I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 149 - Sweet Candy Lips-II

In her childhood Seoyeon had spoke languages no one could understand. Seoyeon can't remember what language she had spoken of and as she came to the orphanage after her parents' death it could be said that she had learned the language with her parents.

"I don't remember anything from the past." said Seoyeon who exhaled a breath through her pink lips, feeling the confusion attacking her, "If the language I spoke is the witches' language would that mean before I know much more about witches?"

"That could be so, we have to first find the reason of your memory loss but seeing your headmaster, I doubt he knows everything." replied Jung Hwa to then asked as he stepped inside, "Have you ever been in an accident?"

Seoyeon walked following the man, her head craned up to see him even when she couldn't catch his expression in the darkness, "Why an accident?" she asked him.

"Isn't it often where children lose their memories due to an intense fear of an accident? That could be your case." replied Jung Hwa whose eyes then stopped at the small wardrobe which was covered with cobwebs. If Seoyeon had seen the condition the girl would have screamed in fear. An intense phobia of spider wasn't something to easily cure.

"I don't think that ever happened the caretakers never mentioned it before." replied Seoyeon her feet pushed the wooden floor to creak. She couldn't see in the darkness but she knew how worse the condition in her room was. It made her wonder how was she as a child could endure all of this in a young age.

"They never mentioned about you speaking in devilish language either before I put my hand on his neck." Jung Hwa commented as he reached out his hand, he brushed away the cobwebs, killing the spiders that was on it. He then asked, "Have you ever received anything of your parents belonging? Usually the orphanage would hold something like a momento wouldn't they?"

Seoyeon shook her head, her eyes looked at the bed that was now empty from the cushion, "They died in a fire accident from what I heard. My parents tried to save me in exchange for their lives and everything in the house was burnt to nothing." Her voice drawled and a sadness passed on her lips which Jung Hwa was able to notice without the need to look at her face, "Not even the memories could be saved."

"We can make a better memory," Jung Hwa leaned forward toward Seoyeon, his hand capturing hers and brought her closer, "There are memories we could make you and me, together. Fun ones, exciting ones like the time you meet the wolf, or even ones you could never forget." Jung Hwa pulled his tone, a grin twisting his lips to know how Seoyeon didn't yet notice his words, "in the bed." he added.

Seoyeon's face turned instantly red. All the time Jung Hwa had done nothing but to poison her mind with words such as this that felt embarrassing and seductive which was quick to pull her away to the fantasies. She pulled her hand away from Jung Hwa which in return he released.

"There is nothing here it seems." commented Jung Hwa, seeing that this room was filled with things of the pasts that didn't hold much value.

The orphanage was comparably better now than when Seoyeon was still a child. Since her childhood she found the place as daunting and frightening which didn't come from anywhere. The caretakers and the headmaster were people who took pleasure singling her out, turning a blind eye to the abuses and punishment which was too much for her when she was young.

Now as Seoyeon had grown older, the place looked nothing less than any normal building. It could be because when she was young, her body was still small and short, making the place big and the people like giants. With her who is older and taller now, she realized that it wasn't as frightening as it seemed. Seoyeon wondered if the old storage room was still there would she be afraid of it?

When they stepped out of the orphanage, Jung Hwa then spoke, "You have been looking there since we entered before, is there something in that place?" He asked her.

With the lights shedding off the darkness outside the orphanage, Seoyeon could see his handsome face better, the smile appeared on his lips when he spoke, "Continue and stare at my face like that and I will think you have fallen for me. I know that I am handsome."

On his words, Sepyeon said nothing but smile. Her face turned to the yard, "There was an old storage room there before, very old. I was kept locked there before." It wasn't there yet somehow, Seoyeon could see the shadow of the place.

Jung Hwa hummed his eyes continued to watch the spot with his eyes narrowed but say nothing. "Shall we go home? In about half a minute, the poor man would scream."

Seoyeon walked to the car and in exactly half a minute a piercing scream came from the orphanage building, originating from the headmaster's office. Her eyes shifted at Jung Hww to see him covering his smile, seeming to be very amused, "How did you do that?" Seoyeon asked, curiosity stayed on him.

"Just a little trick. Although if I used it too much I would get hungry but that's not a problem." Jung Hwa's eyes fell on Seoyeon and upon seeing the wicked going on his eyes, not a good premonition came over her. "After all I have you."

Unable to resist, Seoyeon replied, "I'm not your blood bag."

"Yes you are not, you are you which make it even more tastier in my eyes. One of this days if my fangs sinks on your neck you would have to know that I've been thinking of your blood every now and then." said Jung Hwa while taking one step for Seoyeon to moved two steps back as if she was afraid he would bite on her now but it was because of the expression Jung Hwa had which looked as if he was truly hungry.

Opening the door for Seoyeon in a gentlemanly way, Jung Hwa tipped his chin to cue her, "Come in and don't worry I will not drink you yet."

"The yet statement doesn't sounds too good." mumbled Seoyeon as she bent her back to enter the car.

When the door didn't close, Seoyeon turned her eyes to see the pureblood vampire still standing beside the door. If Seoyeon hoped Jung Hwa would leave the words unnoticed she would be wrong with his sharp ears but Seoyeon wanted him to hear the words.

Jung Hwa chuckled, looking at her like the innocent cat she was who is ready to run when chances come if he showed his fangs. "But it is something you should be grateful for now."

Seoyeon noticed the seriousness from Jung Hwa's eyes and her throat gulped, feeling dry. As if next time there would be no telling he would bite her. The one lick seemed to have shown its last resort, loosing effect on the pureblood who really wanted to taste her blood.

The car drove back from the orphanage that was in chaos to find the headmaster with many of his bones broken and the man began to speak like a crazy person who claimed to see devil and words that followed.

Jung Hwa in his car could guess how the headmaster would be viewed as a crazy person pulled his sly smile over his lips. It is what the man deserve. In the past he avoided Seoyeon and now ironically he would be one to be avoided by many. The thought made Jung Hwa to broke in chuckle which Seoyeon didn't notice as her mind sank in contemplation about herself.

All this time, Seoyeon never knew how she was different than others. She had thought and believed she lived nothing less than a normal human but she had to come in term with it. How was her parents? wondered Seoyeon. If they were witches, could they possibly know more about vampires than her? If only she could remember her childhood memories and it would be easier, thought Seoyeon.

When they arrived by her house, Seoyeon bowed her neck to thank the pureblood who had saved her and let her know of things she didn't know about herself, "Thank you for today."

"I did many things for you to thank but I wonder which are you thanking me for now?" questioned Jung Hwa with his eyes curious. This could be said as lenient sentencing because if it was others he would ask for payment. But he wasn't petty to the woman he love instead it would be confusing if she was being petty to her.

When this side of Jung Hwa appeared, Seoyeon had to say she expected him to say the words. She decided to brush his words and take it lightly for her own sake, "All of them, including the headmaster."

"Hmm, that man. Should I say that I'm jealous that he stayed in your kind for years since your childhood? Then again now that he is useless I hope you don't dream of him at night."

"I have never dreamed of him before either. That would be nightmare." replied Seoyeon he doesn't remember the man's face well either until she saw him earlier.

"Nightmare or not, I would like it if you dream of me. Keep thinking of me even when you are asleep." Jung Hwa whispered, the words ticklish to Seoyeon's ears and she was afraid that tonight she would really fall asleep with him on her dream.

"Before I forgot," Jung Hwa said to take her attention, "Take this with you.. It's a shame to leave it in his room earlier."

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