I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 161 - Who Is The Monster?-I

As time passed, it slowly sink to Seoyeon's mind how dangerous today was. If she had continued fallen asleep or if she didn't called Jung Hwa's name she would have been died. Her eyes were looking at the window on her left side, and remembering everything make her uncomfortable when Jung Hwa spoke, "Would you tell me how was you kidnapped?"

The question brought Seoyeon's eyes from the window at him, "They came suddenly surrounding me and a car followed me. I ran, protected myself but failed when I lose consciousness." and after her words a sigh followed.

"They were about to dissect your body and take your organs," Jung Hwa commented and he tsked. "How did you associate yourself with the gangs? Unless you have debt or someone who hate you very much from the gang, I doubt they would dissect your body."

"My uncle and aunt, they stole my name stamp and signed me as the guarantor for their debt. I don't know how they took my name stamp but it must be from the time I lived in their house," she should have changed her name stamp if she knew this would happen. How long had her aunt and uncle think of using her name stamp?

"Your uncle and aunt," whispered Jung Hwa, repeating their names, "I'm curious. It sounds very much to my ears as if they are trying to get rid of you by making you as their guarantor. Do you think they planned it even before they have debt?" asked Jung Hwa and silence came from Seoyeon as if she had lost her ability to speak.

After some more she replied, "I don't know but maybe. They seemed prepared." Would they think that far? Only to kill her?

Jung Hwa hummed and his car suddenly stopped which made Seoyeon's eyes snapped awake and look at him. "Where do they live at?" Jung Hwa inquired.

"Why do you ask?" Seoyeon carefully questioned. She doubted Jung Hwa would come, knocking to the door like a Santa Clause for a greeting.

"I'm feeling thirsty, I need a drink and maybe your uncle and aunt have the drink I need to appease my thirst. Doesn't it sounds good to ask them if they could offer us a drink?" Jung Hwa raised his brow at Seoyeon who was cautious. Seoyeon seemed to hate her uncle and aunt to the deepest core but a family was still a family. Not many could kill their own family without having remorse even if they do deserve death.

"We could also ask them why they want to kill you so much and maybe know more about your step parents." Jung Hwa started the car again and this time, he took it slow.

"Why my step parents?" Seoyeon questioned. It make sense about her uncle and aunt but she didn't find the reason to question them about her step parents. "I know about them," she replied and believe that there wasn't anything her step parents my hide.

"I am just curious to know about why your uncle and aunt would like to have you die somewhere and if your step parents are humans," his answer surprised Seoyeon.

"But they are humans," they didn't look like they weren't. If they were a witch she would have known and Seojun was a human too, he never show anything odd from him. But in the past Seoyeon was like Seojun, showing no sign of being a witch until she learned how she was one.

"There will be no problem if they are human we came to find more about you, where is their house?" Jung Hwa asked again, seeming eager to have a drink but Seoyeon knew how water wouldn't be able to quench his thirst.

After some thought Seoyeon finally come to say, "Take a left turn after going straight."

"Lead the way, sweet lady," Jung Hwa sped up his car, going by the instructions Seoyeon gave to him.

It took fifteen minutes to arrive to her uncle and aunt's house. Stepping out from the car, Seoyeon saw how there was no light from the house, a sign that everyone was sleeping at home. How could they sleep when they know she was about to have her organs taken and possibly left to die there?

They don't have remorse and even if she wasn't their blood related niece, they should have guilt to kill a person for their own greed. But they don't.

Jung Hwa walked before her, and seeing him goes, Seoyeon wondered how her uncle and aunt would react to see the person they wish to kill to appear in front their porch. It felt surreal that they tried to kill her and somewhere far fetched. They may have disliked her, but never could Seoyeon guess their hatred was vast until they want to kill her.

Jung Hwa went to the gate and saw the flimsy lock which had to be open from inside. He pushed his hand to the gap made by the iron gate and hold the lock crushing it when Seoyeon who took the key from the mailbox said, "I have the keys here."

She turned her head, seeing Jung Hwa who had managed to open the lock by his own means. "Pity, I have broken it. No worries, we could use the key later, let's enter."

"Do you mean sneak in?" Seoyeon asked because he had entered casually and without pushing the bell, his hand stayed on the round knob.

"Better than to wait for them out here and make a scene for others to see, right? We can surprise them to," a mischief tone lurked inside his voice when he spoke.

Seoyeon followed him, she saw how he had crushed the metallic lock and wasn't surprised any longer to see how he had twist the door knob to push open the door. The sound was loud but not too loud to wake the family inside the house who was sleeping at the time.

Mrs. Han was staying on her bed with her husband sleeping beside her snoring when she suddenly heard a sound of crash from bellow. Being a light sleeper, the woman's eyes snapped awake in less than a second. What was the sound? It was loud as if a vase had been broken. As it was late in night the woman felt uncomfortable to go alone.

Confused, Mrs. Han went down from the bed and pushed her husband to wake her up, "Jiyang! Jiyang, wake up."

"What is it?" Mr. Han yawned, turning his head to see how it was still dark and tched.

"There was a noise from bellow, I think something broke," and on her explanation, her husband couldn't care less and turn his body from her.

"We can take a look at it tomorrow morning," said the man who felt lazy only for his wife to push him again.

"No, I think someone throw something to our glass it sounded that way. What if someone break into our house?" and on Mrs. Han's words, Mr. Han began to wake up. He stood on his bed and looked at her.

"Are you sure?" he asked to receive Mrs. Han's nod, the two then walked down from the stairs in the dark, going to where Mrs. Han claimed to hear sound.

After going through some of the rooms, Mr. Han went out from the living room only to shake his head saying, "Not here did you mistook it or dream about it? You often dream like that, remember?"

"No this is different, believe me, there must be one room where our glass was broken," and when Mr. Han gave her a nod, she said, "We only have one last room, the kitchen and we can go back to sleep."

Mr. Han strode first while Mrs. Han followed behind him. They stopped at the kitchen without turning the lights on the hallways as they didn't want to come in contact with the lights when they would be sleeping again. Entering the kitchen, Mr. Han turned the switch of the room on, to see how it didn't work after three tries, "Tch, didn't we fixed the lightbulbs last Wednesday?"

"Maybe it is the electrical problem," replied Mrs. Han, when Mr. Han opened the refrigerator taking a drink without noticing the red eyes looking at him from behind until he closed the refrigerator door.

When the couple turned their body, in instance, the lights in the house switched on, and they gasped to see a man who sat on the couch placed near the window. Jung Hwa met the couple's eyes that turned wide and goggled for his smile to widened.

"Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Han, I am Jung Hwa. It is a pleasure to finally meet you," Jung Hwa introduced himself as if to make a good impression when he had entered a house uninvited. Seoyeon who was told to sat beside him looked at him.. She found that Jung Hwa looked very delighted to be here now, to push her uncle and aunt to walk on a very thin layer of ice.

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