I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 17 - I’m Being Followed?

Red glows?

Han Seoyeon rubbed her eyes confirming what she saw was like a pair of glowing red eyes but when she looked again, the glows disappeared.

Han Seoyeon stood there for a second, confirming the voice was Jung Hwa's voice but for her who doesn't have the vision of a cat which could see in the dark, she wasn't sure that the figure sitting on the desk was him. Her hand reached out to the switch and turned it on before exhaling a relieved breath.

Feeling relaxed that it wasn't anything frightening like thief or robbery, Han Seoyeon asked. "I thought you have went back home, CEO Jung?"

"You too, Secretary Han. I thought you had left the office earlier?" Jung Hwa replied with another question smoothly that even Han Seoyeon didn't notice him veering the conversation.

"I left my phone at the desk and came to take it."

Jung Hwa walked down from his desks, walking over toward her and made a small grin over his lips. "As my secretary, Ms. Han, you shouldn't be careless. Remember, a moment of careless could make a hundred mistake that you would regret later."

"Thank you for the reminder, CEO Jung, I will make sure not to be careless anymore."

"You don't like the dark?"

Han Seoyeon heard the sudden question and asked herself why would he suddenly ask her that. But, she still replied. "Yes, I haven't been fond of the dark since my childhood." Yet why is she saying this to him? Something about him made other's to easily speak of their situations. That's a prominent CEO for you, Han Seoyeon praised at her heart.

"Not fond of the dark." He repeated in a whisper. "Even though dark is calming and relaxing?"

"Well, dark can be different to everyone, CEO Jung. I found the dark to be suffocating and frightening." Han Seoyeon replied for him to sang a hum.

"Then, what do you like?" He asked again.

At this point, Han Seoyeon realized something. Perhaps, Jung Hwa is trying to study the new workers? It had never happened in her previous company before. But filling him with information isn't harmful, at least to her opinion.

She gave a good thought and replied. "I guess if I have to say, I love the sea."


"Being underwater feels calming, like how CEO Jung find darkness calming, I find the blue color of the sky is also breathtaking."

"Hm." He sang with amusement and a smile. His extended his hand toward Han Seoyeon's face, making her to feel surprised for a moment. She felt his hand brushing her hair, gently and her heartbeats picked up a few raises. She could feel his cold hand warming to her cheeks, brushing softly. After his bold confession that day in the cafe, she felt conscious to his small movements and his overall presence.

Jung Hwa picked up a leaf that stayed over her head the entire time and she heard him chuckled. "Do you know the character for the chocolate milk from N Company?"

Han Seoyeon who had been avoiding looking at his face since yesterday stared back at his face. Did he found riddle to be fun? As expected of someone strange, even their questions are strange. "If I'm not wrong it was a character of a little duck with a leaf on its head." She replied.

"You're correct." He confirmed, "I actually find the duck character with a leaf to be white adorable but you should really be a little more aware, Secretary Han. I find you a little slow."

Slow?! Han Seoyeon furrowed her brows and retorted in her heart. What part of me is slow?! She often received words from other people of her quick wit yet now she was told to be slow and it made her dissatisfied by his comment. She forgot that Jung Hwa this man is sarcastic to the bone. Although her lips were twitching again, her face still stayed the same with her business smile. She laughed lightly. "Oh my, I didn't notice that, but CEO Jung, I would recommend you to say that earlier especially to women. Because women often worried over their appearance you see."

"Is that so?" He asked. "But with me beside them, they shouldn't be too worried of their appearance anymore."

Han Seoyeon raised her brows, staring back at his confident eyes. "Why so, CEO?"

"Because I'm handsome enough for them to forget their own appearance." He laughed without a sense of embarrassment.

Han Seoyeon laughed back to join his laughter. His narcissistic is incurable, she thought.

"I could see that you understand my thinking, Secretary Han." He walked back to his desk with languid steps. "As my secretary one of your job is to make sure that my perfect image is as always perfect."

"Of course, CEO." Han Seoyeon replied professionally as she was the type of person who would do her best at her work and responsible for her action as how her mother had told her to. "Also, CEO Jung, I have a question." She added.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Tomorrow your schedule is written to be free from nine o'clock to attend a party held in Y Hotel. I didn't receive this schedule from the mails, should I reschedule it or come along to accompany you?" Han Seoyeon asked. Being his secretary when he attend a party for business matter it was normal for her to accompany him in case anything went wrong and also to weave their working relationship. But she didn't knew that there would be a party held util she re-read the new schedule from Kang Taehee.

"No need. It's a personal gathering of my acquaintance so you don't have to come. You go by bus, don't you? It's already late, you should go home now."

Han Seoyeon felt him slightly changing their conversation on purpose but didn't push any further as it wasn't her problem. "Yes." She bowed. "I will be leaving now, CEO. Good night."

Han Seoyeon walked three steps before turning and stared at his eyes. "I have a last question. CEO Jung, your eyes are black, right?"

Jung Hwa raised and eyebrow, pulling a grin. "Korean people have black eyes, Secretary Han. Of course I'm no different from others."

Receiving his words, Han Seoyeon didn't push the matter again. After all, she had been too busy the day before so perhaps due to fatigue her eyes were playing tricks on her.

After Han Seoyeon exited the room, Jung Hwa sat back on his desk, taking the tea cup with the red liquid and drank it silently. "She's too dense." He whispered. Not far from his desk, an empty plastic of a blood transfusion pack was still freshly laying out. His red eyes glanced to the wide window next to his left. The moon that sticking out it's silvery light now turned almost red as it reflected on his red eyes. "Really, she's too dense." He pulled his smile in delight, leaning to the wall beside him to tap his finger on the window and had his eyes following Han Seoyeon who was running to catch up her bus.

Due to forgetting her phone, when Han Seoyeon ran back to the bus station her eyes fixed at the time table and sighed. "I miss the bus." She looked at her watch having to wait for another extra eight minutes and quickly entered the bus to her house.

Although Han Seoyeon lived in frugality, her apartment wasn't as run-down as one would imagine. Bellow her apartment, there was a small newly opened cafe that fortunately lessened the price of the second floor which was her room. Hopping down from the bus, Han Seoyeon yawned and massage her own shoulders with a light tappings.

When she turned to another block, she suddenly felt a presence of someone following her and narrowed her eyes. I'm being followed? She cautiously didn't showed her vigilant expression and walked to another block and waited for the person who seemed to follow her came. But to her reply, what came was an old man riding a bicycle who didn't bat an eye on her and instead veered his way to the opposite direction of her.

She began to think again and was sure that she felt someone was following her, however, there was no one.

"As expected maybe I'm too tired.." She muttered and traced back her steps to her house.

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