I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 160 - Midnight Bloodshed-III

On Jung Hwa's voice, ordering her to close her eyes, Seoyeon shut her eyes. Needlessly to say after seeing how Jung Hwa severed the man's arm, she had a feeling that another scream would follow but she heard nothing. It was as if her ears numb but she could hear the sound of blood dripping.

"Hwa?" she whispered, calling his name and hoping that her voice could pull him from killing others. Earlier she was still in a state of shock that paralyzed her mind and now after she regain her composure, everything feels to finally sink into her mind. She wished she could stop Jung Hwa now. If he killed the people wouldn't that put him in the bad spot?

"Yes?" Jung Hwa's voice came only after a minute had passed. From the sound he seemed to be in front of her face and Seoyeon quickly open her eyes when she felt Jung Hwa covering her eyes. "What is it? Do you feel hurt anywhere?" There was a calm tone on his voice from his composure but a still lurking anger hidden underneath.

"No," replied Seoyeon, "can I open my eyes now? I promise not to scream," she told him.

"I don't have problem if you scream but I wouldn't like you to see what is happening now. Will you promise me not to open you eyes?" Jung Hwa cooed her. Seoyeon was curious what was happened but from the tone Jung Hwa used she complied.

"Okay," and she heard Jung Hwa's footsteps and the drench like sound as if he was stepping in a mud on a rainy day. "What is happening now?" As she can't open her eyes with her promise, Seoyeon asked him to know what is happening inside the room.

Jung Hwa used the scissor on the table beside him which seemed to be use for a hospital work holding the scissor, he wasn't able to control his anger and instead twist the handle of the scissor. He took a different knife which was smaller and cut the rope which dug to her hand.

"Nothing much," Jung Hwa didn't replied to her outright which at first she thought to defend her from the horrible view which possibly took place now until he continued, "Just some gores here and there with bloods. You will better off without seeing it. I didn't cut their body and heart evenly so you and there are eight of organs you wouldn't like to see." Jung Hwa looked down on the blood below his shoes and the body he had cut and disposed on the corner of the room.

Seoyeon gulped. Deep down she questioned what was the use to cover her eyes when his words painted her many imagination and thoughts after seeing the arm severed. She knew Jung Hwa was being considerate maybe not too much but it is much more one could expect from him and she appreciated his action.

"Tsk," Jung Hwa threw the knifes when he had cut the rope thing Seoyeon's wrists

"What's wrong, Hwa?" Seoyeon noticed how he didn't sound great. He had sounded like he was growling since he came but she thought it was out of anger this time he sounded somewhat aggravated

"Just a little lack of blood," Seoyeon suddenly felt a hand on the back of her knees when she was pulled and brought to the air, possibly carried on his arm which she could tell as her eyes were shut closed. "Do you feel pain anywhere else than your hands?"

"No," Seoyeon whispered. Thankfully she had woken up quickly or perhaps she was now a corpse without organs. It made her to remember the men's words of how the anesthetic should work for three hours which somehow didn't work to her as it loses effect in less than fifteen minutes.

Seoyeon thought to tell Jung Hwa not to carry her as she could walk but without seeing and thinking it was better not to say, she decided to let her body carried on his arm where she felt it was secure. "Is it serious?" she asked him.

"Come closer, hold your hands to my neck," Jung Hwa said and she did what he told her to. "What is serious?" He then asked her.

"Your thirst. Did you not drink blood today?" asked Seoyeon to fill the silence and not to think about the sound of crush and dampen sound as Jung Hwa continue to take one steps after another to leave the place.

"I drank one but this thirst is because of you, because you called for my name. But you don't have to feel responsible I am glad you remember to call my name when it is needed," Jung Hwa continued to make steps when he sensed something rolling and stopped to his feet to see it was a head of one person who he had killed.

When Jung Hwa kicked the head from his path a sound of roll came to Seoyeon's ears, "How does it work, by calling your name, I mean."

"It will sound too much for you but simply saying I placed one drop of blood on you and it will notify me whenever you call my name. It cannot work if you are too far from me," replied Jung Hwa. "In truth, I ordered my blood to watch you and tell me if you are in danger but you've gone too far that my power was unable to reach you properly."

"Is that how you know whenever I am in danger and to protect me?" Seoyeon asked him.

Jung Hwa's eyes lighted up his fangs had been aching to take a bite on her skin when his eyes saw the pale white neck but he managed to hold down his thirst after taking a bite on one of the men who was now died. Although it was far from enough and not to mention they tasted awful it helped a little to curb his thirst.

A chuckle came from Jung Hwa's lips which was very close for Seoyeon to hear. "Could I take your question as your astonishment to me and that I have moved your heart closer to me?" Seoyeon couldn't see with her promise not to see but somewhere she could tell how Jung Hwa was grinning before her eyes.

She didn't reply and her lips were pursed when she whispered, "Thank you, for protecting me always. The attack from the manager, the elevator, and now. You saved me many times and thank you."

On her reply Seoyeon suddenly felt that she was released to go down and her feet tried to step on the ground before releasing her hands from his neck and took one step back. "You can open your eyes," said Jung Hwa and when she did, Seoyeon felt him walking toward her, she didn't had a time to speak as her mouth was covered with a soft texture which was warm.

Jung Hwa pushed his hands to her hair, tugging it behind as his other hand pressed her to the car. His tongue rubbed to hers and when Jung Hwa sucked her lips, Seoyeon winced when she felt his fan sank to the skin of her lips drinking the blood from the place to then lick the spit he had bit for the wound to heal.

"I would like this more than a kiss," Jung Hwa whispered when he pulled from her face, his fingers trailed down and Seoyeon who at first recalled the sharp fingernails felt his fingertips which was cold running to her neck making it shudder.

"You drank my blood," she whispered with a surprise on her face while staring at him.

"I did, are you angry?" He asked while gouging her expression. Jung Hwa only tasted Seoyeon's blood for a little but the sweetness of the blood spread to his mouth, making it hard for him to hold himself back even more from sinking his fangs to her neck.

The sight of her neck tempted him but if he bite on Seoyeon now, he knows he wouldn't be able to stop only after a sip and it would be hateful if he drank her to the last drop of her blood.

Jung Hwa wanted to treasure Seoyeon and she was worth of his thirst.

"No, do you need more?" she asked, the question only tempted him more to bite her but Jung Hwa shook his head.

"I can go home later to drink what I need I am afraid if I bite you know you will die," he said and leaving Seoyeon questioning his words to open the door and reached out his hand as if telling her to enter.

When Seoyeon took his cue, she entered and waited for him to enter the car to drive, "Is it alright to leave, there are people in that building," she whispered.

"That place is often use for gangs and people who like to do their dark business unknown by others. There should be no trace that we were there earlier and even if they do, they will think it was someone insane who had come there," explained Jung Hwa. He had left the bodies mutilated to pieces, chopped and cut.

"When the morning come and someone check the building they would think it is a fight between the gangs. We don't have to worry about hands pointing on us. It would be secret shared between you and me as the dead cannot speak.." Jung Hwa said coolly, looking relaxed as other's death didn't matter to him unless it would affect him or people he took care of.

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