I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 159 - Midnight Bloodshed-II

Seoyeon's eyes turned around the place, trying to find a way out to run to her house where more people were present and thought to call someone once she reached there. She stared at the five men, noticing how there were tattoos on their arms and some had it on their neck. With their large body frame, Seoyeon gulped. Are they gangs?

"What business do you have with me?" asked Seoyeon apprehensively. They didn't seem like people who would talk but there was no fault in asking.

"Your family owe us money, Ms. Han and we came here because they say you would be paying in their stead," said one man whose face was with a wide grin that tell Seoyeon how damnable her aunt and uncle was.

"I don't think I have family," Seoyeon replied, taking one step back without the people knowing.

"It is your uncle and aunt who wrote your name and here," the second man who spoke brought a paper from his back. Unfolding it, he showed the paper and Seoyeon read what was written it it, the first thing she took note of was the debt guarantee's name was her and there was her stamp. "You signed the paper with the stamp," the man said.

Seoyeon draw in her brows in disbelief. How could her name stamp used by her uncle and aunt? Her stamp was with her unless they had created a copy of it? "I do not think that is my sign." It was genuinely her stamp but she refused to say that it was her stamp as her uncle and aunt had been the one who copied her stamp.

"I think it is yours Ms. Han. We had confirmed the stamp with the City Hall," replied the first man who then folded the paper and pushed it inside his chest pocket. "Do you have money? If you don't it is unfortunate as we would need you to come with us."

Seoyeon saw after the words, the other four men moved forward. "Come for what?" she asked them, taking one step back for herself.

"To pay our money of course," the man then tipped his chin as if to cue for the people to charged and took her. Seoyeon ran from her place to one man who was smallest compared to other. The man reached out his hand and taking it, Seoyeon twist the man's body and threw him to the ground.

While the other four men were surprised by her action, she took of her heels and ran from the place, finding the place with more people or the nearest police box.

"What are you doing? Chase her! Use the car!" shouted the man and Seoyeon who was running heard from behind how the car engine sounded close. She turned her face, seeing how close it was and run even faster but her two legs couldn't beat the speed of the car.

It took the men five minutes to catch up to her and before Seoyeon could attack them and protect herself, the people came over her, gagging her mouth and covered her nose with a handkerchief. Seoyeon didn't know what was on the handkerchief as soon when it touched her nose, her consciousness faded.

When Seoyeon woke up again, she heard a sound dragging. Who was dragging things when someone was sleeping? She opened her eyes which felt heavy as she wish she could sleep but somewhere in her warned her not to go back to sleep.

In between her opened eyelids, she saw the dark ceiling and came again the sound of dragging. It took another moment for her senses to wake up and to notice that it was her who was dragged, she felt pain from her legs which was dragged as the skin came in contact with the harsh surface of the ground.

Where was she? Seoyeon turned her head when she felt the man who dragged her turning his gave toward her and immediately she closed her eyes. Her best option was to close her eyes and act as if she was still unconscious, thought Seoyeon. Then her body was pulled from the ground, placed on a wooden chair that felt old as it freaked when she moved.

"How many time we have until she is awake?" asked the man and from the voice, Seoyeon could tell it was the same person who had showed her the paper she 'signed' earlier.

"Three hour or less. What's wrong?" asked the man, raising his brows.

The other man stared at Seoyeon, pulling his brows in thought, "I just felt that she is awake when I dragged her just now." On his words, Seoyeon tried her best not to flinch.

"There is no way that could happen," replied the man with a laugh, "They claim the effect of the anesthesia differ for each people but this anesthesia is one of the strongest we have. There is no way she would be awake in less than fifteen minute after use."

Seoyeon kept her calm, organizing her thought in silence. She had been kidnapped for at most fifteen minutes according to the conversation the two men had.

What were they going to do with her? Seoyeon could have a faint imagination what would happen when one was kidnapped for debt. Either she would have to suffer from organ transplant where most of her important organs would be taken from her body to be sold or worse, she would be sexually assaulted here.

Seoyeon didn't hear anything after the conversation as the man chose to wait outside and she opened her eyes to see that she was tied on an old building which was large. Her eyes turned to see the small table beside her where there was scalpels and knife which often used only in hospital.

Seeing it, Seoyeon gulped. Her thought she feared where her organs would be operated from her body was going to take place in the future. Cold sweats broke to her forehead as fear caught up to her fingers but she tried to keep her rationality.

Pulling her hands, she could tell it was tie securely and unless she use scissors she wouldn't be able to release her hands. What should she do?

In midst of her worry, Seoyeon then remembered Jung Hwa. He told her that in every time she needed she would only need to call his name for him to come. But now her mouth was gagged.

Seoyeon pushed her tongue, trying to remove the fabric fastened on her moth by moving her jaw and face. Unlike the knot on her hands, the one in her mouth was less tighter. It took her a few moves for the fabric to pull down very slowly.

When it loosened down and slipped from her lips, Seoyeon saw the door opened and the man who entered was shocked at how she was awake. "How could you-" the man begin to speak and run toward her and she immediately shouted,

"Hwa!" Seoyeon's voice broke in the end.

At the same time her voice came, smell of blood came before her nose. Slowly Jung Hwa's figure appeared from thin air and his red eyes passively looking at where he was to then turn his face at Seoyeon.

"What happened to you?" he asked, to stare down at her complexion to find how she was tied on the chair and he could smell her blood. His sudden appearance left the man who entered the building in shock. He stood rooted on the ground, wondering how could a man appeare in front of him in a span of second.

But Jung Hwa's eyes were on Seoyeon's face where the corner of her lips was red from how the fabric fastened on her mouth. He also took note of how there was fear came from her heartbeat and her hands trembled in fear.

"Did they do this to you?" He asked and Seoyeon felt his hand warmly hold her cheeks, the warmth spread to her heart to soothe the fear she had. Seeing the state Seoyeon was in, Jung Hwa's eyes turned darker in shade. The red color of his eyes which was bright turn darker by time as shadow covered his upper half face.

"Who are you! How did you come here!" Shouted the man and his hand reached out to hold Jung Hwa's shoulder when the man noticed how the fingers he had didn't arrive to Jung Hwa's shoulder. Instead, his eyes look to find how after his arm, he couldn't see anything else and not far from the place a sound of flesh falling could be heard.

The man slowly tore his eyes from Jung Hwa to his severed hand which was now on the ground before he let a shrill screaming voice. His scream was loud enough for the people who waited outside to hear and barged inside the building.

Seoyeon didn't know what happened. She didn't see Jung Hwa moved his hand and could only see how his eyes was staring at her with an intimidating expression that had her shivered in chill even though she knew he didn't direct his anger toward her.

She saw Jung Hwa's hand, his right hand where his nails had grown longer and sharper, his veins popped from under his skin and drips of blood fell from the sharp end of his fingernails. His fingernails looked sharp and seeing how it had severed a hand cleanly, Seoyeon could tell the sharpness was no less than a knife.

"Close your eyes," Jung Hwa whispered before his hand went to close her eyes.. "It will only take two minutes."

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