I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 18 - Heart Thumping Moments

"She always intrigue me." The voice deeply echoed at the room. Jung Hwa sat at the black couch, crossing his leg with a deep expression after exiting his company, he decided to visit his friend.

"Is that so?" The man in front of him yawned. "My dear friend, CEO Jung, can you please not come to my apartment this late at night to discuss about something? Look at my pajama, you're smart enough to know that I need to sleep, right? Please have your newly brewed blood tea and if you want more you could have the extra blood transfusion packs in the back after that please go home. Unlike you a pure blood vampire who can go on without sleep for years, I'm still a human so I can feel this sleepiness."

"Half human you mean." Jung Hwa corrected. Park Hoon, the man who seated in front of him was his elder by a couple of decades and he was also one of his only fellow vampire friends as Jung Hwa had been a very conservative person since his childhood. Although Park Hoon was a vampire, he was once a human before he was turned to a vampire, thus making him a half vampire. To the vampire's society, however, half vampire was the lowest caste of them. Making them the most looked-down being in the society. To others, a pureblood's friendship with a half vampire was almost impossible as it meant a royal bonding a friendship with a peasants, but regardless of the warning of the society, Jung Hwa labeled his friend as a loyal one. And to him, having a loyal friend is a millions times better than having a traitor.

His friend gave up with a sigh. "Then, if you want to come and talk to me, I hope you could elaborate more of your story."

"It's confidential." Jung Hwa replied, taking the teacup which was filled with red liquid.

"Confidential?! Then why do you come here in the first place?! Do you think I'm your robot to hear your talk?"

Jung Hwa raises an eyebrow, feigning a surprised expression. "You're Not one, Park Hoon?"

"You have a bad taste in jokes. You have many subordinates under you pick one and they'll surely love to hear their young master's story even if they don't get to sleep for years." Park Hoon cursed under his breath. "So what is your Business here?"

"I met someone." Jung Hwa started.

Park Hoon quickly retorted. "Don't you meet everyone everyday?" And to these words, what Park Hoon received was a glare from his friend. He quickly pursed his lips to a thin line, waiting for Jung Hwa to continue.

"There's a woman who I met in an arranged marriage, I thought her as someone like the rest of the women I met and eventually said something rude to her and offended her."

Hearing her best Friend's love story which he had never heard before, Park Hoon became more beguiled by the story and hurried. "Then?"

"She got angry and threw water over me." He added.

Park Hoon gasped, turning his head while rubbing his chin. "That woman is very rude. How can she does that in a marriage meeting, it's not something a woman would usually do-"

"Shut up." Jung Hwa said.

Park Hoon wrinkled his lips, why would he be the one to be offended when they're talking of someone else? You shouldn't ask me anything if you don't want me to say anything!! Unfair jerk.

"So, what's the problem? It's not like she stole your life or wallet anyway. Well, stealing your wallet doesn't inflict a financial loss at you anyway?" He paused and added lazily. "Or perhaps you fell for her or something?"

Jung Hwa turned his eyes at Park Hoon, having a face written 'Unexpectedly, you catch up pretty fast.'.

Seeing this expression, Park Hoon choked. He swept the corner of his mouth hastily. "What?! You really fell for her after she throw you water?! I thought it was strange why you have never been in a relationship and come up with a guess that you're gay and perhaps like me or something, but thankfully, you actually inclined to a masochistic tendency."

Hearing this, Jung Hwa turned to almost choke from his words. "What did you say?"

"Just a guess, a guess." Park Hoon smirked, feeling a drip of cold seat running from his cheek. He was too surprised by the new discovery that he blurted out all his thoughts. He quickly veered the conversation hastily. "So, let me guess you came here to consult how to make her fall for you, right?"

"You have been engaged twice, so yes." Jung Hwa's words stabbed through Park Hoon's unsealed wound. "Do you have to remind me that?"

"Ah, I forgot, it's three times, right? Since she left before the engagement." Jung Hwa hummed and gave a troubled expression. "Now I'm worried, should I really ask you?"

"You jerk." Park Hoon cursed but as friends since primary school, he had gotten use to Jung Hwa's unconditional sarcasms. "Even if I've broke up from the three times engagement, I knew many things! They do say experience come with wisdom after all."

"Are you sure you should be saying that?"

"Shut up." Park Hoon clutched his wounded up heart. He pulled himself together. Narrowing his eyes, he became more serious and stern. "But wait, this woman you're seeing is she a human being or a fellow vampire?" He asked.

Jung Hwa took his blood tea. "What's the difference?"

"Of course it's different! Human and Vampire fell in love from different aspects anyway." Jung Hwa gave a nod of understanding and replied curtly. "She's a human."

"A human." Park Hoon mumbled, "You see, Hwa in a relationship, there are five stages you have to ever come."

"Five stages?" Jung Hwa nodded. "What five stages?"

"I will tell you three and the rest of the two is when you have made her your girlfriend." He spoke like a specialist in the ground of romance. "First! At the moment, the women you're aiming for doesn't hold an interest at you. So what you should do? You should be more forward with your feeling. But!"

"But what."

"But you shouldn't be too forward either! Women hates it when you're too forward to your feeling or like confessing suddenly. That's only what an amateur would do. In case you do it, I'm telling you from the start you're about to go on a sharp cliff of failure!"

Jung Hwa who lived with confidence since his childhood choked again when he heard his words. Confessing suddenly, isn't that what he did?

The word failure echoed to his mind.

Jung Hwa tightened his grip on his cup, his tone grew freezingly cold as he asked. "So what are you suggesting?"

Park Hoon shrugged off the chill he felt from his friend and cleared his throat along with his nervousness. "As a man, you should show your manliness that would ,als her admire you. You have heard that women's love started from admiration and men's love began from interest?"

"Good idea." Jung Hwa replied. "But there's no way one wouldn't admire me. There are endless of people lining with admiration after they saw me."

Narcissistic as always, Park Hoon remarked lightly. "This is different, Hwa. Women need to have a moment called 'Heart-thumping moments'." To this, Jung Hwa hummed in response.

Park Hoon grinned and continued, "This heart-thumping moments varied. You could act smoothly, doing small things that could shortened the distance between you two or perhaps make an accidental physical contact. Or perhaps if you are a careful person, ask her on a date, create the situation where there's only you two around and proceed to seduce her!"

Jung Hwa showed an amazed expression at Park Hoon who had his shoulder perk up with pride. Regardless of the fact that he had to break off his engage twice, Park Hoon actually did had some insight on romance which he never could understand at first. It was certainly a good choice to sought him out as asking his grandfather would only lead to many other troubles.

"As expected asking someone who had been in a relationships is a good choice." When he was done with his tea Jung Hwa stood up, fixing his suit that looked utterly uncomfortable to Park Hoon's eyes and nodded. "Thank you for today. You're unexpectedly diligent in this unlike your work at the company. I would be glad if you could work the way you are now. I will meet you tomorrow at the night gathering." He stated and left, leaving Park Hoon speechless by his sudden arrival and disappearance.

He placed down his hot chocolate mug and crossed his arm when he remembered remember something and shouted. "Hey! Hwa! I haven't told you the rest two things-" yet his friend had left and he only sat down, muttering. "Well he's gone. Falling in love with a human." Park Hoon leaned to the back of the couch. "I never thought that out of everyone, he would be the one to fall for a human." Tapping his finger Park Hoon looked away at the night sky. Since long before, a relationship between a human and a vampire was never a good story to hear as it's ending would only end up with tragedy.. He could only hope, his junior and friend Jung Hwa wouldn't meet the same fate as his parents.

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