I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 169 - Premonition-III

"I forgot," replied Jung Hwa with a slightly disappointed face.

"You forgot?" That's all? "You are not making excuse to see me going out of bath aren't you?" Seoyeon questioned him with suspicions. Knowing how sly the vampire in front of her was, she could tell he hadn't entered her bedroom for no reason.

"If I do that, I would had gotten result but I didn't. Now that I remember, my aunt is living in my grandfather's house. I told you this, didn't I?" and seeing Seoyeon nod, Jung Hwa continued, "In case if you meet her, immediately call me she is as you have seen before someone who doesn't like a human."

"Will I meet her?" asked Seoyeon curiously and when she saw Jung Hwa walking from her room she followed behind him.

"If you keep living here you will reluctantly meet her. I have notified Alfred not to let her enter the house but compared to my aunt, he fail by being weaker," explained Jung Hwa, "Also, we will be going to meet the fortune teller tomorrow. I want to se your parent's grave and your blood related relatives but we can't tell if your uncle and aunt had notified the fortune teller to run away from us," Jung Hwa's lips widened in a smile.

"Okay," Seoyeon wondered what the fortune teller do by telling other's future. But was it all? She didn't know much about fortune teller except that they mostly say lies. As they sat down to eat, Seoyeon began to eat while being under Jung Hwa's constant gaze.

Seoyeon thought to remind him that there was his food in front of him that was left untouched but with the gaze, it was hard for her to bring her gaze up, "I'm not the food, right?"

"Hm, why do you think so, sweetheart?" asked Jung Hwa and he leaned forward, looking more interested in her than to eat.

Seoyeon stared back at his eyes which was still in red color that had her to narrow her eyes at him. "I think you realized how you have been watching me than your food right? You should eat, weren't you hungry?"

"Not that much," Jung Hwa replied, "Haven't I told you that food works differently in term of substance than blood for vampires?"

"You did." Then why was he here if he didn't want to eat?

"Because I want to eat with you that I am here," Jung Hwa said with a smile and he reached out his hand to take the end of her hair which still felt wet as droplets of water glided to the end. "I'm very praiseworthy and a great catch if I have to say for myself. Now that you are in my house, I get ways to seduce you and don't mind if I do."

Seoyeon watched Jung Hwa holding her hair, tugging it that made her to move forward and pulled it to place his lips on it. His eyes turned up and a fierce look came to settle that made Seoyeon involuntarily wanting to inch back in surprise. "You promised not to touch me." Her voice quivered.

"Touch as in what there are many words with the same meaning of touch. The literal meaning where I touch you with my hands, or if hands is out, I could use my lips, or if lips is also out, I still have many other ways I could use in my disposal. There is also the touch meaning where I pull you to my bed, doing what is more productive to me," Jung Hwa coolly replied and he watched Seoyeon's eyes turning wide as red splashes covered her cheeks.

"All..." Seoyeon felt her breaths leaving her, being beside him made her conscious to see his lips. Her heartbeat drummed again just as fast as she realized she was kidnapped but it appeared to palpitate far from fear. She licked her lips, "All of them, you cannot do all of them and don't speak that way again," she told him, her voice falling in whispers. Why was she whispering?!

"Like what, I am being honest you know. It's great to find someone who could speak truthfully with you. I never lied to you," Jung Hwa reminded and came a look from Seoyeon and she gave him a stink eye. "If you keep staring at me the way you did, we should resume our dinner and sleep in one room, what do you say?"

"Alfred made good food it will go to a waste if it become leftovers," saying it, Seoyeon brought her fork and bringing it up while her eyes staring at his palm as if wanting to prick his hand. "You should eat with me. It is not substantial but you could use it to provide you some energy. You know food gets better if they are eaten with someone else." Seoyeon tried to change the conversation which was leading to an adult conversation. Being in his house, Seoyeon decide not to provoke him.

"If you say so," Jung Hwa pulled his hand from her hair and Seoyeon watch his plate and cutlery set while her head bent. Seeing him taking the spoon, somewhere Seoyeon felt relieved as it would stop him from teasing her.

"Why don't you revert your eyes to black?" asked Seoyeon when she had finished her food, waiting for him to eat as he had proposed to eat together.

"I'm a little hungry," replied Jung Hwa who then placed the spoon beside his plate.

"But you are eating," answered Seoyeon with her eyes staring at his eyes. It was in the color of the red which was very different than any eyes of vampires she had seen. It was darker but at the same time lighter. As it grew closer to his pupil, the color turn darker while it glows around.

Jung Hwa chuckled, "Blood, Seoyeon not this kind of food."

"You should have drink blood before you eat then," said Seoyeon with a worried expression, "Your eyes had been red since we left the building did you restrain yourself from drinking blood?" Seoyeon clearly thought Jung Hwa had changed his eye color on his own whim without knowing how he had been holding his thirst.

"I'll call Alfred to bring you blood," said Seoyeon who knew Alfred must know where the blood packs were stored. She stood up from her seat, passing by Jung Hwa's chair when her hand was pulled and her body stumbled behind to fall on his laps.

"Hwa! I-ha" Seoyeon's breaths hitch when she felt Jung Hwa's lips stopped in her neck. As if to soothe her, his fingers trailed gently on her waist, holding her tight while being careful with who he was holding.

With her back facing him, Seoyeon can't see what expression he made but somewhere she thought his expression would be one she had never seen before. When her neck turn to see her face, his breaths brushed her skin, "Just for a moment like this. I will let you go after this."

Seoyeon didn't feel it was a comfortable seat to sit on Jung Hwa's lap but it wasn't something she would try to run away either. His hand wrapped on her and with his face pressed on the column of her neck, Seoyeon kept silence while hearing to his breathings which softly heard to her ears and her own heartbeat that was loud enough for her to hear

"I had a cat when I was young," started Jung Hwa which came unexpected to Seoyeon as she thought he would keep quiet, "It had a very bright golden eyes. It was a cat my mother had with her, she gave it to when I was ten. The cat possessed a very black fur which was very soft, like your hair but compare to the cat, I like your hair better," Jung Hwa hummed and one of his hand played with the texture of her hair.

Seoyeon didn't know what Jung Hwa was speaking of but she she didn't want to stop him from reminiscing his past. She used a softer voice, "What was the cat's name?"

"Halsteed," Jung Hwa replied, "He disappeared a year ago from my grandfather's house. It's ironic how you tried to get something so hard but only for it to run away."

Without knowing what to say, Seoyeon gradually felt less giddy while sitting on his lap. "Halsteed is a fancy name. Did you tried hard to get him?" Because it sounded that way from his words.

"Halsteed was originally a cat my father gave to my older brother. He didn't really like me and often ran away from me when I got him; but it was also the reason why I have taken a liking to him because if they don't like you, it means they were being honest with themself," Jung Hwa's hand then went to settle on her shoulder while he kept close  Seoyeon with him.

"But as for you, I want you to like me, to feel the love I feel for you. I want to keep you close," he whispered.

Seoyeon still couldn't tell the expression he made, she raised her hand that had no where to go and placed it over her his hand on her waist. "I am here you know," she whispered. Somewhere, Jung Hwa felt as if he was gloom but was he? Seoyeon still couldn't tell his emotion like he did to her.

Jung Hwa pulled away from her, turning her body around to the side with little effort. Seoyeon gripped to his arms out of surprised and she met his eyes. The intensity of his eyes hadn't reduced but then his grin was wide on his lips as if he had caught the prey he wanted. "You're right," he whispered.. "But that's not nearly enough."

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