I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 15 - The Narcisstic CEO

When Jung Hwa shifted his glance to his secretary, Han Seoyeon who had been marking weird wrinkles between her brows smoothened her expression with a pleasant smile. "Is there anything else I could help you with, CEO?"

"Tea is precious isn't it?" Suddenly Jung Hwa took a different course of their conversation.

Han Seoyeon didn't let her questioning expression surfaced to her face and replied like a robot. "Yes, I agree with your opinion." After all she had made almost perhaps fifteen teas for him, how can the teas are not precious?!

"Water is also precious don't you think so too?" He asked again.

"That's certainly true." Han Seoyeon replied in surface.

"I read somewhere that worldwide, seven hundred and eighty million people does not have access to an improved water source and that more than thirty five percent of the world's population lack access to improved sanitation. That's quite a number isn't it?" Jung Hwa added a series of cases.

Why is he bringing this up? When he was the one who had just been wasting clear fresh water for her to make his red teas?! Han Seoyeon asked herself.

"You are extremely knowledgeable, CEO." Han Seoyeon praised heartedly.

Jung Hwa smiled. "Of course, I'm the CEO of Altar Cooperation this much knowledge is nothing. Other than my handsome face my intelligence give a boost don't you think?"

The CEO is a little narcissistic, Han Seoyeon noted.

"Yes, that's correct CEO." Han Seoyeon replied with a smile not wanting to show how awkward her true expression is. Thankfully she worked as a salesgirl before and no matter how rude her customer is, she could mask her expression with her pleasant smile.

"So what do you think about throwing water, it isn't something good when knowing there are plenty of people outside needs it, right?" Jung Hwa placed his cup with a clinking noise.

Han Seoyeon felt his words prickled and agreed. "That's awful. I have never thought in that sight before."

"I'm wise, aren't I?" He added for her to helplessly replied again. "Yes, CEO. You're the wisest person I've ever come across."

Scratch the 'little' that I note before. He is narcissistic!

"Of course, I'm one out of billions in the world after all." Jung Hwa had a satisfied expression from the tea that she brought. "You can go now, Secretary Han."

Han Seoyeon didn't wait for his further instruction once he said go, she goes! As she studied the documents left by the previous secretaries, Han Seoyeon spent her work time getting used to the workplace and the CEO's schedules for the whole next month, his preference and his dislikes. That whole day in her office, Han Seoyeon spent her time with sudden heart attacks when Jung Hwa called his name.

Partly Han Seoyeon suspected that her easily startled nature when he called her name was because she felt a little guilty over tricking him and also due to the four iron-clad rules that declared how much Jung Hwa hated liars. She could only cleverly avoid looking at his gaze back in case she cogs some unwanted memories from his mind.

Next afternoon, Han Seoyeon continued her studies of her work earlier than others. She tapped her keyboard and read the mails of Jung Hwa when she suddenly hear a voice coming across her desk.

"Secretary Han! You've began in taking your job now?" Kang Taehee popped his head to the desk in front of Han Seoyeon. After taking the break he needed, his complexion brightened up and even his personality didn't seem to be as gloomy as before.

"You've come back to work, Mr. Kang."

"Well, yes. I was too sleepy yesterday so I slept like a baby! Did the CEO already told you to work now? Even though it's your second day?" Kang Taehee glanced and the hill-like packed files upon Han Seoyeon's desk with worry.

"This is- no. The CEO didn't told me anything and I want to get a better understanding for my job. Nevertheless," Han Seoyeon trailed while staring at the neat files. "The previous secretary must have been a very amazing person. Everything is written very neatly here without a letting a single details going missing."

"Oh, that's because Secretary Gon is a very diligent person. But don't worry as long as you're very perceptive and keen at helping the boss, there should be no problem. That's what Secretary Gon told me."

"Secretary Gong is the previous secretary?" Han Seoyeon asked to receive a nod.

"Speaking about second day of work, we have to open a welcoming party for Secretary Han!!! I will go and talk with the core management team first, see you later!" Said Kang Taehee like a storm before receiving Han Seoyeon's reply.

"Core management Team." Han Seoyeon repeated before opening one of the files beneath the one she was currently reviewing and spoke aloud. "Core Management Team, the team specifically chosen by the CEO. They are the core of the company, the last team that took on the crucial works after the CEO." Reading it aloud, Han Seoyeon had an amazed expression. "For the CEO to choose them personally to take the critical matters, they must be very amazing people."

As Han Seoyeon continued her work, after two hours, Kang Taehee came back with a woman who had a long hair and a young man with a glasses. Seeing Han Seoyeon the glasses man greeted with a smile. "Secretary Han?"

"Yes, that's me." She said as she stood up.

"I am Sul Insu from the core management team, please take care of me from now on, Secretary Han." He bowed to have Han Seoyeon bowed back in reflex. "Likewise, Mr. Sul."

So this person is in the core management team? Han Seoyeon asked in her heart. He must be also an important person.

The woman beside Sul Insu swept her hair to the side swiftly, reaching out her hand for Han Seoyeon and spoke with a sense of arrogance. "My name is Lee Sun-hee, but if prefer to be called Sunny. Bright like sun beautiful as sunflower a perfect name for my beauty, don't you think?" She rose an eyebrow at Han Seoyeon and a waiting smile for her to reply positively.

"Ms. Lee, you should tone down your narcissism." Kang Taehee chuckled. "Sorry Secretary Han, Ms. Lee is a person like this you see."

"What do you mean by a person like this?! I'm just stating myself as usual." Sunny argued for Kang Taehee to helplessly surrender. "Yeah, yeah."

"I don't like your tone." Lee Sunny objected. "You're too arrogant for the youngest in the team."

"Arrogance came with age you see, the younger you are the arrogant you are." Kang Taehee replied while shrugging his shoulder. "Right Secretary Han and Mr. Sul?"

While Sul Insu gave a troubled look from being pressured to take sides Han Seoyeon chuckled, unlike one would expected from a top company coworkers they talk kindly and had a rather normal conversation.

"Anyway, where are Sera and Mr. Bong? They should be here by now." Lee Sunny asked as she pulled a red lipstick and hand mirror from her purse.

"That's I also don't know Ms. Go is always dazing and Mr. Bong has faint presence you see, you wouldn't know him disappearing even if you sit beside him." Kang Taehee turned to Seoyeon. "Ms. Go Sera and Mr.. Bong are our team too. Have you finished reading the files, Secretary Han?"

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