I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 168 - Premonition-II

Seoyeon who arrived at her house, packed what she needed in one trunk. Leaving her room, she wondered if living with Jung Hwa would be the best choice? He would never harm her but she was a woman and for a woman to live with a man when they were not in a relationship should make her feel uncomfortable. Instead, Seoyeon felt it was much better than staying in her home alone after what happened.

"Only one trunk?" asked Jung Hwa who had leaned his back on the car he drove, "I thought you'll get more."

"I don't have much that I want to bring with me," answered Seoyeon to see Jung Hwa opening his door for her to enter.

"Come in," and once they entered the car, silence faded to their drive.

In order to fill the silence between them Seoyeon spoke, "Do you think the poison doesn't work on me because I'm a witch?" It somewhere made sense to Seoyeon because a witch made potion they must have a resistance against type of poison that was made by a human.

"Yes, that is one perk of being a witch I guess, I never know about it either but witches could die with poison made by other witch as it was written in the books, I guess even in the past white witches and dark witches don't work well with each other. They made potions to counter other's potion." Jung Hwa replied as their car went without noticing the car that went to the direction they left.

"You should try making a potion next time," Jung Hwa smiled in crinkling emotion as if he can't wait to make potion when he wasn't the witch.

Seoyeon somewhere think to agree with his words to use the power she has as a witch. "Using the book?" asked Seoyeon, wondering what else she could use to cultivate her power she didn't know yet.

"And the white witch we have in our disposal. We have him so why not use him?" asked Jung Hwa with a smile to hide the faint cruelty of his words.

It took a thirty minutes for them to stop at one apartment. Stepping out from the car, Seoyeon note of how tall the building was, even taller than any building she had seen for the past one week. It was almost as tall as Jung Hwa's company.

"Come here," Jung Hwa called her and she pulled her trunk for his hand to come and take the handle of the trunk, "I live in the highest floor of the building," he informed.

"The very top?" Seoyeon asked. When she was little she had questioned why people would want to buy the highest floor of the apartment. With how tall it was, she afraid they would fall if they live in the highest floor.

"I'm joking, I live in the thirtieth floor not to high, come on," Jung Hwa lead her inside. They went to the thirtieth floor and when the elevator opened, she saw a door immediately come in sight.

Jung Hwa pushed the door knob without a key and when the door open, Seoyeon saw the entire floor was decorated. The lights were on as if someone had stayed there and as if in time with her thought, came a man from the hallways.

"Master Hwa," greeted the man with a bow and Jung Hwa raised his hands to tell the man who seemed old to Seoyeon's eyes to stop bowing at him.

"Prepare a room for her, and a warm bath. You would like one, right?" asked Jung Hwa to Seoyeon.

"I would like that, thank you," she said and she heard the chuckle from Jung Hwa's mouth.

"If you keep saying thank you while you are staying here, it would be over a thousand times a day until the moon come again," Jung Hwa pulled his coat which was drenched with blood away. "I'll meet you later in dinner." and with the words, Jung Hwa left on his own way.

"I don't think I need dinner," whispered Seoyeon as Jung Hwa had left her words turned to her own mumble. She wasn't feeling hungry after today's ordeal.

"Miss, my name is Alfred, you could call call me in any time you needed. However, I will not be at home around one o'clock. Today is a special case," said the man politely and Seoyeon replied the older man's smile with another. She wondered what does he work for. "I work as the housekeeper in this house. Master Hwa's grandfather is the one who suggested the work here. May I know your name?"

"Seoyeon, Han Seoyeon," she named and the man nodded as if to take her note. with how the man replied to answer the question Seoyeon had in her mind, it questioned her if vampires in truth could read minds or that her mind was just easy to read. Just like Jung Hwa did? "Excuse me sir, are you a vampire?"

"You don't have to be polite to me Miss Seoyeon and yes I am a vampire," answered the housekeeper, and Seoyeon saw him reaching out his hand, "Should I show you the way, miss?"

Seoyeon followed the man who gave her a little tour to the house. It was known clearer to Seoyeon after that the whole floor of the apartment had become Jung Hwa's room. He lived alone and possibly it was because he moved from his grandfather's words as he told her before.

Walking around the place, Seoyeon was amazed with how clean and luxurious the place was, "Master Hwa rarely come here or bring anyone to stay here other than his best friend but that I remembered only happened once," informed the housekeeper.

Jung Hwa rarely use the house even though it was such a cozy and warm place? Somewhere, Seoyeon thought that was a pity but then seeing how he chose to stay with his grandfather meant he put his family in a special heart even if Jung Hwa doesn't show it on his expression, his action spoke louder.

"The house rarely have visitors so I am very glad to have one in a long time," added the housekeeper and Seoyeon noticed the smile came from a man was not only from politeness but delight as he said.

"Please take care of me," Seoyeon said, bowing to the man who bowed back at her.

"Of course, the bath should be ready now, this is your room. I'll be going to take care of the dinner now." Before the man left, Seoyeon thanked the man for his hospitable welcome. Entering the house, Seoyeon look at her room which was as large as her apartment room and to think it was only for a single room showed how large the place was.

Seoyeon took a bath, and walking out, she used her bath towel when she saw the figure that sat on the chair with his back facing her. In surprise, Seoyeon shrank back to the wall, "What are you doing here?" Jung Hwa was about to turn his face when she shouted, "No! Don't look here and look somewhere else! What are you doing inside my room!"

"I thought you need a partner to chat with," Jung Hwa reasoned but it would be a fool to believe his words.

"Don't lie to me," Seoyeon warned him while quickly taking her fresh clothes she placed on the bed as she had forgotten it and hid inside the bathroom.

"Believe me I'm not," Jung Hwa said in amused. He decided not to tell Seoyeon how without turning his body at her, he could caught her expression from the mirror which was placed on the desk in front of him now. "I came to give you some books that you would maybe like to read about."

"Leave it there," replied Seoyeon from the bathroom. Why can't that man learn how to give her a private space! Entering her room while she was bathing was a big no! Seoyeon could tell for sure that Jung Hwa knew she was was going to the bath as the man was the one who requested one to her.

"And there is one more thing," Seoyeon felt her heart jerk when she heard Jung Hwa's voice coming right in front of her. She could see that between the door, Jung Hwa was standing there.

"I told you not to move! Why did you move?" Seoyeon was separated by a door between her but it didn't make her embarrassment to lessen just because there was a door between them.

"You said not to turn my body before but you left and I cannot hear your voice so I came nearer. Little cat," whispered Jung Hwa.

"I'm not cat!" She quickly retorted while watering her clothes. She knew that if she delayed her reply, Jung Hwa who had started by walking near to her would later invite himself to the bathroom. "Can't you wait for me a little until I change my clothes to talk?"

"Okay," Jung Hwa conceded rather easily that Seoyeon doubted he was telling the truth. But she heard no more reply for him after she had shooed him away. Once she had wore her clothes, Seoyeon start by peeking her head from the bathroom to look around her room and find that he wasn't there.

How oddly obedient Jung Hwa today?

When she led her room, Seoyeon saw the man who stood right in front of her door as if waiting for her.. "What is it that you want to talk that you had to come to my room while knowing I was in bath?" Seoyeon asked with a doubtful eyes, her round eyes narrowed under Jung Hwa's gaze who watched her expression with a wide smile.

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