I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 153 - Sweet Coaxing-I

Seoyeon woke up early. In truth she didn't woke up early but had stayed up late thinking about the kiss. Bringing her hand to run it over the seam of her lips, she felt as if her lips had swollen from the light kiss. Seoyeon turned and rolled in the bed her face covered by the pillow. She felt her cheeks burn, blood rushing to her head.

'I want you'

Seoyeon stood up from her bed, pushing herself by her elbow. When she recalled Jung Hwa's face, it felt vivid. She could remember everything about him clear as she close her eyes. His voice he always whispered to her was also still a fresh memory in her.

She wasn't sure if what she felt was love for Jung Hwa. But she wouldn't deny how her feeling had swayed for him. She had slowly fall for him where his slightest action affected her.

Remembering something, Seoyeon pushed herself from the bed, walking down to make way to the large sport bag placed on the floor. Opening the bag, Seoyeon was surprised by the amount of money. She felt that it was wrong for her to take the money but Jung Hwa said it would be alright and he would find a solution for the children of the orphanage. Seoyeon didn't know what he would do but she knows better how Jung Hwa never lied to her. He was someone who would put his words into action.

"What should I do with the money?" asked Seoyeon and she remembered her aunt and uncle. Using this money, she could escape from the family, disowning herself to gain her freedom and her younger brother's future.

Seoyeon closed the bag, taking it to pull by her hands to push the bag inside her wardrobe. The thought that she would leave her aunt and uncle's family made her happy. She didn't want to part from Han family's name, where it was her parent's surname and decide to adopt the same name even after the trial.

Taking her steps from the wardrobe, Seoyeon noted the time and hurried to run to work. She arrived at work early, making sure to be punctual but inside the elevator she sighed. What should she do when seeing Jung Hwa again? How should she react toward him? The kiss made her conscious and confused.

When the door opened, Seoyeon straightened her back and walked as if nothing happened today in her morning. When she was about to enter the hallway where Jung Hwa's office was, she noticed people crowding around Lee Sunny's table.

"What's wrong everyone?" asked Seoyeon when she arrived beside the desk, gaining manny attentions and eyes from others.

Lee Sunny saw Seoyeon coming and waved her hand, "Secretary Han! Hear this, last night I think I was drunk. I went to drink with others and came back late at night. Then this morning I find myself in my bed!"

On her words Seoyeon raised her brows, "I don't see any problem there?"

"There is problem! I don't remember how did I got home! And the weird thing is, my window was opened while my door was closed as if I enter through the window of my room when I live in the fourth floor."

"Maybe you closed the door after entering and opened the window because you feel hot after drinking. It often happen," reasoned Seoyeon and Lee Sunny drew her brows as if thinking what Seoyeon said.

"Really?" asked Lee Sunny still unsure for Seoyeon to reply with a nod of her head. "That maybe true but somehow I feel odd as if there is something that I missed when I go home."

"That's perhaps the effect of alcohol. Would you like to have a hangover soup to cure your headache?" asked Seoyeon in concern.

Lee Sunny was about to say yes when a voice interjected her. "Since when you have become other's secretary, Miss Han? You are mine, come here."

Seoyeon's eyes turned at him, her lips instantly pursed while she stared back at his eyes. Jung Hwa who was also staring at her eyes then saw how she avoided to look at him directly with overwhelming emotions she felt and he twisted a smile.

Lee Sunny immediately turned her face away, typing her keyboards even when there was nothing to type on as long as Jung Hwa doesn't put an eye on her. Like Lee Sunny the rest of the team went to their computer, typing as if their lives were on the line while at the same time hoping Jung Hwa would be gone.

Seoyeon made way toward him and she walked behind. Seeing Jung Hwa began to walk with his lips telling the wide smile he had, she pursed her lips. Jung Hwa didn't seem to be affected by the kiss was this because he had kissed many in the past? With his age, she could understand how Jung Hwa could be experienced.

Seoyeon brought a hand to her chest, feeling the discomfort that made her feel somewhat irritated. When entering his office, Jung Hwa sensed her heartbeat.

"Seoyeon, are you going to stand there until meteor falls? You are not dinosaurs dear who stood while waiting their end, come here." Jung Hwa called her, his hand in a hither come motion and waiter for Seoyeon to come toward him.

Seoyeon made sure to leave space. "My necktie," came Jung Hwa's voice and she turned around the desk, taking the choice of neckties to take one and came back in front of him. Seoyeon watched how Jung Hwa's hand were leaning on the table while his other hand was holding the tablet on his hand, seeming to scan the works he had from the device.

Taking steps, Seoyeon had to regulate her breaths to say, "Mister Jung could you come closer?"

"Step closer then," Jung Hwa told her and with one stinky eye Seoyeon gave him she walked. This pureblood vampire thought Seoyeon. His hands were still attached to his body, he didn't lose his eyesight but stubbornly doesn't want to wear the necktie unless she was the one to tie the knot.

Going to walk right one step before him, Seoyeon felt the height difference that stood out more as Jung Hwa has stood up. Craning her neck, Seoyeon stopped to see his collarbones that stood out as he left the two button from the top of the shirt to be opened. Her eyes continued to travel from his collarbones to his chin, then stopping at the well shaped lips in the deep red color.

Staring at it, Seoyeon felt her heart racing aloud, her breaths she let go quivered. "You were irritated earlier, something happened to your day again?" asked Jung Hwa curiously.

He had only left her for few hours where she slept with her heart fluttery from his kiss. She wouldn't feel irritated unless something very eventful happened to her in the morning. Was it her family again? wondered Jung Hwa.

"Me? Angry, no, I wasn't." Pureblood's power to hear heartbeat and detect other's emotions was very nosy thought Seoyeon. It was unfair how they kept their ears wide open to eavesdrop on other's emotions while it was hard for others to read their expression.

"Lie when you know how to lie better Seoyeon. Lie would only make other punish you." Jung Hwa spoke with a wise tone as if he was being very solemn to tell her what she didn't know of.

"For a fact you don't have the authority to punish me." She wouldn't deter in the word punishment. If Jung Hwa thought he could frightened her by uttering the word punish then he was wrong.

"Sadly I don't which why I am feeling very disappointed." Jung Hwa's hand slipped to Seoyeon's hand when she was about to run, he pulled the necktie she held on her hands which made her to collapse in him. Seoyeon quickly tried to move one but as if she was a mice whose tail was hold by a cat's paw, there was no chance for her to move back.

Jung Hwa lifted her chin, pulling it up while his other hands on her waist. "A kiss my dear would that be count as punishment or reward?"

"Reward for you," said Seoyeon, her eyes on his lips didn't stay longer. Her heartbeat raise and she felt her cheeks warmed up. She didn't know where to place her hand and rest it over his thighs.

"Yes for me but is it punishment for you?" Jung Hwa asked her. "Even though you enjoyed the kiss."

"I don't." Seoyeon quickly denied.

Jung Hwa shook is head, "A lie again. I could tell with how tired your eyes were that you didn't sleep well. How was it tossing in the bed, imagining my face until you wake up in the morning? Must have been a very intense dream for you?"

"How do you know that?" gasped Seoyeon only to slowly realize she had confessed to thinking of him all night long without sleeping.. Staring at his lips that slowly twisted into a wide smile, she cursed. This silly vampire!

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