I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 157 - Secret Books-III

Jung Hwa broadened his smile. As if he finally receive what he wanted, his heart that was always so quiet grew louder in wanting. Throughout his love there wasn't many things he wish to have or want to have. If there was things he wants, Jung Hwa would use his every means to have it on his hand, treasure it forever, and now he had received Seoyeon's heart which he wanted.

Jung Hwa looked down at her, seeing how her expression was marred with worry as if she seemed to be afraid of him because Seoyeon know how his expression look like a hungry predator waiting to eat the little kitten in front of him.

There was also look appearing to Seoyeon's face as if when he let go of her fingers, she would run. To make sure she wouldn't make a dash, Jung Hwa tightened his hold.

"What is there to check then? You have fallen for me, Seoyeon much more than you think you do," as he spoke, Jung Hwa interlocked his hand to the gap of her fingers. His eyes were looking at her with delight that showed how happy he felt now.

Seoyeon, who saw the expression he made felt her heart flipped and turned inside her chest. Somewhere she felt glad that he was happy.

"Do you know how happy I am right now?" Jung Hwa made sure to ask when their eyes met. "I feel like the heaven is mine now," feeling Seoyeon's finger moving as if to release herself from his fingers, he whispered, "Where are you going?"

"I think I need a break." Seoyeon's heart was racing off the track which made her view dizzy.

"Of what?" Jung Hwa pulled her waist and her breaths escaped from her pink lips quivered.

Flustered, Seoyeon turned her face away, biting her lips before saying, "Hwa, please give me a space."

"But I don't want to." Out of the two, Jung Hwa was the one domineering the conversation. Seoyeon often didn't mind of his habit to control the conversation as Jung Hwa didn't pushed his words one sidedly or manipulate her thoughts but there was his stubbornness that came to coerce her from escaping which she thought he should change this approach. "Let's practice here, what you felt to me say it with your lips."

Seoyeon stared at him, her eyes turning glass like on his words. The air she kept on her lungs ran off from her lips, leaving her close to no breaths left to take. Out of stubbornness, Seoyeon asked him, "Practice what?"

"Say you love me." Jung Hwa pulled a smile coated with honey evident to his voice. Seoyeon stared back into his eyes where the black color had turned to red and in each second it turned darker with the shadow covering his face and she didn't move her eyes to run away from his intimidating gaze.

Her lips she curled opened slight under Jung Hwa's watch and when her voice was about to leave, a sound of bell from the elevator rang. Two men came out from the elevator, both of them holding three large box each. The first one to exit the elevator was the same man who had spoke with Seoyeon thirty minutes ago.

The man next to him yawned, unable to cover his mouth, he turned his face. "This is heavier than I thought. What is inside this boxes anyway?"

"It's books," replied the other man, "I saw Secretary Han pulling one book. It was large like the words dictionary with hard cover. Maybe the CEO loves to read books. Turn right."

"So all we need is to bring the boxes to the CEO's office?" asked the man who had spoken first.

"Yes, that is all we need," replied the man and they both stopped at the door of the office. The man knocked to try and open the door to wait for no one to come out. They both looked at each other and knocked on the door again.

The other man placed the boxes down and tried to open the knob to find out the door was locked. "How weird the light is on but there is no here?"

"Secretary Han isn't here either," said the man looking at the desk behind the door which was where Seoyeon would spend most of her time at.

Hearing her name called, her heart hitch. Seoyeon could heat ever words coming from the two men who was speaking to each other as she was right in front of the opposite side of the door. Her hands were locked above her hand by Jung Hwa's single hand and his other hands were on her chin, tilting her chin as their lips were pressed on each other's.

Jung Hwa's fingers glide on the back of her neck, sliding down from her nape bellow to reach her spine and a shuddered breath left Seoyeon's lips when their lips were away from each other.

Seoyeon still couldn't get used to the kiss. It was barely a few hours ago where they had kissed deeply for the first time and now she had kissed him for the third time. There was a feeling budding on her stomach and she didn't know what was the feeling.

"Let's stop here," sighed Seoyeon. She can't bear with the kiss any longer. When their lips touched and his tongue entered her, gradually she became at lost of whose tongue was moving. Whether it was Jung Hwa or her.

"Why?" Jung Hwa asked her, his thumb move from the back of her neck to the front, and he stopped when he reached the collar of her neck, stopping at to tug it. As today Seoyeon was wearing a collared shirt, buttoning it to the very top, a desire to strip the button cake over him. "You've professed your love to me, not by your own lips but I could wait until you do. We have all the time in the world that we needed for your to be honest."

"I will faint," Seoyeon said quickly, since their question she was running out of breath and she didn't know if she could keep up with the quick pace Jung Hwa carried the situation. She had seen sign of her head dizzy and her eyes hazy, if he continue to kiss her using the technique which made her knees weak, she was sure she would faint.

"No, don't faint," Jung Hwa coaxed her, his words were breathed out on her nape that make her shiver. Seoyeon hope soon Jung Hwa would learn how to give her space, the space she needed to stay alive beside him. But even before they kissed, Jung Hwa had never give her space. Would he be able to change now?

Seoyeon doubted that could happen.

A grin stretched Jung Hwa's lips to hear that Seoyeon would faint. Did she think she could run by saying the words? Jung Hwa could tell when to stop and if it would make her faint, he would stop but right now, her heart was beating out of excitement and expectation. It was a shame that Seoyeon didn't know what she was feeling.

"If you do then I will have to bite you to keep wake you up, a scare should work to wake a sleeping beauty," he whispered with a chuckle.

"A kiss woke up a sleeping beauty not a bite," said Seoyeon in a hurry to only lately realized what she had said and quickly she curled her lips together, as if to hide it from the hungry lion in front of him now.

Jung Hwa raised his eyebrow as if he didn't expect she would say the words that irked Seoyeon. "You could have told me if you want a kiss. Being shy have it perks to attract me but I would also like to see the bold side of you. Tell me if you wish to be bold, here or the bed room?"

"I never ask for a- mhm," Seoyeon's voice died out as his mouth came to captivate her again. Seoyeon knew that Jung Hwa won in upper hand when it come to kiss. He seemed to be a man with experience, and with the age difference they had because of him being almost immortal as a pureblood vampire, it came to her notice that it would be weird that he didn't know how to make a woman feel pleasure just from single kiss.

Every spot he rubbed and pressed his tongue inside her mouth were ticklish, some felt good and when he bite on her lips, she didn't know that nibbling was part of a kiss. Jung Hwa ran his tongue on the seam of her lips sucking the spot where he had kiss and took a step back to admire the view and the hot mess he created on Seoyeon by kissing her.

To one point, Seoyeon didn't know what happened, she felt her mind reaching to a blank state of the kiss and tears came slipping on the corner of her lips which Jung Hwa caught by his tongue.. The tears taste sweeter to his tongue as it came out not because of sadness but rather the pleasure his kissed have given her.

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