I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 158 - Midnight Bloodshed-I

The sound of people outside the room took a while to subside and until people went, Jung Hwa stops to kiss her lips. Seoyeon couldn't tell any longer how long her lips had been devoured by the pureblood vampire. Her eyes opened to meet his red eyes that instead of becoming less tense turn intimidating as if he didn't have enough of something, of her.

"I'm not a sleeping beauty in the first place," sighed Seoyeon, her breathings were labored and all was because of him.

Jung Hwa trailed his thumb in her collarbone and a smile stretched wide on his lips to know that Seoyeon could still put her mind on the words after the deep kiss that left her in a mess. "I should applaud you for avoiding falling on your knees." But he saw that of Seoyeon didn't hold her hand close to the door, she would have slumped down with her wobbly week knees.

"I found your parent's cemetery, we can go there soon, there is also a note that your relative lives there," Jung Hwa took a step back as he spoke, letting her breathe the air she needed as he could see how Seoyeon's air in her lung flew when he came near. It was a good sign that Seoyeon felt nervous beside him. The nervous that came from expectant to what he would do.

Seoyeon mustered her energy to walk. She didn't know how a kiss could do exactly what Jung Hwa told her, making her knees to go weak. Her eyes narrowed to his information, "I have a relative?"

Jung Hwa turned his head, knowing that as he expected, Seoyeon didn't know she had relatives either. "I thought you know," Jung Hwa said and his hand poured a glass of water to then walk close to her, "drink it."

Seoyeon brought the glass to her lips, raising to quickly drink it down. Her eyes then stopped at Jung Hwa, "I was told that my parents had no family by the caretakers, I have never seen them either." If she has one then why would they place her in the orphanage instead of bringing her to live with them?

Seoyeon had a feeling that her relative wouldn't be as kind as she thinks. She had seen her aunt and uncle from the Han Family, where they were rotten inside and outside. Seeing that instead of bringing her into the family they had settled her to the orphanage, it would best to anticipate their dislike of her.

"Well the caretakers lied and in fact, they did come to meet you once. There was a written passage in your children book," Jung Hwa's eyes were set on her slender neck that had bobbed when it drinks water, gulping it down before he shifted to her eyes, "I bet that this happened when you were still speaking of the witches' language. You forgot the language at the same time you lost your memory."

Seoyeon pulled her brows together. She asked herself what kind of witch she was and wished there was a way to find out about herself. The more she put her thought into her past, the more tangled it becomes like spiderwebs.

"There should be no reason for the caretakers to lie to me, why do they have to?" asked Seoyeon, her eyes looking at him turn quizzical.

"They had starved you, abusing you with words, I can't see why can't they lie to you. They wish to make you feel alone, sad, and perhaps that what you felt after knowing that other than your parents you have no family but them who showed you hell," Jung Hwa explained, he took a very good guess even when he wasn't present with her in the past.

Jung Hwa's words did make a point in her mind. That was possible, the caretakers in the past had a joy in making her feel the worse she could ever felt and all because she had talked in a language they can't understand. She didn't know why everyone hated her and knowing didn't help as she can't still understand their reason to abuse her for being someone different.

"Look at this," Seoyeon lifted her chin, her eyes looked at the newspaper Jung Hwa passed to her. Taking it to her hands, she read the words written to find out the first page talked about an orphanage. Not any orphanage but the orphanage she lived in the past and they visited a day ago.

There she read of how the headmaster was apprehended along with the rest of the caretakers for money blackmail, and children abuse. Some children in the orphanage were said to be starved for the lack of money which they used for themselves.

Seoyeon's face contoured in disgust as she read about the children who were starved like her but at least they were not abused which was better than what she felt in the past. "Did you do this, Hwa?"

The corner of his lips stretched wider, a crinkling came to settle in his eyes, "I want to hang them all together in one tree but if I do that, many suspicions from the associates will come to you or us. We are still hiding the fact you are a witch if we are too careless, we'll fall. I can't have you squashed to the ground."

Seoyeon noticed how the entire time Jung Hwa had spoken he used the word we, not himself or herself. She walked toward him, placing the empty glass beside her and she smiled at him, "Thank you."

He didn't deny her grateful words, knowing it came deep from her heart, "All for you. We should bring those boxes the dimwits placed outside, shall we?"

Though Jung Hwa has said to bring them in together, with only one snap of his finger, the boxes disappeared from the floor. Seoyeon saw how fast it disappeared after she had blinked and at this point, she didn't know if she should be surprised.

"Did you use this same trick when we shifted from the elevator?" asked Seoyeon and Jung Hwa noticed how her curiosity was piqued by his power.

"Correct but if I use it too much, I would start to crave for blood. Although I have my blood bag now that I don't think I need to hold myself." His eyes were on her when he spoke and Seoyeon looks at him in doubt.

"You mean me?"

"Silly I wouldn't kiss a blood bag, you are my treasure, I wouldn't think of you like one," Jung Hwa said for her breath to came out in relief until he continues, "doesn't mean I would stop myself from biting you," she flinched and Jung Hwa could heat the jolt in his heartbeat.

Jung Hwa's eyes looked at the window beside him where the color of the sky had turned pitch black. "You should go home now, Seoyeon. Nighttime is for other creatures."

With the day passing fast tonight, Seoyeon went home once it was dark. She pulled her purse, stepping out from the building, she bowed to greet the guards she knew, and took off from the place to wait for the bus without knowing someone following her from behind. The person's eyes were on her, watching her every move as Seoyeon entered the bus.

On the bus, Seoyeon thought to visit Seulgi. She was worried about her friend who had just learned herself turning into a vampire which was known as a fantasy. But she noticed that the time prevent her from visiting in the hour.

Walking down from the bus, she then walked to the street of her apartment. Somewhere she recalled the time where there was someone following her, which in the end attacked her with a knife but fortunately everything works in favor.

Remembering it, Seoyeon questioned if the manager who attacked her last time was now taken by the police? She didn't remember asking Jung Hwa about it. Seoyeon brought her hands, placing it over her lips as if it was swollen. Recalling the kiss, her toes curled again.

As she walked, Seoyeon felt someone following her from behind. This time, it wasn't her own thinking as when she fastened her steps, the person also quickens to run toward her. At first, Seoyeon thought it was only a single person to realize it wasn't only one person. There was also the sound of a car engine starting.

Surprised, Seoyeon turned her head to the direction behind her to see people dressed in black. There were five men, and apart from the people she saw a large van behind them. This was enough to start Seoyeon to run to her house. The distance to her house was still far and Seoyeon was afraid if the car started driving, it would reach her side. Unfortunately with less effort, the car drove to her and stopped in front of her.

Seoyeon turned from her spot, running to the other direction when the five men surrounded her only way out.

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