I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 164 - Curtaining The Night-I

Jung Hwa watched the family who was watching Seoyeon and noticed how he had grip to the man's neck on his arm too tight that he couldn't breathe. He loosened his grip a little, just enough for the man to breath before tightening it again.

"Is it because I wasn't your blood related niece?" asked Seoyeon with a pause before she added with a deeper frown, "Regardless of that, I am a human being and you don't have an ounce of compassion for me?"

Mrs. Han walked one step from her place. The woman feared Jung Hwa who didn't seem like a normal human which was impossible but she didn't fear Seoyeon. Her hand was crossed when she scoffed, "It appears that you don't understand yet how you have never been welcome in the family. If not for my sister bringing you to the house and give you the life you have now, you would have become a homeless, nothing! All about your crazy antics only affected us for the worse!"

This had Jung Hwa to narrow his eyes. He had let Seoyeon to be the one to speak so the woman could loose her mouth and reveal the truth. It takes a few minutes for her aunt to speak slowly of what she was hiding and the whole family was.

"What did I ever do to you that affected your life so much that you wish you could kill me off?" Seoyeon's eyes defended to narrow to her relatives.

It didn't seem to Seoyeon that they understood the consequences of the act they took by selling her. If things had gone worse or her luck hadn't been the best, she would have died and who knows if her body will ever be buried properly. Seeing how humans trafficking's body was never found, it was to be expected she would have been thrown to the Sea or incarnated.

Han Minhae, who had been quiet, worrying her father's wound was fed up by Seoyeon who was acting innocent to her eyes, yelled, "Are you really questioning on what you didn't affect to us? Since you came what you brought had affected us and my uncle and aunt who died. I told you, mommy, you should have followed that fortune teller's words she had never been wrong and look what happens to us now, it is exactly as what she said would happen!" shrieked Han Minhae.

Her mother turned and gave a look at Han Minhae who was surprised by her own words.

"Don't stop, continue what you say, young lady," Jung Hwa permitted the young woman who finally found a light from Seoyeon's relative. They had been talking around and around to finally find some information he needed.

"Wait," Seoyeon said to Jung Hwa, her tone was evidently softer when he spoke and look at him, "What bad luck did I ever gave to this family?" her question was directed to her aunt rather than her cousin who shrinks back to the corner like a mice.

"Is it their death?" asked Seoyeon after the silence her aunt gave her. "No one could expect their death, it was inevitable. I was sad and I don't think you were. You never had a good relationship with my mother but why now do you care and had to blame someone?"

"We never had a bad relationship. Your mother and I are sister and we had been close since little there was never a fight happened between us that is until you appeared. All this bad luck just came raining down on us. One by one everyone of our family just met this misfortunes and it was only when you appeared," said the older woman who was her aunt, "The fight between me and my sister was because of you too. I told her to bring you back to where you belong before she died but she didn't and look what we have now, her ash!"

"How could you blame for a death for misfortune. Is this what the fortune teller told you and you believe in it? The word of a stranger who said they could tell your future?" Seoyeon asked with disbelief an anger tinge on her black eyes.

As a person, Seoyeon had always kept her beliefs straight. She had seen people who claimed they could see future but all that they spout was in fact lies so they could have money. Her aunt had just believed a scammer and her relatives' action baffled her.

"No. The fortune teller had never been wrong, my sister and husband believe in the fortune teller's words and I do to," her aunt snapped a glare at Seoyeon, a flaring anger came to reach her eyes, "Just like today! We should have killed you yesterday and because we were late a day and now you came with that monster to disrupt the peace this house have!"

"Do you hear what you are saying?" Seoyeon snapped back at her aunt who refused to hear her words but stay on the belief she had, "You have never been a person with a pinch of kind heart to me but I never thought you could be this worse. You called Hwa a monster but there never had been a monstrous being worse than you who could dispose people after few words from a fortune teller!"

Jung Hwa knew Seoyeon was angry and the words she said came straight from her heart, delivering what she felt. It made him delighted that Seoyeon defended him in front of her relatives.

"Let me enlighten you young woman. There isn't here anyone more monstrous than you. You came to abrupt visit us, threatening my husband, and wounding him. Is that not enough reason for us to be scared of you? You didn't stopped that man who hurt your uncle beside you when you could have! You should have been grateful that my sister brought you from the orphanage and I who saved you from living alone."

"What part should I be fucking grateful of when you sold me to my death for your debt! Do you know I could be a mince meat when you sold me? If it wasn't for me or him, I would have been died where my body was no where to be found!" Seoyeon pressed her forehead, clenching her fist she had gripped tightly. "All you have to do was to leave me and Seojun alone. That was all you need to do if you didn't want misfortune."

"Don't think highly of yourself, I didn't took you in, I took Seojun in. He is different from you, he is a normal boy. Unlike you who spoke unknown language like mad woman! If-" Mrs. Han who spoke halted when she heard a thud to see her husband was thrown across the room and ran to tend him.

"We are not getting anywhere, mind if I talk?" Jung Hwa questioned Seoyeon who looked angry. Even her angered face was beautiful to seem thought the pureblood vampire who took everything in a calm manner. Jung Hwa was still angry and was holding himself from 'accidentally' killing the humans but he decide to hold it off as they knew more about Seoyeon that they needed.

When receiving Seoyeon's permission with a nod, Jung Hwa raised his finger, "You," Mrs. Han fearfully turn to look at Jung Hwa who had called her and she heard him ask, "What unknown language did you said, Seoyeon spoke with?"

"I don't know," the woman replied and Jung Hwa could tell it was the truth. "She had spoke in a ghastly way, whispering to the wall, trees, or in the corner of her bed alone."

"Do you remember this?" Jung Hwa shifted the question to Seoyeon and her expression tell it all.

"No, I don't." Seoyeon pulled her brows trying to think but she can't remember anything. Was her aunt lying? No, Jung Hwa could tell lies and truth. She wouldn't ask her if it was a lie. If her aunt spoke of truths then why she can't remember speaking any language?

It seemed to Jung Hwa there was holes in Seoyeon's mind and perhaps it was to make her feel she is a human but why? He could tell that there was secret lurks in the Han Family after seeing their behaviors which didn't add up.

A faint sound come from Jung Hwa's lips and he casted his gaze from Seoyeon to her aunt, "Did you use the three years in your hands when Seoyeon lived with you to kill her until this day?"

Mrs. Han bite her lips, her eyes moving from her husband who was gasping for breaths to say shortly without a hint of guilt or remorse, "Yes."

"Hm, you spoke of the truth but not all. There is a little lie in your words," On his words, Jung Hwa picked up an uneven heartbeat from Mrs. Han. "What is it that you are hiding?" Mrs.. Han didn't reply and she kept her lips pursed tightly.

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