I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 151 - Torturing Preference-I

"The associates claim that witches have came back, the dark witches they assume. It could be one of their work although it's strange for this one to be here." replied Seojun as he watched his superior taking the dust to his hand to brush it between his finger to see how it fell like flakes.

"Why is it strange? The dark witches you mean?" asked the man to him who then stood up from his crouching position. "They may have gone extinct but we know better how there are white witches still around this world, working with us or the associates, saying that the dark witches have surface, it is not too strange. Although surprising."

"It doesn't look like you are surprised though." Seojun said to him and he smiled.

"I am surprised but thinking about it isn't it's just one more creature added to our list to hunt?" The man grinned, raising his feet, he stomped to the dust of the vampire, "my only goal is to have all those damnable hollowed vampires to die."

Seojun only looked at the man, saying nothing. He could tell how hatred had come over his senior when talking about hollowed vampires. Everyone who work as Hunter have the same goal. To eliminate hollowed vampires in the world. Most reasons of Hunter to work were hatred. Some Hunters lost their family on the hands of the hollowed family and it made them always not in a good term with associates although they often work together they never physically placed next to each other with their nature that goes against each other.

Seojun, however, was different. His parents died out of natural course which was why he doesn't see hollowed vampire as creature to hate but rather pitiable. To the moment of their death, they would be at the state of an insane and as death was their only salvation, the hollowed vampires would have to run to people; dragging deaths of others and their own.

Seojun raised his hand to hold the man's hand and stopped him from stomping in the dust of the death vampire, "No, I meant wasn't the information is that a pureblood vampire had broke down a dark witches' lair? If so, how would there still be effect of their potions?"

"Maybe they are not the only dark witches group." answered the man.

"Or maybe, there is someone from the witches lair who was still alive." Seojun took the guess and added, "I will speak to Berry. To ask him if this speculation could be said to the associates." Turning his face, Seojun saw the frown on the man's face, "associates may not be the place you like but it's not only our lives in line but others."

"Speaking of the pureblood vampire, wasn't he the first to enter the associates without exam? I recalled how he was praised by others." said the man again. "I forgot his name somewhere between He..."

Seojun wasn't in particular in need to note the name. He walked from the place, bending down and took Lee Sunny's body and placed her on his shoulder, like a person bringing a potato sacks.

"Right!" Suddenly the man exclaimed aloud that had Seojun to turn his head and heard him continue, "Jung Hwa."

The name surprised Seojun. He stood in his place, noting the name again before his brows furrowed, "Did you say the pureblood's name is Jung Hwa?"

"Yes, it's a rare name, isn't it? Not many have the same name for a man." The man thought Seojun was voicing out the strange name and how it didn't suit for being a man's name but his focus was somewhere else.

Seojun recalled well his sister's words that spoke of how the man named Jung Hwa could do magic trick. Is it possible that his elder sister had come in contact with a pureblood without her knowing?

The frown tensed Seojun's expression, "Titan, could we go back now? Right now. I have something important I have to do."

"We would have to erase the woman's memory but I don't think we could go right away before morning-" Titan saw how Seojun had made his way to the car and in a hurry the man bent to pick the dusts to a bag before running to follow him.

On the same night, Jung Hwa arrived to his house late. He had his own house but with his grandfather who was old and weak he spent most his time divided to live in his own house or his grandfather's house. Unlike one would think, even a pureblood vampire would go through pain when they got older as no being in the world was immortal.

There were disputes Jung Hwa had against his grandfather. The old man didn't want to search for his mother's death which to this day was the most disappointing action he ever took. But his grandfather only had a few more years to live, and despite his weakness in making choice, he had brought Jung Hwa to live with him. Jung Hwa knew that despite all the only wish his grandfather had to him was to protect him.

Arriving at the house, Jung Hwa turned open the lock with his own key and stepped inside the house to be greeted with a startled expression from the servants who work in the house. Most servants were half vampires who knew him as a pureblood, therefore explain their frightened expression when seeing him.

Jung Hwa didn't care to bat an eyelid on the servants and continue to walk inside when from behind a voice call him, "Brother Hwa." There was sweetness in the voice, happiness and glee. Without looking back, Jung Hwa could guess who it was. The young vampiress behind him was Barbara.

"Are you and your mother living here?" asked Jung Hwa without looking back, his steps continue to walk forward. The cold shoulders he gave should work to stop Barbara from following him after feeling her pride hurt but Barbara wasn't affected. She continued to follow Jung Hwa and sped up to walk beside him.

Barbara knew what kind of person Jung Hwa was and the vampiress had admired his older cousin as he was the very perfect pureblood she ever seen. It took her years to be able to get close to Jung Hwa. With his cold nature, he didn't took well in getting close to other or becoming acquainted. That goes the same even when she was his cousin but the vampiress who admired Jung Hwa wish to get closer to him.

"We have decided to stay in Korea but as we would be staying too long at the hotel, grandpa asked us to stay here and we agreed." replied Barbara and Jung Hwa replied to her with a subtle hum, "Brother did you go somewhere? I can smell blood from you."

Jung Hwa's aunt, Valerie may not have a strong pureblood line but Barbara was a pureblood vampiress with her father's blood line to enhance her senses. Even a drop of blood in Jung Hwa's coat could be picked up by the girl.

"I went for a hunt." answered Jung Hwa who then stopped and narrowed his eyes at Barbara who followed him relentlessly. "Go to your mother, she must be searching for you now. She wouldn't like to see you staying with me."

"She would be fine. Who did you hunt, was it a female human?" Barbara asked curiously, bringing the matter again even after she had been brushed by Jung Hwa. She want to know about the hunt.

Like most vampires, Barbara felt excited when hunt was mentioned. She hope that soon in the future he would also be able to hunt for her own meal. She had heard some stories about vampires who had hunt outside for humans. Although the Associates and Hunters strongly goes against the act, it wasn't unusual for few of vampires to hunt for themselves with the long lifespan they have. As a pureblood vampiress, the young girl believe she would be forgiven even if she killed a human.

Jung Hwa was feeling rather in a good mood after tasting Seoyeon's lips which was sweeter than the candy he ate. Seeing the curious eyes of his younger cousin, perhaps he could help her satisfy her wonders or play with her.

"A male." The reply internally surprised Barbara but outwardly in her appearance she didn't show her surprise. Most vampires attack humans who were of the opposite gender. This came for a reason. When a human felt intense fear or pleasure, their blood would taste sweeter. For sure Barbara thought it would be a woman.

"Did you drink his blood?" The vampiress asked again.

Jung Hwa smiled, saying, "No, hunt to drink is for dimwits Barbara. We hunt to see their writhing expression, to see how fear went across their face as they beg for live and repent for their sins. Of course it would only be better if the human was a bastard."

When Barbara was about to reply, Jung Hwa didn't stop and continue, "this doesn't effect only to humans some times vampires in fear is also fun to watch. Especially pureblood vampires." taunted Jung Hwa and Barbara gulped on his words, "so be careful my dear younger cousin. If you are by chance a bastard I deem to be, I wouldn't know what I would do in order to satiate my wicked self. Torturing is my forte."

Barbara could feel the pressure from Jung Hwa's words as if he was waiting for the day he could torture her.. She waited more for his words which didn't come and saw his grin that didn't seem like he was joking, "I am a good girl, I'm sure you wouldn't hunt me, would you?" she asked him back.

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