I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 154 - Sweet Coaxing-II

Jung hummed through his lips which were barely opened. His eyes crinkling with all amusement to hear how Seoyeon was indeed sleeping by having him her mind. In a count of one week passed, Seoyeon seemed to have finally love him. Perhaps she didn't know the affection, she was still wasn't aware of the feeling as sometimes it took a day for one to know love like him; and some times it took more days for one to aware of the love.

Although Seoyeon still wasn't sure of it, Jung Hwa could tell she knew what she was feeling. Each day beside her, he had poisoned her mind, infecting her by saying the word love. It was hard for anyone not to have their heart moves seeing the care Jung Hwa had for her, his acceptance, and there was also the charms he had.

Seoyeon felt her chest grew shallower as breaths left her body. Her cheeks were burning in the position where her body was over his, sleeping on his chest that felt somewhat hard yet soft. Quickly she regain her position, pulling herself from him and fixed her hair.

"You know I am very glad to hear you were dreaming of me, don't you?" asked Jung Hwa, he brought his hands together, interlocking to place it over his waist.

"I can see your smile. The wide grin. This is your fault," accused Seoyeon, like the cat she was, her feet quickly make distance between them which triggered Jung Hwa to push himself and walk following her. If Seoyeon's instinct was to make distance between them, it was Jung Hwa's predatory character to chase over something that run.

Seeing Jung Hwa's shoes walking toward her, she thought to nail down the feet so it wouldn't move. If she was a witch as Jung Hwa said, she would first study a spell to stop one from moving.

Jung Hwa said, "What may be my fault? I will be sure to note it later for further correction in our relationship." His steps continued to advance and Seoyeon hoped he would stop because she wasn't sure how many more steps she had before her back reach to the walls. Like this, Jung Hwa had often push her to the wall, making her to have her face very close to him but after the kiss yesterday, Seoyeon wasn't sure if she could stay on the wall without having her mind thrown to a mess.

"You... kissed me," Seoyeon whispered, her cheeks reddened bright. It was evident from her expression how Seoyeon recalled back everything last night where her lips were kissed and the taste of the sweet candy.

Jung Hwa's smile broadened on her words. "I did kissed you but that was a peck." At the moment he was already in front of her, the fastness that was not a human speed. Seoyeon before she knew was pinned to the wall and locked with his hands beside her face. "It would be a great insult if that we did in the car last night was a kiss."

Seoyeon raised her brows. Her stubbornness made her looked at him seemingly brave when in truth she was sinking to chaos. Her lips were quivering, "Kiss is when two lips pressed on each other." Jung Hwa chuckled at her naive words.

She watched his expression where his sweet smile had turned to a devious one, whether it was the shadow that was covering his face, he had turned with an expression that made Seoyeon to shudder. Leaning forward, Jung Hwa whispered, "Kiss is when you feel pleasure so much that your knees wouldn't be able to stand."

Seoyeon looked at him wide eyed when his lips went over her again. Her hands which was resting on her side was pulled, brought together to be pinned beside her shoulders. Capturing her lips, Jung Hwa parted it open for his tongue to enter. Seoyeon felt his tongue running over her lips as if coaxing it to open and she didn't know why she had opened her mouth. Jung Hwa entered her, rubbing the seam of her lips to suck it before his went to dive into the hot cavern of her mouth.

Seoyeon tried to run but she didn't understand why her body wouldn't cooperate with her, to help her stop him. Instead, Seoyeon's mind melted at the kiss. She could feel his tongue on her mouth rubbing with hers. Her hands he pinned beside her shoulders, filled the gap of her fingers and squeezed tight in which she squeezed his palms back.

Seoyeon who had never kissed anyone before even a peck, doesn't know how to react. Everything felt muddled to her. She didn't know whether it was her tongue that moved or his. When he rubbed the roof of her tongues, Seoyeon curled her toes, her fingers squeezed him again. Tears, find its way to stay on the rim of her eyes which wasn't a tear of sadness but tear that came from the overwhelming feeling she felt.

Jung Hwa wasn't rough when he kissed her. He was tame but there was the dangerous line where his tame could turn otherwise. Seoyeon felt her breaths was getting harder to regulate. She didn't know when to breathe and felt his lips leaving her to nibbled on her lower lips. The action had her a hitch to her breaths.

"Wait," said Seoyeon, heaving the air she needed once his lips pulled away on the distance he made. She could see how his eyes had turned dark red, the shades surprised her as well as the severe look he made which seemed as if he was trying to hold himself back from devouring her.

"Wait for what?" he tipped his chin, angling it and before he hold captive of her lips, he said, "breathe through your nose."

The instruction helped Seoyeon to breathe better through the second half of the kiss. There was slowly the numb feeling in her mouth that she felt. She didn't know whether it felt good or it felt bad. When his tongue rubbed a part inside her mouth, she felt ticklish, her fingers squeezed to feel that one of his hand that had released her hands were know on her back, running down to the spine that felt as if a cold pin had rolled on her back.

Seoyeon shuddered, "Hwa," she whispered his name to see in the midst of the kiss his brows furrowed.

Jung Hwa had planned to kiss her lightly, because even a light kiss could make Seoyeon who was new to the pleasure of kissing would know how different a peck and a kiss was. Where the kiss he did had no boundary.

When Seoyeon called her name in the nasal tone after the kiss, Jung Hwa couldn't stop himself there. He kissed her again, smacking his lips and this time as if his limit was broken, he didn't held back to kiss her.

Seoyeon heard the sound of her lips kissing his. Somewhere she felt she shouldn't be doing this and run but she accepted the kiss, feeling how his hand that was in her back moved from the side of her chin to roll to her neck and collarbone.

Feeling the shuddering rub, Seoyeon sighed, the voice turning on Jung Hwa to mess her more, to leave her to the point where she wouldn't be able to catch her breath.

"Call my name more," he coaxed her, his words were sweet as if he was luring her to fall into his honey trap.

Seoyeon didn't know why he would tell her to call his name. As the first time she said his name was when her mind was confused by the kiss. She could only call the man's name, the man who had turned her to the mess she felt she was now.

"Seoyeon," Jung Hwa who had leave her lips whispered beside her ears. Her lips trembled.

Jung Hwa was correct with his words. Where he claimed that kiss was different than a peck. A kiss made her toes curled, her body felt as if it was burn by fire where she felt only heat yet coldness and chill at the same time. After the second half of the kiss, Seoyeon wasn't sure of what she was feeling any longer. To keep tab on her emotions and the pleasure was hard.

Jung Hwa continued, "my name." He instruction made her lips to part, the same lips that she felt as if it had turned swollen after the kiss and the nibbling he did.

The kiss was intense for Seoyeon's first time which was no wonder as Jung Hwa was a man with experience. He lived long and as a vampire it wasn't easy to control down one's sexual heat. Through his age, the experience came from where he knew in the past.

She sucked air from her lips which color had turned darker after the kiss. "Hwa," she whispered his name and as if to praise he smiled at her and kissed her again.

"Good," Jung Hwa said, who was feeling the best pleasure he had ever felt from a kiss.

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