I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 166 - Curtaining The Night-III

Seoyeon had to say that now, Jung Hwa was the only person she could count to. He was always been there for her and she appreciated every single help he did for her. The had been many instances where she thought she would have died if not because of him.

When she pulled herself from her his embrace, Jung Hwa loosened his hand, letting them to move from her back. "So short," Jung Hwa commented.

"We should go before they call police on us," reminded Seoyeon as they were standing right in front of the house where the head of the family who lived in there had been wounded.

"We will see how they call it on us," Jung Hwa hummed before Seoyeon entered the car.

On their way, Seoyeon's eyes stared at the sky which was pitch black without any star or glitters. She watched the scenery moving fast as if it moved when the car that transport her was the one that had moved. She stayed quiet, thinking of how she was poisoned for nine times.

That had her question what about the tenth times?

"Hwa, I forgot to ask how they tried to kill me for the tenth time. Did they tell how?" Seoyeon had too many in her mind that she didn't managed to ask.

"I didn't. They tried to kill you for nine times and I don't see the need to ask them how they planned to murder you for the tenth time as it didn't succeed," Jung Hwa calmly turned the steer, taking the right turn.

"I thought I always had bad luck in the past it maybe not all of it, seeing how I am still alive after all the trials they did. I thought they were my family even if they weren't blood related to me," said Seoyeon. "There was a time I thought of that. That one day they would ask for my forgiveness and I will forgive them. Because I was the outsider of the family; and somewhere, I felt scared to think that I was the reason for the family to fight."

"I can't understand what you are feeling but I can tell you not in all occasion family are decided by blood. Once an outsider was taken into a family and was thought as one, they have become a family. Like how your foster parents considered you nothing less than their real son, your brother," he replied and his eyes shifting to see Seoyeon who was staring at him.

"It would be asking for the moon to say that family who was tied by blood doesn't betray  their family members either. I have many illustrations, many example of bodies of parents killing their child, the otherwise, and siblings murders; no one could guess who could betray them which why I prefer to stay alone," Seoyeon heard him say and saw how he continued by looking at her eyes, "Until I met you, at least that was what I had in my mind. You destroyed my belief, breaking in to me but I accept that."

Seoyeon gulped inadvertently and she felt her heart wavering, "What about your grandfather?" Seoyeon still remembered how protective he felt to his grandfather.

Jung Hwa inclined his head after he shifted his eyes to the street the car was driving to. "He is slightly off. I think of him as my family but he is just a different existence to my heart."

"I remembered you told me you have a brother," Seoyeon reminded, still without forgetting any words he said.

"Are you curious of him?" Jung Hwa questioned her without looking at her eyes but she could see the wide grin he had as she stared at his side profile.

"A little, I was curious of your family," replied Seoyeon. She wondered in what kind of environment was Jung Hwa raised in that he grew up to be the man he was. Some times he could be cruel but sometimes he could be overwhelmingly kind and warm. She could somewhere guess that vampires children are born and raised differently; and counting by the years, it must have been quite a long time ago.

Seoyeon saw him smiling widely at her which somewhat annoyed her a little as his smile widening in silence. "What is it?"

"I'm just glad you are putting through so much thoughts about me. I mean no offense but your head is slightly small so I was worried with what was happening to you, I would be outcasted." He gave her the logic she couldn't follow and added, "He died not long after my mother's death. It happened long before. In human years it must be ten years ago, I guess."

Seoyeon didn't know if asking more would be intrusive but seeing Jung Hwa hadn't drawn a line, "What happened to him?" She was curious and was unable to hold the curiosity which burn to her, wondering what could have happened. There was a pause and a turn in air which Seoyeon could sense.

"He succumbed to an incurable illness," Jung Hwa informed and he smiled to her. Frankly Seoyeon didn't know what to react or say into the words of death he had said. Jung Hwa seemed unaffected outward, but was he?

"I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know vampires could catch incurable illness," in Seoyeon's mind, vampires were immortal and it was the thought she had even after seeing Jung Hwa. It took her later to realize that Jung Hwa wasn't immortal it was his power that make he seemed like one.

"His condition was slight different than others. Vampires have things like those too where some borns were affected with illness but it is much different than humans' illness." Jung Hwa had spoken his words with a light hearted tone that almost seem as if he was talking of someone else's death who he doesn't know. "He was a good older brother, a kind one that you could never guess that he was my brother. We just have a very polar opposite character."

"You love your brother," Seoyeon whispered, she watched Jung Hwa with a softer look. As someone who had lose people she treasured in her life she knows how it feel to send her dear ones and it wasn't easy.

"He is my brother, after all. Although we are not blood related," Jung Hwa belatedly added, "But there isn't anyone who wouldn't like to have an older brother as kind as him. He was someone everyone wish to have in their life."

"I thought you would be the older one," said Seoyeon because Jung Hwa seemed to have a better hold of himself there was a sense of independent he had where he seemed to be capable in doing everything even if he was alone.

"That's a praise, I take? Speaking of it where would you sleep today, Seoyeon?" Jung Hwa asked and at the same time, their car stopped at the red light and his face turned to her. It took a while for Seoyeon to notice how Jung Hwa's eyes were still red since the time they stepped out from the abandoned building until now.

"In my house?" Seoyeon replied as if it was the most obvious answer she had.

"Silly you," Jung Hwa chuckled as of he was scolding a child. "If you go back there, sleeping peacefully then your relatives whose status isn't dead yet, hire another person to kill you and viola! Your dead? I don't want that to happen."

It made sense. Seeing how Jung Hwa had stabbed her uncle's hand, their hatred for her must be soaring to the sky now. Possibility of revenge is high. "But I don't have any other house to live at." There was no friend she had or other family. She could live with Seojun but the younger brother live in a different city where as she had work in the place she was now. Wan Seulgi's house was out of the question.

With how many things in her mind, Seoyeon felt she was slowly loosing her direction.

"There is a house of you want to stay at," Seoyeon shifted her eyes that was looking at the car view in front of them to Jung Hwa who added, "My house."

"You mean I should stay in your house?" Seoyeon repeated to receive his nod. It was correct that staying with Jung Hwa would be the safest. She knew him for better now and could half confidently say that Jung Hwa wouldn't do anything to her as she stayed on his house but there was other half of her that wasn't too sure about it. There was a few occurrence where Seoyeon saw a look of devouring from Jung Hwa's eyes as if he want to prey on her.

"I promise not to do anything to you. I have many unused room in my house and you could choose one out of all. How about it? You don't have to be careful or hesitant," Jung Hwa asked and his eyes caught the second ticking from the red light.

Seoyeon weighed her choice. Compared to go through today's event again, it would better for her to be with him, she thought.

"I can live in a small room," Seoyeon answered and she found Jung Hwa's smile widening further.

"It is my first time hearing someone replying yes the way you did, I have a small room perfect for you.. Let's get your belongings and go to my house shall we?" Receiving a nod from Seoyeon, Jung Hwa pulled his smile wider before he drive the car as the light flickered green.

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