I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 165 - Curtaining The Night-II

Jung Hwa somewhere thought he needed to applaud the family for being stubborn by keeping their upper lips and lower clamped tightly, "Courageous is a good virtue but not when you know you are weak and have very little chance of survival. It will only do you death. Will you answer my question or shall one of you lose a hand to encourage your mouth to speak?"

Mrs. Han hatefully look at Seoyeon who was the source of their bad luck now, she replied, "We tried to kill her before this."

"How many times?" asked Jung Hwa who was unsurprised while Seoyeon was shocked. "And how did you do it?"

Mrs. Han turn to look at her husband who shook his head to tell her not to tell while their daughter look at them with a lesser surprised expression, evidently knew but kept silence, "Excluding this, ten times."

Which mean her aunt and uncle tried to kill her for the eleventh time now. Seoyeon didn't know what she was feeling. When betrayal and disappointment came simultaneously one after another, the surprise came but the pained feeling disappear. Seoyeon felt numb to the whole situation. Feeling numb was perhaps the right feeling she had now rather to be disappointed each time her aunt spoke.

"With what method you tried to kill her?" questioned Jung Hwa who saw how Mrs. Han deliberately tried to lengthen her time to confess while knowing it was impossible to dodge the question as Jung Hwa didn't let her to.

"Poison," Han Minhae was the one who replied as her mother didn't reply. She ground her teeth, "We tried to poison her for nine times but failed. She took the poison but never died instead, she was fine. We tried the poison to a rat with a drop and it died but she drank four spoonful and was still alive! If she isn't a monster than what is she?"

Seoyeon was startled and she shifted her gaze to the family. She wasn't anymore surprised by their method or how they had no remorse over their deeds but how she wasn't poisoned.

"You did this while Seoyeon was still living here?" and receiving a nod, Jung Hwa stared at Seoyeon who looked more shocked than him. Jung Hwa then pulled a smile over Mrs. Han and Han Minhae while Mr. Han was lying on the ground holding to his wounded hand which was still bleeding out. "Tell me about the fortune teller, their address and where I could meet them."

The family was one again reluctant to give the address which in the end they did. Once Jung Hwa received the address he stood up from the seat and the three people except for Seoyeon ran closer to the wall, as if wanting to become one with the wall to be unnoticed by the man whose eyes were red since the time he entered the house.

"Let's go back," Jung Hwa called Seoyeon who looking at her relatives in one spot with a bleak expression.

Seoyeon wondered if all this time people look her differently in a bad light. Did they sees her as a monster. It was only after she had come to the orphanage and her relative's house that she understood how the live she thought normal like no others was not as she perceive to be.

She wondered if they felt bad for trying to kill her even if it was for a bit but from their expression that threw disgust was enough to tell her that it never happened. She saw her uncle writhing in pain holding his hand which had to be treated soon unless he wish to lose his hand.

Taking one last look at her relatives who she once thought like her own family, Seoyeon followed Jung Hwa to see his hand he stretched out.

Taking Jung Hwa's hand he offered for her, Seoyeon felt the warmth of his skin.

When they stepped out of the house, Jung Hwa turned his face at his little black cat who had stared at him for a long time, "Do you have anything to say?"

"No, why?" Seoyeon asked him with a question as she didn't know why he would feel that she had something she want to say.

"You have been looking at me since we left the room earlier, I know. Let me tell you a little secret just between us, I have more eyes than the pair here," replied Jung Hwa with a chuckle. His words were light that didn't make him out to be a person who had just barged into other's house, stabbing the owner of the house and threaten them.

"Like in the back of your head?" Seoyeon added to his joke and it had Jung Hwa's smile to widen.

"Yes, something like that," Jung Hwa tugged her out from the house and brought her near the car. "So what is it?"

Seoyeon didn't stare him for a particular reason. It was in time when she needed a help or warmth that Jung Hwa came to give her what she needed and for that he was grateful to him. He was like a fire. Warm when one is near but he could burn people if they were too near and she was the only one who had touched him without having herself burnt by the flame.

"I just thought you were milder today," answered Seoyeon and came the chuckle from his lips.

"You should have told me if you want me to kill them. I don't have to hold back if you told me," and as soon as he replied, Jung Hwa took one step beside her as if wanting to enter the house again and she hold him from moving. "I thought you were wishing for them to die?"

"They could die naturally even without you killing them." Somewhere, Seoyeon didn't want Jung Hwa to kill her family not because she thinks that they shouldn't die but because she didn't want him to shed more blood from others. "You don't have to kill for my sake," she added and her eyes slowly meeting Jung Hwa's which were still bright red in the color of light blood.

"You know that's weird?" asked Jung Hwa to face Seoyeon's questioning gaze at him. "Don't usually woman would ask what you could do for me or could you kill for me?"

Seoyeon gave Jung Hwa a look, "Is that the vampire's words court a woman?"

"You know?" Jung Hwa winked at her, "In vampires' society to kill for other's sake is a symbol of love. They thought of the person so much that they will kill on their sake. Even though the vampiress could kill others with their own hands."

"They should not kill in the first place," whispered Seoyeon who still couldn't get used to the thought of killing a person regardless if they deserve the death because wasn't that what prison do?

"Because there are prisons in this world?" questioned Jung Hwa who spoke as if he could read other's mind like always. With how often he was able to guess her mind, Seoyeon slowly stopped becoming surprised by his words. "Remember Seoyeon like the people who kidnapped you today, they are not someone who could repent or learn to become a better person just by prison."

Seoyeon silently fade to her thought and find the strong point from Jung Hwa's words which was correct. Her eyes then caught the blood splatter over his clothes, "Do you need a shoulder?"

Seoyeon watched him spreading his hand as if waiting for her to jump to his hands. Seoyeon in all her innocent took one step forward, and Jung Hwa watched how her eyes were observing his hand like a cat who had just found a new pillow and was pawing to inspect whether it was dangerous or not.

"What for?" came Seoyeon's question.

"To cry," he replied, "I didn't necessarily gave you my shoulders for crying it could be only for a comfort. As you can't run to other's embrace, you can run to mine. I'm here whenever you need, just like I promise."

Finding something odd he underlaid, Seoyeon asked, "Why can't I run to other's embrace?"

"Because he would be dead if he touch you. I don't like anyone touching you," Jung Hwa replied casually and he raised his hand again, "No hug?" his head inclined as he asked.

"I don't cry, I will not cry for them, you know. That would be a waste of my tears," replied Seoyeon and she saw Jung Hwa pulling down his hand with an expression of disappointment he faked.

"You are right. Drenching your eyes and face with tears will only go to a waste. They don't deserve your tears and at times like these people will call the people who cry as a fool but I can understand if you feel frustrated. Tears doesn't necessarily equal to sadness or disappointment," Jung Hwa said a piece of his mind and walked one step beside, "Shall we go ho-" Before he completed his question, he felt a soft feeling wrapping his body.

Jung Hwa brought his head down, to look at the top of Seoyeon's head who hugged her, "I thought you were not going to hug me."

"I didn't say that and you told me that I could hug you for comfort," whispered Seoyeon who buried her face on his chest as if to hide the expression she had. "Thank you," she whispered, "for everything."

Jung Hwa chuckled and he brought his hand to smoothened her head, "Everything for you."

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