I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 155 - Secret Books-I

When Jung Hwa stepped away, Seoyeon was in a hot mess. Her lips became something like what she doesn't know. Her knees were wobbly as if she had just received an intense shock when in truth it was because of the intense kiss.

Jung Hwa was staring at her, there was a smile on his lips but his eyes made a fierce look. The heat swirled inside his red eyes as he took few steps back as if to admire what he did to her.

"It's hot," said Seoyeon who doesn't know what she should say any longer she felt she was in a brink of blowing with how her blood felt as if it was boiling under her skin.

"That's a great news, your body might be heating because of the kiss," came Jung Hwa's light answer which attained Seoyeon's accusing eyes at him.

"Who do you think did this?" She angrily replied, not knowing how her words sounds even more like a sweet cries to him in which he enjoyed.

Jung Hwa's smile broadened at her, "Me. Shall I help to fix you back, sweetheart?" Jung Hwa watched how at the mention, Seoyeon's black eyes she gazed back narrowed. Her back was pressed on the wall as if she was afraid if her back leave the steady wall, she would fall by using her week legs.

Seoyeon saw him taking one step forward and she raised her hands in front of her, "Don't move!" she stopped him. It almost made Seoyeon insane at how he could cut the distance between them and had every part of her body left ticklish by his action. This shameless pureblood!

"If I don't move, how would I be able to fix you?" Jung Hwa raised both his hands as if to make point at her as he asked while his shoes took another step.

"I don't need the help!" Did Jung Hwa thought she would want any help after what he did? Somewhere, she also doubt the word fix was a good term.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Jung Hwa gave up fast that Seoyeon breathed her breaths in relief which was short lived as Jung Hwa then spoke, "In return, it is my help that we need, come here."

Seoyeon narrowed her eyes, "What kind of help?" Because of the kiss, at some point, Seoyeon forget what she was instructed in the first place.

"The kind where you sleep with me," seeing Seoyeon's eyes widened, he broke to a laugh, "It's sarcasm Seoyeon. Help me with necktie silly sweetheart. Once I take a step your expression look as if you are going to run even though I promise not to go anything you dislike. I treasure you as much as I treasure my own life."

"You the kissed me, twice," Seoyeon reminded him to see his grin widened.

"The kiss, did you dislike it? If you do the kiss would be my mistake but from where I see you look very much enjoying the kiss like I did." Turning other's words were Jung Hwa's speciality. Seoyeon didn't try to speak again and instead curled her lips to part ways with the wall she glued her back with.

Walking toward him, she saw how Jung Hwa smiled and thought to choke him with the necktie.

"I will die if I loose breaths you know," Jung Hwa said, surprising Seoyeon. "I know you were thinking to choke me earlier with the necktie.

"I didn't," and before his lips could move to talk, Seoyeon quickly wrapped the necktie, making a note while being under Jung Hwa's constant watch, enjoying her expressions she made, and admiring her beauty.

Once she was done, like a cat Jung Hwa claimed her to be, Seoyeon ran few steps from here, bowing to curtsy, "This will be all, I will go now."

Jung Hwa didn't reply, he leaned back to the desk to watch Seoyeon running away from his grasp. Once Seoyeon left, Jung Hwa caught the sound of her footsteps running away and chuckled.

An hour passed after the kiss and Seoyeon still couldn't focus. She touched her lips where Jung Hwa had kissed. Jung Hwa's coarse tongue, thought Seoyeon, she could feel traces of his lips after the kiss even though it had been five hours since she last seen him.

She wondered if she was really the witch because to her, Jung Hwa had been the one to cast alluring spell magics to her. As she resumed typing her computer and leaned back to the seat, Seoyeon looked up at the person who arrived in front of her desk, "Anything I could help, Mr. Kang?"

Kang Taehee shook his head, his body leaning on Seoyeon's desk where the front sides was made taller than where the computer rest on. He hesitated before asking, "A commotion happened bellow in the first floor, there was a person claiming she need to talk with Secretary Han forcing her way for the security to enter. I was told to come and ask you if you know anyone with the name Han Minhae."

Seoyeon wondered what her cousin was doing here. As she didn't have a good relationship with her aunt and uncle, let alone her cousin, she didn't tell him her address and she doubted Seojun did either. Her little brother wouldn't do such a thing.

Seoyeon pushed herself from the chair, pushing her body with her hand on the surface of her desk. "She is my cousin, I will go there right now."

Seoyeon made her way to the lobby, seeing the security in front of the entrance, she rolled her eyes and breathed in to walk toward the entrance with her face void from a smile but a cold expression.

Han Minhae, who saw her grinned, she pushed her shoulder to the security, glaring at them. "I told you to let me go didn't I?! Look she is here!"

The security furrowed his brows at the young woman before turning his face back to see Seoyeon and saluted.

"She is my cousin. I will take care of this," and on her words, the securities nodded before leaving. Their eyes were still at Han Minhae, confused at how different the two cousins' characters which was a polar opposite of each other.

Seoyeon crossed her hands in front of her chest, she felt her anger bubbling but she managed to toned it down by remembering that now she could say goodbye to the family for good with the money she had.

"Hello, Seoyeon," greeted Han Minhae, sweetly while smiling at her that make goosebumps to crawl under Seoyeon's skin. She can't remember when Han Minhae ever act kindly or called her name with the tone she used now. "How are you? My mom and dad have been worried about you."

"Worried because they can't pay their debt without me?" asked Seoyeon for Han Minhae's smile to fall. "What do you need? I'm sure you are not here only to greet me."

"Shouldn't you ask how I am first?" Han Minhae's raised one of her brow with her smile appearing to be taunting.

"You are still alive and kicking, and look great with the new clothes, there is still a tag behind you." Han Minhae's hand quickly shot to cover the tag behind her neck and Seoyeon rolled her eyes at this. "Are you really in a debt?"

"Talk about yourself, you look great despite saying that you can't pay the debt," sneered Han Minhae, the older cousin had never been a good sister. She had always want to win over Seoyeon in anything as they both often compared with each other. Her uncle and aunt also wish her to be the best, schooling her to every class they could provide for in return, their daughter was unable to do anything.

"I am great, without you in my life, I've never felt better." Seoyeon watched how the older cousin sister's smile fell to drop.

"You know what I came for today," Han Minhae raised her hands at her. "The money for the debt."

"Didn't you hear me that I wouldn't pay your debt?" Seoyeon pressed her hand to her forehead. Did they still think she would pay in their stead instead of working to find the money for the debt they created themself?

Han Minhae snorted, the older girl's eyes turned at the building where Seoyeon work now. Compared to other companies Seoyeon had worked, by far this was the largest and the best she had seen. "If you work here your salary must be large don't you? Even if you don't work, you can ask your new boyfriend for the money. He seemed rich and well polished. I was about to ask you where did you get him so I could find a boyfriend for myself."

Seoyeon raised her brows, "I don't care if you are daydreaming but I have no boyfriend."

"Don't act stupid, a few days ago by chance I passed by here in this very entrance and saw you entering a car. The man opened the door for you. That handsome one who was very tall." There was admiration in Han Minhae's words when mentioning the man. Not to Seoyeon but because she thought if Seoyeon could attract the man's attention, she was sure she could do even better than her.

Seoyeon wondered who her older cousin mean by the handsome man, but then there was only one handsome man who had been wooing her for two week now. "He is my boss, not my boyfriend."

"A boss opening the door car for you and not the otherwise? That's laughable if you think I would believe you. Let me meet him I will personally asked him to pay off the debt we have. If he is generous enough to open the door car for you, he must have plenty money to be generous to us too." Han Minhae's smile lopsided.. While she ask the man to pay for the debt, she could also find her way to get closer to Seoyeon's boss who seemed to be wealthy and handsome to boot.

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