I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 152 - Torturing Preference-II

If there was an expert when it comes to taunting others, Jung Hwa would have won. He didn't reply, his lips set to the grin where no words breathed out by him. On the silence Jung Hwa watch how the smile Barbara held up slowly faded and his smile only went up.

"If the chances ever arises," Jung Hwa hummed after his reply. "We will see whether as you said you are a good girl or not. I have no tolerance to people who are bad."

From behind, sounds of footsteps came. Jung Hwa being a pureblood with the very sharp sense of hearing could hear the sound even before it reached the hallways, starting from the staircase. In comparison it took Barbara minutes until she hear her mother's footsteps and see the shadow of her dress.

"Barbara!" Mrs. Valerie called her voice raised that even though she was fat it sounded as if she was very near them. God forbid! She left her daughter with Jung Hwa! The nephew of her was never sane. There would always been killings that he done for reasons even vampires couldn't understand. For someone who once killed his own family member, she was afraid Barbara would be next in list of kill.

When Mrs. Valerie came, Jung Hwa smiled at his aunt. How noisy she was thought Jung Hwa. Bringing his hands, he crossed it above his chest, eyes looking at Mrs. Valerie who then smiled at him.

"Hwa, you've came back home. How are you?" The elder vampiress asked, her voice sounding as if she didn't expect Jung Hwa to be here with her daughter when in truth she had heard the news beforehand from the maids that worked under her.

Jung Hwa looked surprise then he tilted his head. "Oh, was I missed very much by my dear aunt? How surprisingly pleasant to know."

"You are my nephew, of course I would care for you as much as I care for my daughter and son," said Mrs. Valerie, coating her words with sugars and sweet smile to accompany her gleeful like words.

Jung Hwa chuckled once, doing the effect for Mrs. Valerie to raise her thinly drawn brows and she heard him say, "that's great to hear. Here I thought my dear aunt was afraid I will strangle my younger cousin sister's slender neck and snap her neck for her life to be gone." Mrs. Valerie knew not to react. As pureblood vampires were able to control their heart rate it helped Mrs. Valerie to weave her lies better. Even if her pureblood linage wasn't strong, she could control her heart rate like most of pureblood.

"I believe you would never harm your cousin," answered Mrs. Valerie in all sureness, her eyes looking at Jung Hwa like an aunt he wish for nothing but her nephew's best interests.

Jung Hwa unfolded and placed his hands down, settling it beside him. "It's great to hear your trust but I would say not to trust me too much."

Mrs. Valerie raised the brows that were already raised. "Do you mean I cannot trust my nephew?"

"Yes, because to me trust is meant to be broken," to people like his aunt of cousin as he doesn't trust them either, Jung Hwa added the words to himself and gave a superficial smile. "You should take a rest aunt and Barbara, I would need to go and visit grandfather. If you'll excuse me," Jung Hwa left the place, his shoes making very little sounds which was hard for both vampiress to know whether the man had gone.

Mrs. Valerie continued to watch Jung Hwa went from the hallway, disappearing after taking the right turn. Barbara then saw her mother tipping her chin to the other end of the hallway from where Jung Hwa had left at. "Come with me."

Once he arrived, Jung Hwa opened the door by turning the door and pushed without knocking or calling the person in the room. The old man who was resting at his comfy couch, turned his face to the door. Seeing his grandson, the first thing the old man did was to sigh.

He quickly turned his face to the picture frame he had been holding between his hands. "Oh dear, my beloved daughter. Your father is very sorry he couldn't bring up your son to have a wife. I knew it. I shouldn't have believed his words that claimed he had found someone."

"I have found someone grandfather," tsked Jung Hwa and he walked toward the old man after removing his coat. "Why are you holding an empty picture frame, anyway?"

"Good words for someone who took the picture in this frame." His grandfather looked at him while pulling his lips. "Who is this someone. I know she is a human."

"I know who told you that," said Jung Hwa almost immediately, "I will visit him soon and pull his tongue."

"Threatening others, I don't expect you to threaten the human girl too, aren't you?" asked his grandfather who watch him went from the place after taking the picture frames and placed it away to the cupboard.

"At the least I think I don't," answered Jung Hwa who walked to see the books settled inside the large bookshelf which was built in the walls.

The words contain little to no sincereness that made the old man to be sure Jung Hwa had perhaps subtly threaten the human girl he loved. The old man sighed. "Where do you acquire such personality?"

"My mom." Jung Hwa said curtly for the old man's smile to fall and sadness appearing to his face.

"Stop your expression." Jung Hwa commented while looking at his grandfather's face. "I heard you were the one who called the troubles into the house. If you want a calm and peaceful life, grandfather, I advise you to kick them out of the house. Now, if you wish to be more efficient. I don't know if I could keep the last bolt in my head before it fell and I screw every one of them."

"Let them stay this house will be haunted if no one come to stay," said the old man who then stood up from the chair, walking to take the water jar when Jung Hwa took the water jar before him and poured to fill the glass before placing it on his hand.

"Am I not staying here?" Jung Hwa questioned whilst watching the old man raising his cup, drinking to place the glass beside the jar.

"You are different," asserted the old man who raised his hand and patted Jung Hwa's shoulders, "anyways, where is she? The human girl you mentioned. I am still waiting patiently for your promise to have me meet her."

"She is still in process, I'm bringing her here once everything is ready." This words sounded to the old man that Jung Hwa had thought everything down the smallest details in order to have the human girl with him. Although human's lifespan and vampire's lifespan are strikingly different, there was a way to lengthen the human's lifespan which didn't worry the old man too much.

He was rather worry if the human girl could accept to become vampire as there was only a few people he knew who would turn themselves to vampire. To change one's identity from a human to vampire wasn't an easy decision to make.

"I will go home now." Jung Hwa said, picking the coat he had just took off in less than a minute.

As he slide it over his long hands, his grandfather frowned on his action. "Where are you going?"

"Home. Didn't I say that earlier?" Jung Hwa stayed back. He came only to see whether his old man was fine and he did look kickingly alive enough to ask him words he was curious of.

The old man didn't move from where he was as Jung Hwa had turned his back. "Is it because of Valerie?"

Jung Hwa's hands on the door knob stopped. He turned his face, smile on his lips that were twisted with wickedness. His eyes watch how his grandfather seemingly looking worried. The old man was a pureblood vampire but he was on the softer side. While Jung Hwa was on the harsh, concrete side where he was made not to be soft. Falling to the concrete would skinned others and that's how Jung Hwa had lived like.

There was guilt on his grandfather's face, the same guilty looking face he had used years ago when he was still young, a small pureblood vampire. Jung Hwa wasn't born evil it was his environment that created him to be the person he was now.

"It's me, grandfather, I wouldn't care about my aunt. The problem was I can't stay in this house if I do..." Jung Hwa drawled, letting the silence linger for his grandfather to fill the words hanging on his own. "You wouldn't want me to kill another family member inside this house would you?"

The old man said nothing that was typical of him and Jung Hwa doesn't blame him either. "I'll go now," he said and turning the knob, he left the room with the old man who sighed and walked to the cupboard. He took the frame, opening the back of the frame by pulling the wood, he took out a folded picture that was small and old. The upper half of the picture was ripped, the tear unevenly created in the upper part.

On the other half of the picture was two boys. One Jung Hwa and an older boy who stood beside him with smile upon their lips.. The childish smile that was never to be found again.

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