started before dropping his legs to the floor and pushed himself away from the floor to walk toward Seoyeon.

That easily? Seoyeon asked in her mind, "Is there no advice you would give to Seulgi?" Her best friend had just converted to what she wasn't. Seoyeon doubted there would be anyone else who could help Seulgi to get use to being vampire other than him.

"My advice." Jung Hwa repeated with his eyes still on Seoyeon as if to think and replied, "Drink blood unless you want to attack others." He deadpanned and Seulgi was still unable to accept she would have to drink blood staring from now on, to gulp at his words. "I am sure you wouldn't be able to buy blood packs I will tell someone to help you before. One last thing. Don't reveal you are a vampire unless you wish to be stake to death." There were seriousness on his words and Seulgi gave him a very curt nod out of fear.

Jung Hwa's eyes then fell at Seoyeon, "We'll leave," Seoyeon wanted to stay a little longer at the place but Jung Hwa didn't let her to. Knowing that Seulgi had just converted onto half vampire using a different method, he couldn't be careless to leave Seoyeon there. If anything goes wrong the one who would first be attacked would be Seoyeon.

"I'll come back again." Seoyeon told Seulgi who quickly nod her head. As Seoyeon was the only person who knew she had turned into a vampire, Seulgi could only rely on her.

"I'll be waiting." and Seoyeon lef the room with Jung Hwa.

Staying alone in the room, Seulgi went to the bed and pulled her knees. What should she do now? She questioned herself. She doubt she could tell her parents or people who are close to her that she has turned into a vampire, a being that is known only in movies.

A part of her mind still didn't accept that she had turned into a vampire. As Seulgi wanted to deny that she wasn't a vampire, she could still recall the sweet taste of blood on her tongue that made her feel fulfilled as it was what she needed the most the entire time. Her hand clenched. She felt nauseous and disgusted to think that from now on she would have to drink blood in order to live.

Once Seoyeon stepped out of the hospital, her eyes fell first on the people who gathered in the hospital and she found the merriment to be odd. Before when she stepped at the same path, there was no one there. Not even a voice could be heard yet now the place was busy and crowded.

What was going on? Seoyeon questioned in her mind when they had entered the car. Jung Hwa asked her, "What's wrong?" He looked at her eyes as if he didn't know what had make Seoyeon to be at great lost now.

Seoyeon didn't know what and how to explain, "Was the hospital been crowded the entire time?"

"It was until now." replied Jung Hwa when the car began to move.

Seoyeon drew her brows. Was it all her imagination? That's not possible, she thought to herself and felt chill running on her back, "You know when I walked outside the corridor earlier to borrow the towel, there was almost no one in the hospital." As weird as it sounded, it was what happened.

Seoyeon looked at Jung Hwa who looked at her and when their eyes met, Seoyeon thought it was strange. She must have been hallucinating because Jung Hwa seemed to also find her words stran-

"I know. That's something that I did." Jung Hwa deadpanned and his eyes went back to the road after smiling at her.

"You did?" She asked his words, her eyes on him now narrowed to find his grin and the mischievous glint on his eyes. "What did you do?"

"Just a simple trick." replied Jung Hwa with a smile. From his reply, Seoyeon could tell he wouldn't let her know the details on what he did and as if knowing her thoughts, he spoke, "When a magic trick is revealed, the excitement would disappear."

"I didn't felt excited." Instead she find fear and chills to be alone in the hospital. Although the place was bright with lights, it felt to Seoyeon that the hospital turn eerie and hunting. As for the one who was excited myst be himself, thought Seoyeon.

Jung Hwa hummed, "Really? Next time I should try and make it more exciting then."

"No, thank you, I wouldn't want to be on it again." replied Seoyeon and she wondered how does Jung Hwa's mind ever work. He had always been in tune with his surrounding and her emotions. With him besides her, it was like he knew whatever thoughts came to pass her mind that at times make her felt uncomfortable and some times oddly relieved.

Seoyeon then shifted the conversation, "Is there no way for a half vampire to be turn into a human?" She asked him, "If there is a way to turn human into a vampire wouldn't there be a way to do the opposite?"

"I wonder about that. Only purebloods have the ability to turn a human into a vampire, using their blood and fangs in exchange. There are procedures to be follow for the convertion to work. In worse case if it is done wrong or the human is not able to withstand the change, they would turn to hollowed vampires." Which was what Seoyeon faintly understood from words he spoke before.

Seoyeon remembered how Seulgi cried after knowing that she had turned into a vampire. It was something she couldn't blame her friend to be sad of. When Seoyeon knew she was a witch, she also found herself unable to accept her own self. Unfortunately for her, a witch came from her blood, not something she could change but she thought that there should be a way to turn Seulgi back to human.

"But," Jung Hwa uttered for the single word to attract Seoyeon's eyes at him, "The witches found a way to turn humans into vampire without using the purebloods' power. You are a witch, you should be able to find how soon."

"I don't want to be a witch." replied Seoyeon, now that the matter is brought up, she pressed her hands on her forehead. "What if I turn out to be a dark witch?" asked Seoyeon with his eyes on him. Possibly the witches that had killed Jung Hwa's mother is the dark witches like what Min Beomgyu, the white witch had said.

"Hm, that would be a trouble." Jung Hwa remarked and Seoyeon's eyes at him turned gloom which he could notice without even looking at her face, "If you are a dark witch, you would start by killing me first, won't you? After all, I did quite pushed you a lot." Jung Hwa grinned at her and made a frown between his brows, "Oh, dear I'm frightened now." and to his jokes, Seoyeon only shook her heads.

Seoyeon sighed at his words, she thought when he spoke of trouble it meant he was angry. It took her seconds to question herself why would she feel nervous if he became angry at her?

It felt hard for Seoyeon to sink into the fact that Seulgi had turned into a vampire. "Do you think there is a way?" she asked him.

If there was a chance where Seulgi could turn back to human, Seoyeon would want to place her bet on it no matter how small and faint the chances were. It was clear that Seulgi still didn't accept the reality where she was not a human being and somewhere, Seoyeon who just knew her identity could understand her friend's anxiousness. Seulgi didn't want to become a vampire and as her friend if there was a way for her to turn back Seulgi into human, Seoyeon was determined to find the way.

"There must be a way. With their potions and spells. We need to know how and fortunately we did catch a good white witch," the way he spoke of the white witch seemed as if he had fished a good large fish from the sea and ready to stake the fish to the fire that had Seoyeon slightly worried for Min Beomgyu. "And, I found a book amongst the ruins in the witchess lair, we could try and use that. I tried to read but most of the words are written in codes."

"Book? Spell books?" asked Seoyeon to him for his head to nod. Seoyeon brought her hands to her chin. If it was a book from the witchess' lair it should be powerful as the witchess Jung Hwa fought with seemed to be with knowledge and power. The problem was with the codes but she should try before making conclusions, thought Seoyeon and she asked,

"Could I read it?"

"Of course but it is in my home, you will have to come with me." Jung Hwa spoke of it casually, but the smile he had widened further that Seoyeon missed.

"Can't you bring the book to the office?" she asked. Jung Hwa's home, she wondered how it would look but at the same time, she thinks she shouldn't go there. Not when Jung Hwa is a vampire and a man who proclaims his feeling to her. Thinking of his words suggesting marrying, Seoyeon felt her cheeks burns in redness.

"I stole it from the witchess' lair and the associates, I don't think it would be good to bring the book outside where there may be creatures hunting for the book." Jung Hwa replied, his hand turning the wheels to where Seoyeon's house was. As this was his fourth time bringing her back home, he could much less come with his eyes closed.

The way Jung Hwa had put his words made Seoyeon to knit her brows, bringing it with concentration. "Hunting? Is there people who want the book?"

"Possibly," replied Jung Hwa yet the way he put his words seemed to be confident. "There is nothing wrong in being careful before being brought down to misery. They do say a step ahead is a win. If you aren't careful enough, you wouldn't know when a dagger would pierce your heart, wrenching it open." Jung Hwa said, a sense of gloom on his words and his eyes that Seoyeon could tell.

Not knowing what to say, she looked at his face and felt that there was something out of odd, "That's a very deep parable," she replied, not that she didn't expect to come from his words but somewhat she saw the way he spoke as if he was recalling his memory and she was correct when he replied her with a solemn smile.

Jung Hwa said, "Because that is how my mother died. A dagger to her heart, piercing through her body but that wasn't all. She didn't die from the sword. It was poison. You never know how poison could not only be deadly for the person itself." The last sentence he said gathered her question but it faded as he continued, "No one knows how she could be poisoned as my mother she was a very careful person but that very day, she didn't and it was what resulted on her death.." Seoyeon saw him smile and scoffed the story lightly but she knew that it takes pain for him to tell the story in ease to her as no family death has ever been easy to tell.

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